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Free Bird

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Free Bird last won the day on August 23

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  1. Surely he will bring media attention gor one reason or the other, especially because he rarely rereleases something on his own and even more rarely he attends on other people releases, so that alone is something special. Still I don’t believe that the whole world is going nuts because of him. Not anymore. I‘d like ro be wrong though. Streaming numbers are going to be interesting 👍🏼
  2. It’s all debatable. I think Schenker won over the GNR fanbase. Everybody else interested in this record will be surprised, probably positively surprised by reading the name Axl Rose. But I don’t believe that Axl will be the game changer for most UFO fans. 30 years ago maybe but not now. At the end of the day it’s hard to speculate about the subjunctive mood. Let’s wait and see what kind of impact Axl‘s gonna have.
  3. Outside of the GNR fan base Axl isn’t really the big draw. I know a lot of people who didn’t like classic Guns because of his voice and they think he sounds ridiculous now. And you can’t even blame them for that. For the general public Axl disappeared a long time ago. I don’t think any UFO fan will buy the record just because of him. For us it’s a big event. For others not so much.
  4. Typical Axl. Schenker obviously has no idea what’s going on. Waiting for Axl two months is like him being on time 😂
  5. So you think other people are disagreeing with you to often? I don’t really care tbh. I’m not saying you have to agree.
  6. He means Axl has enough time off while Slash’s touring and busy with his side projects.
  7. Never understood why Mother Maria didn’t make the album, but I have to say Stormy Monday is still one of my favourites of the new record. However, song descriptions like this raise expectations and the result often disappoints. In this case I’m still excited. Hell, next month the Axl song and then this one
  8. Discussion with you gets painstaking more and more. You insinuate things that nobody said, changing subjects, denying having changed those… probably your tactic. It’s hard to follow. I’m out. Have fun👍🏼
  9. Again changing the subject to fit your agenda? Of course there are reasons. But you don’t know them. You’re just suggesting and trying to sell your opinion as a fact. How would you know why people are liking everything of the Illusions more than the new stuff? You don’t know. Your opinion is worthless. For your info. I already edited my previous post.
  10. You simply don’t get that there isn’t something like right or wrong on a subject like this. You think you have a point but you failed again. I’ve never made a value judgement about these songs in this conversation. You’re believing to know everything about anyone but that’s just laughable. You’ve proven more than once that you know shit. Did I insult you? I’m sorry (not sorry). Pun intended.
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