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Posts posted by Gibson87

  1. Ugh. I have to drive to Kansas City today with my dad for a business trip (I work for his employer part time). We're splitting driving duties but 6 hours is still a long ass drive. I wouldn't be bitching if we didn't have to leave at 8 AM :P

  2. 2 minutes ago, Gordon Comstock said:

    I saw Baz late last year, it was a fun show and I'd go see him again, but he has no business opening stadiums for GNR.... he doesn't even sell out clubs.


    Anyway, I'm sure it'll be more tour dates. Hopefully it's not a co-headlining tour.

    :facepalm: @ the people who think it'll be a show with Izzy and Steven.

    I'd also prefer not to see Baz opening. He's great on his own but stadiums would be a tough sell unless he rejoined Skid Row.

  3. 1 minute ago, Izzymacbeth said:

    I'll be there on Saturday but because I got free tickets. No one can deny while watching them,  even wondering for a second, 'could this have been better? '

    And the predictable setlist does do my tits in. Always has. 

    I went to a show last year and didn't have any thoughts like that. I was just excited to see Axl/Slash/Duff reunited. Enjoy the show :)

    • Like 2
  4. 33 minutes ago, Izzymacbeth said:

    Its just going to be more dates so we can hear It's So Easy followed by Brownstone, 2 more hours of butchering with Fortus outplaying Slash, Frank being shit and Melissa doing backing vocals on songs about killing women and burying them or fucking them and then high pitched weak Mickey catching his breath through Paradise City while streamers go everywhere. Again and again and again and again and again. 

    What do I want to see?

    Izzy for some choice cuts with 2 guitars, no Fortus. 

    Izzy and Steve playing all of AFD mid show as a 5 piece. 

    New song but again with Stradlins involvement. Not a SMK&C left over with Axl singing. 

    Dont want a Blu Ray or DVD. Previous 2 are shit albeit with the worst incarnations of GN'R

    New album co-written with Izzy is the big one really. 


    "BUT: IT IS WRITTEN.... " This is GN'R. Its 2 fat guys with no fire left in their big bellies and a guy who's as punk as my Grandmother (she's dead btw) and Vegas left overs. Its a band of continuous disappointment. 

    Then just don't follow the tour if it pisses you off this much. Also, actually going to a show is leaps and bounds ahead of what we see on YouTube or Periscope. I'm going to two shows this summer and I'm going to enjoy myself and enjoy this band while they're still around. 

  5. The hate is real on this forum. I completely understand the people who prefer another lineup to this one and I completely understand the people who want the AFD lineup, but constantly shit talking everyone in the lineup (including the Big 3) just because Steven and Izzy aren't here is really starting to get old.

    Just a little pro tip- people respond better if you present your argument in a well thought out manner than if you just blatantly attack someone or their ideas

    • Like 2
  6. 2 hours ago, Sunset Gardner said:

    unfortunately i have agree with more tour dates.  wish it was more.  i wish it was more than The Three Girlfriends cashing in.  i do think SOMETHING will be done for afd but after seeing the fictitious "timeline" that left out the chief songwriter and the irreplaceable drummer i have to believe the event will be shortchanged as to enable the fake lineups past and present that axl will try to legitimize by denying the significance and importance of afd and THOSE WHO WROTE & RECORDED IT.  tragically duff and slash with go along with this, and iike the lawyers and Team Yes, they will enable axl… and like everyone, they will do it for the money.

    i don't think the afd event will be the extravagant anniversary celebration they owe themselves.   would love to be wrong on this one…

    Wow you really hate this lineup, don't you?

    • Like 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, GnRMisterE said:

    Could it link in with the survey that was sent out from Nightrain asking who was going to the shows? Maybe a link to a new single for members going to a show?

    They might as well release it to the general public then because someone will just download it and publish it on YouTube

  8. I agree. We live in an era with this amazing technology but there's a time and place to use it and hospices and funerals are not it. I personally think the whole selfie thing is kinda dumb if you take one for every little event. 

