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Dr. Who

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Posts posted by Dr. Who

  1. I actually think The Phantom Menace was a great film. I actually think it was the only one of the lot as good as the originals. It had that sense of adventure, whimsy and purity that the first movie had.


    Go back and watch ROTJ without nostalgia goggles sometime. Same tone as Phantom, same jokeyness...And it even feels low budget to boot. ROTJ is only saved by the scenes between Vader, the Emperor and Luke.

  2. I love NR, Estranged, Breakdown, Coma and Locomotive as much as any GN'R fan; that is, a lot.

    But...Are they a tad too long?

    They all run in the 8-9 minute range; Coma tops it off at 10 minutes.

    Now compare that to other epic rockers, like Bohemian Rhapsody - 6 minutes; Layla, 7 mins etc.

    Do you think the epics on the UYIs at times stretch on for too long?

  3. I actually think The Phantom Menace was a great film. Not as great as the original trilogy, but no worse than ROTJ.
    Attack of the Clones was probably the shittiest film I've seen in the theater (and I got dragged to see Twilight in the theater)

    Revenge of the Sith was a C grade film.

    People hate on Phantom but I actually think it was the only one of the lot as good as the originals. It had that sense of adventure, whimsy and purity that the first movie had. I

  4. We all like different songs and there are no "right" songs to like. How anyone can shit on anyone's parade by at length and at repeat tell how much they dislike a song someone else likes, and even make it their predominant reason for posting at a forum, is and has always been completely beyond me. I can't even begin to understand how anyone would take pleasure in that. If someone likes something I don't, then more power to them. I don't get it.

    Is it really beyond you though? the reason is always the same, at least for those who repeatedly never fail to mention and express their dislike.

    It's just bitter old Guns fans coping with the fact Slash is no longer in the band and Axl fucks up a lot.

    Those who really don't like Chinese but are over Slash not being in the band for almost 20 years don't really express themselves with that level of frustration, anger, and bitterness.

    Even if they deny they're doing it, it's still my opinion that a small percentage of people here are very bitter and I can even understand why that is.

    As they see it, Axl is mainly the guy who was responsible for ruining their favorite or one of their favorite bands. They just can't help themselves shitting on new Guns.

    The Gn'R camp and Axl only worsen the whole situation.

    Can I just say that I personally feel that Scraped/OMG belong in the cistern of a toilet, not due to Slash and some misguided notion of ''GN'R politics'', but because they belong, in the cistern of a toilet. Ago tibi gratias.

    Perfectly reasonable if you don't say it's basically shit 50,000 times a year. And it's an open forum, so whatever, but like I've said, most fans of Chinese here know exactly what people that dislike the album think about it.

    And I'd imagine you and others like you who thinks it's shit, you know that as well.

    So again: the only logical conclusion is that's your way of coping with what you don't approve of. You can call it jokes, but it does contain an element of bitterness and sometimes fans of Chinese are the ones who can't discuss music we enjoy just cause of all the old baggage some people here still carry.

    Also, feeling CD is the 'worst album of all time' or 'shit' IMO goes beyond an objective opinion and to me is tinged by the bitterness you speak of.

    • Like 1
  5. Both of these songs feature an anthemic, catchy feel to them, an experimental edge, a real display of Axl trying to do something different rather than play it safe. Oh My God features some of Axl's best lyrics and has an awesome solo and rhythm parts; while Shackler's features Axl's best vocals on Chinese Democracy and while not as great lyrically as OMG, features Axl where he's most at home: Singing an aggressive, angry rock song.

    Anyone else agree?

    • Like 1
  6. The thing is, Bucket can pretty much do anything musically. Any subgenre of rock he can probably handle. Being in Axl's band probably bored him even on a musical level when you think about it. Bucket has a mystique and a unique persona and aura about him that makes him pretty fascinating. He's the kind of guy that can give you an epic '70s style solo (see TWAT) probably without much effort.

