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Posts posted by Ralphelmo

  1. 2 hours ago, Tom2112 said:

    Frank only messed up Jungle once too.

    Maybe one rule for all?

    What about YCBM, DTJ, Estranged, PC or totally fucked up Rocket Queen? Why are you defending him so fiercely? It's obvious he's the weakest spot in current GNR, he has to improve or quit the job that thousands better drummers would kill for.

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  2. 9 minutes ago, GNRFan53 said:

    If it's not one complaint, it's another. Frank sounds fine. It's like some people find things to be upset about. It's Rock N' Roll! It can be sloppy, that's what makes it what it is!

    Bullshit. Music is music, it's not like science but you have to be good enough to don't mess up fucking tempo in every song...

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  3. Professor Snape would fit in perfectly tho. If there will ever be an emergency situation (like Frank being sick) and Steven won't be available, Slash will call for this guy for sure. Note for note album like drumming. 


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  4. Probably the best rhythm section Slash have had after Izzy, Duff & Steven. Great band, great people. It's not so common that you go to aftershow party and musician you admire says "Hey, I remember you! Come on here dude, let's have a talk!" 

  5. 50 minutes ago, sonofnazareth said:

    Well, I have been to a few shows, and the last time that I saw Slash looking this happy was on the Contraband tour. 

    Next time come to see SMKC :P


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