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Posts posted by Homefuck

  1. 1 hour ago, Nightrain92 said:

    Yeah we should riot goddamit!! I was sure they wouldn't release nothing today but it's very irritating at this point that they aren't even able to shoot a one minute video!! I don't think it's too hard to say something in a fucking video!! Slash is more than a year that isn't saying a word...

    Well, he did talk for a few seconds about six months ago...

  2. So... I couldn't "hang on the fence" and get tickets in time for the gig in Stockholm. Now there's a limited amount of tickets left, obviously because of scalpers. I need some tickets for the golden circle and I don't want to give the scalpers a ridiculous amount of money. Since I'm a newbie to these sort of things I have to ask you guys; is it generally a good idea to wait 'til the last minute so they cut the prices or is it pointless to wait?

    thanks in advance


  3. 2 minutes ago, Nicklord said:

    Can you find it? I found only one and he didn't really say anything about them except that they only knew them on Coachella line up. 

    I read it in a copy of "Sweden rock" (a Swedish magazine) a couple of years ago. I can see if I can find it online, otherwise I have the copy somewhere in the basement ;)

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  4. 10 minutes ago, maxpax said:

    Volbeat or Ugly Kid Joe. 

    I once read an interview with the singer in volbeat where he proclaimed how much he hates GNR. The reason why is that he doesn't think that they're truly metal (haha). Like that's a feat, huh?

    They're probably out of the equation. At least I hope so, not because of what he said but because they are one of the worst bands in the world.

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  5. 4 minutes ago, cremefraiche said:

    Parts of it, yeah. But then other parts are like what cartoon? It really has no focus and jumps all over the place making "sections" from really out of place 30 second anecdotes from interviewees. It's bizarre really. Totally amateurish. I don't think there's any way to properly describe it to someone who hasn't seen it haha it's really bad.

    Give it a watch though, if only to get what people mean because going in to it I thought I loved the book, love Duff, and love GNR, how bad could it possibly be?

    Yeah, thanks man, I'll probably give it a go!

  6. So... Most mexicans probably hate Trump. Rightfully so, since he's made some pretty slanderous remarks about them just because they are citizens of a nation south of the US border. GNR chose to do a "thing" about it. Big deal. 
    There's an apparent reason why they did this, ie. to please the audience. If they would've made a pinata out of Hillary or Obama in Mexico it wouldn't make sense. Now it did.


  7. 12 minutes ago, The Glow Inc. said:

    I think  you have to remember Slash and Duff were the guys who said "no thanks" to Izzy when he offered to front Velvet Revolver so it's not like they seem to consider him a vital piece of the puzzle to begin with...

    They wanted him in, he was in, but they didn't agree with his idea of him and duff sharing the singing-duties. So when they began searching for lead singers, he bailed. 

    I wouldn't say that they don't think he's vital, just that they don't want him as a lead singer. Just like that they don't want duff as a lead singer.

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