  9. 4 minutes ago, Sunset Gardner said:

    leaving izzy and Steven out of the timeline BUT including CD.    disgusting and delusional.  Izzy is the foundation of this band and the songs these three assholes are touring behind.  I expect this from axl but I'm really disappointed in duff and slash for going along with this dishonest and incomplete "timeline" just for the money.   

    I do think we can at least put to rest weather or not the traci guns/rob gardner band was Guns N' Roses.  It wasnt.  And now it's official.  



    Slash and Duff probably had no involvement in the video or any PR that the band does on social media. TB probably thought up the idea and Axl probably gave them the green light to put the tease at the end.  

    • Like 1
  10. 1 minute ago, Sunset Gardner said:

    i agree their legacy is remarkable, especially for the short period of time they were actually a working band, not to mention how young they were.  i guess my point is that i would rather see them go out as a band that got it together in the end rather than a band that imploded in the beginning.  regardless, what they've achieved together will be remembered forever.  

    and i'm so so sorry my friend… but axl's solo record with hired employees that his lawyers enabled him to call "guns n' roses" is THAT bad.  all those layers can't hide the fact axl was lost and angry and needed his bandmates.  :lol:  imho.    

    but staying on topic… i do hope WHATEVER is announced is positive, is new, is fresh, and is something that propels the band forward...

    I can see where you're coming from with the first part. I guess I'm just not as excited by it because I wasn't around for the original incarnation of the band. I'd be perfectly content if they just changed the setlist.

    • Like 1
  11. Just now, tsinindy said:

    Totally untrue, a reunited original 5 with another album that was even minimally successful or critically acclaimed would greaten their legacy exponetially.  Legacy and place in history are two completely different things.  

    I guess we have different points of view then :P. For the record, I was talking about them sharing the stage again. I agree that an album would help their legacy a lot, but playing a one off show wouldn't change anything drastically.

    • Like 1
  12. 3 hours ago, Sunset Gardner said:

    anything shy of guns n roses reuniting for the first time since steven and then izzy left would be disappointing.  if the five members of guns n roses are on stage alone that will be powerful and truly a remarkable reunion, but if guns n' roses is forced to play with any of axl's employees or any of the touring employees who play behind axl, slash & duff that would be terrible, lame, and a real fuck you to what the band was and how the band will be remembered in history.

    the other scary and unacceptable bullshit would be if guns n' roses played axl's solo material from CD.  while axl and team yes will no doubt continue to push to legitimize CD and axl's solo years… these should not be the shows to do so.  imho.    


    GN'Rs place in rock history is already solidified. They were one of the biggest bands in the world from '88-'93 and were thought by many to be the next Rolling Stones and then they imploded. The AFD5 reuniting or not reuniting 27 years after they last played together won't change the band's legacy. It'll be part of their story when they finally call it quits, but not their legacy/place in history. 


    And c'mon man. CD isn't that bad of an album :smiley-confused2:

    • Like 1
  13. Ughhhh!!!! An Australian rock band in my town wants me to write lyrics for one of their demos and I'm afraid that anything I write won't be good enough. I'm obviously very grateful for the opportunity but my ability to write lyrics has disappeared

  14. So I've been avoiding one of my friends recently. We both work at the same grocery store and whenever we hang out all he wants to talk about is girls. And I don't mean girls his age (he's 27). He talks about girls my age (18-20 year olds). He gets this idea built up in his head that a girl wants to jump into bed with him if she even looks in his general direction. If one girl says "Hello" to him he'll talk to me about it for the rest of the day and then imply about 50 times that he wants to bang her. Worst part is that he can't take a hint. I'll be really superficial and give him one word responses while staring at my phone and he just keeps going. I'm a guy, I get it, girls are attractive. But good God dude, fucking take it down a notch. He wants to hang out tonight but I'm really hesitant to go over to his place if he's just going to talk about chicks. 

    • Like 1
  15. 23 minutes ago, Sunset Gardner said:

    then maybe you should go to another thread and fuck yourself?  come on Len, have a heart, it's mothers day… and without these two women there'd been no slash or duff, no slash or duff equals no gnr.  no gnr equals you have no gnr forum to act like an asshole… just saying.  

    Dude he's joking... I think

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