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Posts posted by janrichmond

  1. speaking as someone who saw GNR in91,92,93 it's really sad how his vocals have deteriorated to  this level. I never got into the nu guns so i didn't know how bad he got, lots of people are saying his voice is the 'best it's been for years' truly amazes and saddens me.I don't mean to be nasty but it is a shock.Sorry.

  2. 2 hours ago, DieselDaisy said:

    The letter has a point - especially about AC/DC and their fan-centric approach when juxtaposed with Axl who generally treats his fans like something he has stepped in.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not and never will go to these shows, but a youtube clip of a guy running on stage and kicking Rose in the balls would make me laugh.

    Might help with the vocals;)

  3. 3 minutes ago, Pedrolg said:

    Those reviews are unbelievable. They mostly give Axl shit for 1) having a broken foot and not being able to dance and 2) being professional. It is ludicrous. He is being criticized for being polite with the growd, looking happy and playing on time. 

    I wish he'd show up 2 hours late next week, piss on a cup and throw it in the crowd, go on a rant about cocksucking hipsters, play one in a million and storm off. That'd be "vintage" and "dangerous"

    Ahhh but would they stream it?:P

  4. Just now, donny said:

    izzy turned up to play 14 years and a few other songs in london 2012

    slash put a drawing on twitter yesterday of someone "ripped in two" could that be a clue they have been rehearsing dust n bones ?

    OMG i saw that tweet and didn't think it could mean anything,i hope it does:dance:

    I never followed NuGuns so i didn't know that but its the Slash/Izzy combo that i loved about DnBs.

  5. 2 minutes ago, DieselDaisy said:

    According to interviews with Slash and others, they pissed loads of the Illusion money down the drain on Roman themed toga parties and litigation for the riots.

    Duffs book also says about  all the extras that nobody really wanted but Doug hired yachts and stuff for press that wasn't needed and cost millions,

    like the after parties that none of the band except Axl wanted.

    I think Duff is pretty rich because of his business acumen,stock and shares like Starbucks and Microsoft.

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