    Bumble, while a nice guy in some ways, always struck me as very generic - lacking any mystique or charisma that is essential for a lead guitarist. He also comes off as quite dramatic and passive aggressive; beyond that, musically, he's very much a one trick pony - generic shed metal. He's the kind of guy I'd imagine teaching kids at a guitar shop much easier than I'd imagine him being the lead guy in a major rock band. He just doesn't have that 'it' factor that the great lead guitarists like Jimmy Page, Slash, Joe Perry, Mick Taylor, etc had/have.

  7. I would say BBF is good at what he does: Shred based guitar playing, but that he didn't fit in GN'R (even "new" GN'R) as he is not at all an emotive player. Whereas Bucket could be both emotive and technical, Bumblefoot simply doesn't do that bluesy sound well at all and that's part and parcel of any iteration of GN'R. Even the riffs and licks he added here and there - say for example to Chinese Democracy (the song) weren't really up to par with the other players.

  8. Do you think Gilby would've been an asset to GN'R - songwriting wise - if given the chance? Or did he lack the chops, as Axl felt?
    As evidence, with Slash he did the first Snakepit album, and there is his first solo record which has contributions from all Gunners including Axl.

  9. If that guy joins Guns im done.

    Jesus, is he that poorer than Ashba. I had never realised?

    I get what youre saying...but for me at least, when Ashba first joined Guns i thought he would have a positive impact on Guns. He respected the past, wanted to create, had a good relationship with Axl, and i thought he had a good grasp on what a GNR record should sound like if given the chance to write with the band. Obviously this was before all the "swag" and before he exposed himself pretty much as a fraud, a hack, and a complete wanker with all the social media shit. With that said, theres no way id want anyone from Evanescence, Korn, Limp Bizkit, etc., etc., or anyone else from the "nu-metal" genre to ever be associated with Guns in any way. So yeah id consider that worse.

    Evanescence wasn't "nu metal"

    Also, this Terry guy wasn't even the original guitarist for either Limp Bizkit or Evanesence. He's a replacement from another band replacing a replacement for Guns.

    The first Evanescence record (Fallen) is great, it even has Josh Freese on drums.

  10. What's so bad about Evanesence? Their guitar stylings don't suit Guns obviously different genre but as a band I think they were great.

    I thought you were a male?


    Yeah, and? I enjoy all types of music and I don't see anything wrong with their music.

    Their music is no more 'emo' lyrically than Estranged or This I Love.


    Explain? Have you ever actually listened to any of their music?

  11. What's so bad about Evanesence? Their guitar stylings don't suit Guns obviously different genre but as a band I think they were great.

    I thought you were a male?


    Yeah, and? I enjoy all types of music and I don't see anything wrong with their music.

    Their music is no more 'emo' lyrically than Estranged or This I Love.

  12. Cobain was Christ reborn, the Harry Potter, golden boy with the guitar. He invented rock n' roll, not that fuckin' poseur Chuck Berry or that pretender Cobain. Sid Vicious wished he could be Kurt Cobain man. Kurt Cobain was the promised Messiah and then you know, Axl tried to stop him and Courtney had him executed, man. It was part of the CIA man cause Kurt was leading a revolution of unwashed hair and you know epic angsty lyrics. Man. Kurt Cobain was God, man. Hendrix wished he had as much talent as Kurt man.

    • Like 1
  13. I'm fairly certain the theme for Spectre will be recorded by Ellie Goulding, but now there's a rumor Radiohead might do it.

    Either way I'm pretty sure we'll find out soon. I think Another Way To Die came out in August and Skyfall came out in October, so maybe we'll get it in September?

    Edit: Also, here's something to make a few of you throw up

    I'm fairly certain the theme for Spectre will be recorded by Ellie Goulding, but now there's a rumor Radiohead might do it.

    Either way I'm pretty sure we'll find out soon. I think Another Way To Die came out in August and Skyfall came out in October, so maybe we'll get it in September?

    Edit: Also, here's something to make a few of you throw up

    Pierce was a great Bond as an actor, he was just handed horrid material in his last two films.

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