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Gibson87 last won the day on February 20 2020

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About Gibson87

  • Birthday 12/22/1997

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  1. I think this is the most likely outcome aside from a few guest appearances here and there. I hope he does something similar to what Prince did with Piano and a Microphone
  2. Kind of shitty, ngl. I was scheduled 11PM-3AM last night (I work security at a casino) and had to come back in at noon for a 4 HOUR TRAINING on how to tell if someone is intoxicated, despite already doing a 30 minute training on the same topic a couple of weeks ago. I woke up at 11:55 and was 30 minutes late. Then I went to the gym, dropped my water bottle and my expensive over-ear headphones broke so I had to workout with no music. I ate a couple of gummies a little while ago so I'm feeling alright now but damn, it's been a day. There's always tomorrow
  3. How did y'all feel about the Ahsoka series? I felt it was very slow paced and had trouble getting past the first few episodes
  4. I see this a lot in the EDM/House scene. You'll get a guy who comes in with something new or unique and after finding success, they end up trashing their old sound and chasing the trends. Zedd is a prime example. He used to make amazing electro house back in the early '10s and then completely abandoned that sound in '16 to make pop songs. I respect the decision but don't agree with it. Then you get guys like deadmau5 who have had the same sound for the last 20+ years but have kept it from going stale by continuing to evolve
  5. I've been a fan since 2012. I only had to wait 4 years for the reunion
  6. Thank you! I went in a moodier direction than I planned when writing it but I think it still worked out pretty well!
  7. Thank you for sharing it around! I'm pushing this on all of the socials, discord servers and forums that I'm on. Thanks dude!
  8. I've been producing electronic music for the past 5 years. I've sunk so much work into my mixing and songwriting skills. This is the fruit of that labor. I'd love for y'all to hear it! https://synwxve.bandcamp.com/track/dichotomy
  9. What mental health fad? Destigmatizing it so people can actually talk about their issues without feeling judged?
  10. Totally agreed! I'm working hard to become that person now. I think what has me feeling that way is I found my friend and someone I'm comfortable with but she didn't respect certain boundaries and was unfaithful towards the end of the relationship.
  11. Has anyone else become jaded towards relationships and dating? I shouldn't have this mindset at 26 but the whole process is exhausting. I almost prefer staying single at this point and continuing to build my life
  12. How was AI used in this? I'd like to think I have a pretty good ear at this point but haven't been able to pinpoin the AI
  13. The late 40s divorced dads are going to eat this up. This is so fucking generic
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