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Posts posted by darknemus

  1. I personally think we should go by these criteria:

    A. If your nick is in all lowercase, you're in.

    B. If your nick is nine characters long, you're in.

    C. If you're a "News Reporter", you're in.

    If all of these methods fail - then I stongly suggest we go with a random alphabetical order... Perhaps we'll start with the letter... hmmm.... let me think.... now, this is ENTIRELY RANDOM - I just drew it from a hat. Ok, we'll start with 'd'.


    In all sincerity, I hope we all get tickets that want them. Good luck to everyone!


  2. OG,

    I said I prefer the new stuff to some of the older tracks, yes. I don't recall singling out what tracks I preferred it to. However, good job putting words / thoughts into my mouth. (I did use the word 'most', I see - but I wouldn't say thats a fair representation.. I'd say better than about.. hmm, 1/3 of what I've heard in the past)

    I didn't back down on my "evolve or die" statement at all. Axl's musical stylings have obviously evolved... for the most part, the rest of the guys just wanted to keep playing the dirty, gritty, bluesy rock they're known for. I don't take that away from them - at all.

    As far as Axl's mental issues go - dude, watch the CBGB's DVD. Even there, its apparent Axl has delusions of grandeur and a concept of the band that they weren't ready for. (Specifically the after-concert autograph signing session when he's talking to slash about huge stage shows and everything else) Like I said, thats what he wanted from pretty much the beginning. Hell, listen to the spoken parts of the Hollywood Rose demos.. its obvious he was even a control freak then.

    I'm sure that anyone who met him during those times would realize these things about him. I also think his personality quirks and the like help to contribute greatly to the material he makes - again, my opinion.

    Since its obvious you and I have differing opinions on this (and neither is going to change any time soon, I'd think) I'd suggest we just agree to disagree for the time being. When / if CD comes out, we'll readdress this and see just what the deal is at that point, ok?


  3. How can I say he's a "Smart business guy"?

    He owns the GNR name - the other guys don't. Even if nothing else is ever released, that, in my opinion, was a smart business decision.

    By the way, "kid" (as you seem so fond of calling all the other posters who disagree with you). Don't flick me off. I didn't do anything to you to deserve such.. praise.

    Stop being a caustic prick. Fine, you think GNR 1.0 is better than GNR now. Its all good. I'm very proud of you. I hope that thinking helps you to sleep better at night. I, on the other hand, actually PREFER the new material to most of what I've heard before. I feel the new stuff is good - classic Axl voice / stylings with more contemporary and explorative musical stylings. Thats MY OPINION though - and doesn't mean its everyones.

    As far as the other guys "dealing with Axl" - umm, they knew what they were getting into when they agreed to work together all those many years ago. Leopards don't change their stripes. So either they can deal with it - or they can't. The fact that they all left the project pretty much shows me they can't. I don't dislike them for that - but like I said, they KNEW what they were getting into.


  4. I've seen the original lineup four times. I was slated to see the new lineup twice, both shows got cancelled. (West Palm Beach & Tampa, FL)

    I feel the 13 year+ wait has been very much worth it. I further feel that this *IS* GNR, even without Slash / Duff / Izzy / etc.

    Bottom line is, Axl's a smart business guy. He bought the name, its his to do with as he pleases. He's hired talented musicians to help him continue what he wants Guns to be.

    Now, not everyone might agree with that - but the thing is, its HIS decision. He owns GNR - he can do whatever he wants with it.

    When CD comes out - you'll have people screaming "Where's Slash', true. But you'll also have people going "Wow, this is amazing" - just like any other music thats released by, well, anyone. There will always be diffeing opinions. Given the previews of material we've heard so far, I, for one, am looking very forward to "Chinese Democracy" and view it as another stage in the evolution of GNR.

    Evolve or die. The other guys didn't want to - oh well.. Axl moved on. It'd be nice if some of the fanbase would, too.


  5. omg. :lol:

    When I got a magnifying glass out and looked at it closer, I think you're right!

