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Dr. Who

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Posts posted by Dr. Who

  1. I'd like to hear a statement from Axl on this

    Beta currently has him locked in his room and has had all the phones and the internet disconnected in Axl's house. She, Jarmo and Fermanager are plotting on the best way to stop this and kill a GN'R reunion for good.

    So how did Slash manage to talk to him in the first place?

    Chance meetup somewhere outside of the house with Mama Beta not there?

  2. Axl's camp has been really quiet thus far. He has to be recieving messages at this point.

    I agree that this was more of an Axl thing though. I don't see him seeking TB's advice on the matter.

    Yeah, but Marc Canter has said Beta 'hates Slash' apparently more than Axl ever did. She might say "Either you don't talk to/reunite with Slash...or I leave your life."

  3. This is seriously the best news ever. Feels like Christmas has come early. Like I'm Harry Potter living under the cupboard at Privet Drive and Hagrid's just walked his fat ass in and said "Ey, you're going to Ogwarts, 'Arry". Like Fred Astaire did a goddamn tap dance in Heaven for God to make this happen.

    Lol, celebrate when there's actually a reunion.

    This is the first step to a reunion. A giant leap.

  4. I don't think TB are overly involved in this either, Fernando it's time to clarify as the news it out now ;-)

    It does seem to me that Axl has reached out to Slash and vice versa (perhaps through Duff or lawyers) to end the feud. Where it goes now is entirely up to the band members.

    My gut tells me TB will do their best to stand in the way of any reconciliation and will probably feed Axl lies to end the renewed friendship. They hate Slash.

  5. The story is starting to reach other news outlets now.

    This had to be planned. I'm willing to bet this was discussed and they decided to casually leak this informaton in this fashion. There's no way Slash lets that type of info slip accidently. They knew it would gain traction almost immediatey and then spread like wild fire. Just let Slash casually mention it in an interview and let it grow on it's own. No big announcement no hoop la just a crumb for people and we and the media will turn it into a feast. This is awesome news and it's going to be real interesting to see what, if anything comes next.

    How much are you willing to put in escrow on that bet?

  6. Let's not go crazy, guys.

    There is no way in hell that axl will ever admit that his takeover of was the colossal failure it turned out to be.

    Chidem failed. NuGNR failed. Not just in a small way, but COLOSSALLY.

    Axl will never admit it. Instead, he'll just hide in his mansion while Team Brazil draws up plans to divide up his corpse once he dies.

    Also, look at what Slash has become. He's an institution. There's a lot of smart business going on with Slash. Do you really think he'll put a pin in his business and become an employee of Beta and Fernando?

    So yeah, it's nice that axl thawed enough to say hi to slash. But in all reality, this is where it will end.

    You can only hope. Those GN'R instrumentals were sure better than those crappy songs that had Axl on vocals back in the 80s and 90s, eh?

  7. The way Slash immediately makes the reunion talk off limits says a LOT in my opinion. I've never seen him do that. usually he beats aroudn the bush, says it would be cool, says it's not up to him, says it would be fun or something but I don't recall him ever being so blunt in shutting down that topic. And saying "I can't answer that" also says a LOT. It's like he doesn't want to talk abut it because it is possible, he knwows it's possible but doesn't want to open the can of worms just yet so instead of following up what is essentially him saying he's friends with Axl again with "A reunion would be great" he simply says absolutely nothing. It speaks volumes. If he simply said no it won't happen nobody would believe him because it's too opposite from what he's been saying for years. He can't say yes just yet, so instead it's like he told us we're on a need to know basis.

    It's gonna happen.

    It's probably under heavy discussion which is why he didn't want to talk about the topic. Don't want to fuck up whatever's going on behind the scenes.

  8. This is no time for negativity and the usual bile. Isn't this what people have been wanting to hear for years? Is this not perhaps the first step toward something great?
    Axl and Slash, before this, hadn't spoken or traded words since 1996. Now that they're talking, PERHAPS a lot of shit and miscommunication on both sides can be cleared up, perhaps leading to something more.

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  9. cant watch the video, im having a lot of issues trying to load it on iPad.

    Can somebody transcribe what Slash has said?

    Interviewer: I heard you made friends with Axl Rose again, how was that possible after all these years?

    Slash: It was, it was, it was probably way overdue, you know, but uh, it's, it's very cool at this point, let some of that - dispel some of that negative stuff that was going on for so long?

    Interviewer: So, will the Guns N' Roses ever perform together again?

    Slash: (Chuckle) Oh, I couldn't answer that...

    Interviewer: Why


    Slash: Let's get off the subject, that's an old one.

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