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Posts posted by Gibson87

  1. 11 hours ago, jimisbatman said:

    Nope, not becoming jaded. Just gotta find your friend. Someone you are comfortable with. Sounds like you haven't found it the first time, but hang in there, it will happen. Some old guy once told me, Become the person, you want to be with, ie, if you want a smart, generous loving person with a j.o.b who is well presented, you need to become that.ย 

    Totally agreed! I'm working hard to become that person now. I think what has me feeling that way is I found my friend and someone I'm comfortable with but she didn't respect certain boundaries and was unfaithful towards the end of the relationship.

  2. 1 hour ago, Fitha_whiskey said:

    I apologize as an old fart who had not realized this song was AI, at least from what Iโ€™ve read. Hang it up boys. Its timeย 

    How was AI used in this? I'd like to think I have a pretty good ear at this point but haven't been able to pinpoin the AI

  3. My job hired someone to replace me on 3rd shift so I can go back to working days. I was supposed to train her last week and she didn't show up on either of her scheduled days. She shows up a few hours early this evening so my manager gave her a uniform and told her to come back at her scheduled time this evening. She no showed againย :max:

    I'm not trying to be negative but why go through the hiring process and on boarding if you're not going to show up? It's especially frustrating for me because I desperately want to go back to days

  4. Way too many to list but I'm going to a couple EDM festivals and I'm so excited to see Deadmau5 and Audien! I might catch the Chili Peppers at a festival in St. Paul, MN this summer as well

  5. 1. St. Louis 2017- still the best concert I've ever attended.

    2. Chicago 2016- this was my first Guns show. Everything was perfect and I'll never forget it.

    3. Milwaukee 2017- I got to hear Prostitute live. 'Nuff said.

    4. Chicago 2021- Great show. Axl was sick and had a rough night vocally but it was my first GN'R show being front and center.ย 

    5. Minneapolis 2017- this one was fun but it had a different vibe than what I'm used to at their shows

    6. Chicago 2023- fun show but it was 100 degrees and Slash was phoning it in big time. It could have been the heat but he barely moved around and his solos were a little lackluster. Axl was super energetic and had a great nightย 

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  6. 7 hours ago, downzy said:

    For me, the prequels had neither (dumb ideas, bad execution).

    I'm curious about which ideas you think are dumb or poorly executed? I personally prefer the prequels (Ep. III has the best third act of the entire trilogy) but they definitely more than their fair share of flaws. They focused too much on the politics in AOTC. It was important to a certain degree as it served to show Palpatine's rise to power but considering 1-6 is essentially the story of Anakin Skywalker, I thought they'd have focused more on his training in Episode II.

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  7. I've come to accept that my family is the way that it is. What really irks me about the holidays is the constant consumerist bullshit that's shoved down our throats for the entire month of December. Don't get me wrong, I'll bite on a deal if it's something that I need or would be a good gift for a loved one but I'm not going to spend my money on useless garbage that I don't need.ย 

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  8. Chinese saved my life in a way. I became a fan in 2012 and gave Chinese a fair, unbiased listen in 2015ish. Anyways, fast forward to 2017 and I'm a severely depressed college dropout. I didn't get out of bed for a week.

    Chinese Democracy kept me going for some reason, especially Catcher and Prostitute. I didn't resonate deeply with the lyrical content but something about those two songs spoke to me and gave me something to look forward to every day.ย 

    I'm doing much better these days and don't listen to GN'R as much but that record will always have a special place in my heart.

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