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Posts posted by NicDwolfwood

  1. 1 minute ago, Archtop said:

    So Izzy stopped drugs that early?, I always felt it was after Steven left, because Steven always said it was ironic he was kicked from a band that had bigger drug abusers than him?, just better at keeping there shit together. 


    Izzy kicking drugs in 89 had to also do with the fact that he was on probation from the airplance incident. He was subjected to Random piss tests for a year or 2. So it was in his best interest to get clean or risk going to jail for his troubles. 


    The difference between Steven and the rest was the fact that they were functional junkies. He unfortunately was not. He wasnt able to reel it back in. The others did the junk in large part due to boredom. Steven was more or less self medicating the pain from his childhood. Also he was a drummer. it much easier to be fucked up and play a guitar, than try and keep time on drums. 

  2. 20 minutes ago, beautifulanddamned said:

    In the book (which is from Andy's perspective, not Angela's of course) Andy says that Erin came over to their house, hysterical and told them she wanted to commit suicide and that she was going to drive off the cliff on Mullholland Drive but chickened out. She asks for drugs.  Andy said Erin was just"vying for attention" and Angela told Erin to "shut up, already." Because all of these people are just incredibly nice and thoughtful. So Erin leaves but at some point Angela and Andy notice that her jeep is still parked in front of their house. So Angela tells Andy to go see if she's at Steven's. He does, and finds Erin unconscious in the bedroom, pants down. He tells Steven to call an ambulance but Steven, who isn't in great shape, won't. So instead of calling an ambulance himself, Andy calls Angela and tells her to do so. Why? Who the hell knows? Andy then does some shit to "save" Erin like banging on her chest, pouring coffee in her mouth and praying to the patron angel of gypsies. Then Angela shows up with a friend who is also a neighbor. Where this friend comes in I'm not sure. Did she show up at Angela and Andy's after Andy left? Did Angela stop at her house before going to Steven's after Andy called? It' a mystery. Angela does mouth to mouth while Andy pumps her chest. The ambulance arrives, the paramedics take care of Erin and they thank Andy for saving her life. Andy talks to the cops. They also thank him for saving her life. Steven hides in the shower. Later that night, Axl calls to thank Andy. 

    That's Andy's side.  Questions: Why let Erin wander off if she was asking for drugs and threatening to commit suicide? Why didn't Angela go over to Steven's to check on Erin or at least go with Andy since she was Erin's friend? Where did this friend and neighbor come in? He names her in the book, she's an actress, what's her story? Why didn't Andy call an ambulance instead of calling Angela to call an ambulance. He says because he was busy saving Erin's life but that doesn't make sense.  When the cops arrived, Andy didn't say "Hey, I found her unconscious with her pants down, you might want to talk to Steven since this is his damn house?" No? No one cared? The cops just let him cower in the bathroom? Plot holes all over the damn place.

    One thing's for certain- no matter what the story, nobody here comes off well. Nobody. They were all fuck ups and were probably no strangers to drug overdoses.  This includes the police who in that city, in that time period probably saw this shit constantly. Just another day on the job.

    Thanks for the info. definitely makes the whole incident a bit more clear. Still quite an ugly scene either way. 

    You're spot on, with the bolded sentence. 

  3. 55 minutes ago, Tori72 said:

    Sorry, I missed that. So Andy and Angela were involved in Erin's overdose? How? (or tell me where to go read it)...



    There are two sides to the story. Steven's version and the McCoy's version. Its a bit sketchy to believe either side really. all parties involved were fucking around with drugs.  Only person who could clear up who's telling the truth would be Erin herself. 


    I wish the details were a bit more clear, with dates and all. but very few details exist anywhere online. What is clear to me is that Apparently Erin and Axl got into a fight and in her hysterics either went to hang with Angela..or Steven Adler. I dont see her going to Adler before Angela. she was more likely to have a relationship with Angela McCoy, than Steven Adler in my mind atleast. 




    • Like 3
  4. Day 29


    Day 30

    I liked this song at first. but then they played the shit a billion times by now. Fuck this song :fuckyou:


    Day 31

    I didnt like this song at all at first. overtime it grew on me though. Its a shame the kid committed suicide at the end of 2012. 


    • Like 1
  5. Man. This sucks, why is it always the hired hands that speak on shit relating to GNR? 

    29 minutes ago, RONIN said:

    Were Duff/Slash on good terms with Matt after VR disbanded? I was under the impression Matt became increasingly difficult to work with towards the end of VR...

    I would think so. Duff was in the Hollywood Vampires before the GNR return. and Slash had played with Kings of Choas plenty as well. 

    • Like 1
  6. 4 hours ago, Cold Jen Time said:

    Apparently I can't figure out how to respond to multiple things at once and not double post. SOS!  Sorry.

    Re: the Steven interview I def need to watch bc a Twitter pal also sent it to me and said "do you think he's on coke?" :o(I'm currently in my bed pretending to be asleep so my kiddo doesn't demand I get up and make breakfast :wacko: ... so can't watch now). There was also a FB post last night  of him was rehearsing and he looks just super tired and worn down. Eeeeeek. Hope he's ok. 


    He's got some massive black circles around his eyes. like he's not slept in a couple days :(

  7. 2 hours ago, Kris_1989 said:

    Sorry, for being MIA! I've just been busy with work. I promise I haven't forgotten about our lord and savior of the avocados. :P

    Edit: Btw, did any of you see the Steven interview on jonesy's jukebox? I know he could've just been excited to be there but he was acting like he was on coke or something. :( I hope he hasn't relapsed.

    I did..:facepalm:

    I Love Stevie, but if he's like that around the GNR guys, its no wonder they werent in any hurry to bring him back full time. 

    • Like 2
  8. 15 minutes ago, Archtop said:

    I have always wondered about this quote, what were those poor Lafayette girls doing that was so wrong and What exactly does Izzy think is suitable attire for a girl at a gig? The mind boggles and for years I have always wanted to know the answer, my top question for Izzy If he ever does a solo tour "What should I wear"? ????/???

    Maybe the girls dressed too modest or old fashioned and thats why he said what he said. It sorta reminds me of that Comment Axl made on when he first arrived to LA he quickly found out that he was like 5 years behind the times. 

  9. 10 hours ago, Eddie Money said:

    Since we are discussing the all important issue of race and demographics of gnr fans, has anyone else in the US noticed the current trend of our African American brothers and sisters wearing rock t shirts.  Good thing this little fad coincides with an unprecedented supply of GNR apparel.  I see lots of black men and women in gnr shirts right now.  Whether or not they are actually fans is questionable.  


    I love over when they get it wrong. I saw a guy wearing a Nelson shirt a few days ago. Someone should tell him that Nelson sucks.  

    May have to do with guys like Jerry Lorenzo owner/creator of Fear of God clothing line and Kanye West making vintage Band T-shirts a street wear piece and fashionable for people that arent necessarily Rock and Metal fans. Me personally, Im not a huge fan of it, because its false advertisement, you see a cool band T on a person and go and compliment them and ask them their favorite song or record, and they dont know what to say.:shrugs:

  10. 20 minutes ago, dgnr said:

    What about this gem??? Izzy's all over the place, man wouldn't shut up :rofl-lol: :rofl-lol: 'Show them your buns, Ax', gets me all the time :P 


    Believe it or not, Id never heard this interview before.


    That was entertaining though, Probably the most talkative Ive ever heard Izzy, The cocaine must have been particularly good that day..lol

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