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Posts posted by dontdamnmeuyi2015

  1. Shawn will probably sleep with her today.  He is a dummy these days. I read the actress that plays Belle is leaving so their marriage will probably be over soon.

    I know Thomas and Hope are super hot.  i really don't like that Ridge is being so mean to his dad. I mean Eric's working with RJ is very cool and from what I see the designs are amazing. What is wrong with him? lol

    Oh yeah, it's true about Lois (Rena) coming back to GH. My mom remembers when Lois was married to Eddie (Ned) and they had Brooklyn. This should be very cool. I feel badly for Lucy but stupid Martin is the one who has gotten her in trouble. I hope this doesn't end their company and then Lucy is off the show. I love her.

    Well, we will be back into the 90's again.  I don't get happy until around NOvember. lol

    Have a good weekend. Enjoy time with your cats. It's a proven fact they do help humans feel better when you pet them.

  2. It seems that's what TWD universe is doing. 6 episodes and the a break and the same.

    Fear the Walking Dead comes back October 22 for the last episodes as this series is ending.

    Yeah, I felt the same way about the vibe of this show. It seems whereever Daryl goes trouble follows. lol I hate that the woman lied and got Daryl a target on is back.

    I do hope that if/when these series ends Daryl meets up with Rick and Michonne and they go back to America to be reunited with the original members and their kids. That would be a very cool way to end the series.

    • Like 1
  3. I know it's hard to lose a loved one.  It's true to tell the people you love how much you love them. Like you we are in Texas and my grandparents were in NY. My mom feels that if we still lived there they would have gotten better care, but who knows?

    Life isn't fair to us, but we have to go on and remember the good times.  I agree watching our soaps and other shows does help.  They have problems we will never have. lol

    I guess we take comfort in knowing our loved ones are not suffering anymore. 

    I'm glad you have your brothers to help you through this and help you with your dad's affairs.

    I'm sure your cats are happy you are back home. 

    Take care and remember we will always have our memories and eventually they will make us smile again.

    • Thanks 1
  4. Watched a lot of shows about 9/11 yesterday. Still remember the stories and the faces. Still hard to believe.

    My brother lost two friends that day.  So many sad stories and lives lost, but also so many brave people who stepped up and did what they needed to do.

    that's what we should all honor and remember.

  5. it seems there are a lot of bands cancelling or reschedule concerts due to illness. pretty sure some of them are getting covid again.

    I have some more concerts coming up in October and December. Hope none of them cancel and I hope we all stay healthy and get through this new strain of the virus yet again.

  6. Saw my doctor today for my checkup.

    got my flu shot too.

    Also was told they have had some patients calling for testing positive for covid. 

    It's still out there even if some people refuse to believe it.

    New vaccine is on it's way and I will defnitely get it.

    Kim from North Korea took a long train ride to Russia. First China now North Korea. 

    Pretty soon they are all gearing up for the next WW.  With these three crack pots talking and meeting each other, it can't be good.

    I hope the US and it's allies are ready for this.

  7. Covid is spreading like crazy again in the Texas schools. 

    I hope the new booster comes out soon. I don't like having to worry about this shit yet again.

    I knew this virus would be a bitch.

    stay well guys.

    On 9/1/2023 at 12:28 PM, ZoSoRose said:

    I think this is just how it will be now. It’s another sickness that will always circulate. Luckily, we have lots of ways to fight it including vaccines and treatments 

    Exactly. We have to take care of ourselves and those we love. 


  8. On 7/30/2023 at 7:54 AM, metallex78 said:

    Finally watching Only Murders in the Building. Half way through season 2 and loving it. Glad there will be another season coming out too

    Love this show too. Steve Martin, Martin Short and Selena Gomez make one great team. Love their chemistry. Just started the new season. Love this show. Funny and I love a good mystery.

    • Like 1
  9. Heels  This is a great show.

    On 8/1/2023 at 1:39 AM, jamillos said:

    From. A mysterious village from which you can't get out and weird things happen there. Two series already out, pretty exciting stuff. 