    Either Trent is really having fun messing with Gunners' heads -- or we're seeing things that aren't there. But the head with the bandanna definitely looks like Axl. :laugh:

    Yeah, if you save the pic local and zoom in with it, you can definitely tell its our red headed friend.


  6. If the story is true, then Axl was at Stereo Thursday night. Dunno how much I believe it, though. Even though yes, its pretty amusing.

    Link: http://entertainment.excite.com/celebgossi..._12_2006_7.html



    WELCOME to Manhattan's nightlife jungle, Axl Rose. The fascinatingly mercurial Guns 'N Roses frontman fled club Stereo late Thursday night after a drunken fan inadvertently spat in his eye. Axl, sporting braids in a ponytail and looking puffy in a white sweater, was tolerating the sloppy dude's boozy line of questioning until some spittle landed on his contacts. "Axl started yelling, 'My [bleep]ing eyes! My contacts," reports our spywitness. "He became irate. He ran out of the club with one eye closed and knocked over Stephon Marbury on his way out the door. He left his whole entourage behind." The eye-closing experience was the final stop of the night for the easily enraged Rose.

    Isn't Stephon Marbury a basketball player?


  7. Subs, anyway you can edit the bullshit part of the original post? It's intentionally mis-leading and flat out lies. The Business Wire release should be the only one used. It's obvious Slash didn't go to Axl's house or say that shit about Duff; just blabbermouth being a poor man's National Enquirer.

    Mysteron has now said in three or four different posts over on HTGTH that the full press release DOES contain the text about Slash. Also says that others would have gotten "the full release". I don't think the guy is lying, he is in touch with Merck relatively often as it is.


  8. "Photograph"?..... you've got to be kidding me... surely he isn't referring to Photograph by Nickelback. If so, then while i do like the fact that axl is getting positive press for once..... this author's story is totally discredited by claiming that "photograph" is a good rock song... Christ. PHOTOGRAPH?!??!?! I've taken pisses that have sounded better than photograph... "Look at this toilet bowl"

    He's referring to "Photograph" by Def Leppard. Not Nickelback.


  9. Here's the link: http://www.laweekly.com/music/12763/smokin/

    And, the story:

    Kurt Cobain must be spinning ’round like a record in his grave. For all of the noise about the supposed cultural/musical paradigm shift created by Nirvana cleansing the world of supposed dinosaurs like Def Leppard, how is it that in 2006 rock music is flabbier and more toothless than ever? I’d trade a dozen of these knee-biting emo dorks for just one song that could hang with “Photograph.”

    The only son of a bitch with enough piss, vinegar and kill-’em-all attitude to shove an M-80 up rock’s collective ass right now is Axl Rose. And from the sound of the recently leaked new Guns N’ Roses song “I.R.S.” — from the eternally forthcoming Chinese Democracy album — he’s ready to blow shit up.

    Classic rock radio station KLOS-FM snuck “I.R.S.” in during a block of GN’R, and the song fit like a glove. Opening with a flash of Led Zeppy acoustic guitars and pedal-steel accents, it soon explodes into a rush of Buckethead’s psychedelic power chords and Rose’s psychotic nasal whine. Rose sounds great, confidently working his upper register and showing more vocal control than ever. He nails confessional lines like “Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve been wrong/Wouldn’t be the last time should have gone/All the rumors I can tell/Some things didn’t work so well.” It may be a shot of desperation from the last of the Mohicans, but it’s a direct hit.

    My money’s on Axl Rose saving the day in 2006, akin to what Mariah Carey did for the pop children last year.

    Who you got?

    I think its a great story. Especially this line:

    The only son of a bitch with enough piss, vinegar and kill-’em-all attitude to shove an M-80 up rock’s collective ass right now is Axl Rose


  10. Cool beans.

    Axl, try smiling for a pic, even once, though? Seriously, its not gonna kill off the brooding rock star thing.. people will still remembeer "I'll take it God Damnit!" - mark my words.


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