    This show is awesome. I have watched it from the beginning. Can't wait to see the next season. The producers said after the 5th season we will find out exactly what is going on?  I was hooked from the first episode. The ending to this season has me so puzzled.  But in a great way.

    • Like 1
  10. So very sorry to hear about your dad's passing.   Sometimes I feel saying your sorry is not enough, but I really am.

    My mom lost both her parents to cancer and even though it's over 20 years, we still miss them and think about them often.

    It is very hard to lose a parent for sure.  I feel like you do lose a part of yourself, but being with family and friends helps.

    We talk about my grandparents and laugh about all the great times we had, but yes the pain is still there.

    I know it is hard, but you will get through the other side. Feel all the feelings you need to. It's important to do that.

    Again, so very sorry. 

    Don't worry about the soaps, they and I will still be here.

    • Thanks 1
  11. Well, Asking Alexandria was indoors and we got VIP tickets so before the concert we saw them do an acoustic show and a Q&A. They performed "Numb" by Linkin Park. They have been one of my favorites bands since before they were known, so it was touching to my mom and I. I asked Danny, the singer, why that song? Anyway, it was super cool because before they left I told Danny about my favorite song of theirs and how much it means to me. Very cool guys too. The drummer has an Annabelle tattoo. We asked what he would get nexted? My mom told him to get The Nun. They laughed. He has a little son and figured she would scare him. My mom said he would get over it. They laughed. My daughter has known about horror movies since she was little and we always told her it was make up and make believe. She's even been to a Texas Frightmare and loved it.

    Anyway, yeah, I was surprised about Bold too. Oh well.  I'm with you can't stand Deacon and Sheila. They make me sick. lol

    I wonder what Finn will do when Steffy leaves again? He needs to tell Ridge that Sheila won't stay away from him.

    I was reading the next two weeks of GH and this story with Sonny, and Mason and Cyrus will go on forever. I really want it over and done with. Why so long? 

    Anyway, GHOST is tomorrow we have seats and under the roof. Hopefully, it won't be too bad. Supposed to be 102, but dropping to 70's at night. It's better than the 112 we had at Rob and Alice.

    All our shows in October are indoors thank goodness. 

    Days of our lives is new today on peacock.

  12. My mom's friend works in an elementary school and she said already there are kids with covid again.

    Dammit. I went back to wearing a mask when I went to Walmart yesterday. 

    It seems just when you start to relax something else comes along. That's life.

  13. Yeah, my mom used to watch AMC, OLTL and GH and then added Days. She used to watch Port Charles too. She was a stay at home mom so she had plenty of time to watch them before getting us from school. 

    I know I wish Sasha would get out of there and go to another mental hospital that would really help her. I really hate that doctor so much. 

    I read fall previews online and plenty of stuff is going to happen on all the soaps.  There is a rumor Ted Knight might show up on GH again. He might be the bigger boss. lol Crazy. I agree Gladys will do what's good for her. She's so horrible. Once this is all sorted out, she'll be on the next plane back to Conn. lol 

    I agree love watching the soaps. It takes your mind off everyday stuff.

    Have a great weekend.

    Going to see Asking Alexandria in concert tonight and going to the Meet and Greet. My mom is coming too. We love the same music. lol A little anxious in meeting them. Should be fun though.

    Temps are going back into the 100's again. Thank goodness tonight's concert is indoors.

  14. Lily was on a long time ago. Not sure when, but she died in a car explosion done by her father because he didn't want her to be with Sonny. I guess she could have lived to have a baby because she was pregnant, but Betty would be too young. Anyway, she's gone I hope for good.

    Yeah, I remember that guy was with Maxie. Sometimes I forget all these characters lol

    If Finn and Steffy get back together you know Sheila will mess it up again. I wish she would just be gone already.

    Today President Biden interrupted GH's last 20 minutes. I will have to On Demand it tonight. He couldn't wait 20 more minutes. I'm so sick of all these politicians. lol

    Days is a good soap so you might just like it.

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