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Everything posted by kanecrescente

  1. The 0:42 & 2:42 marks still prove otherwise unfortunately...
  2. It's not just 'we'... it's the overwhelming general public opinion too that Axl is all but finished vocally.
  3. Ahh sorry, my mistake! There's a few full concert videos on YouTube to pick from fortunately! Hope you enjoy.
  4. Oh, my bad, there's plenty of Power Trip hate about too😂
  5. Of course the stage change has to be factored in too...The curfew was 1am and they managed a full set list so that's a success all things considered. There shouldn't be too many complaints with regards to that, but we all know the story with GNR by now. What did you think of AC/DC??
  6. I feel the delay was more caused by the ripple effect of Maiden's start being delayed. It wasn't that Maiden weren't on time, there were plenty of fans still trying to get into the venue by the time they were scheduled due to the traffic caused by AWFUL road blocks and traffic control measures, so they decided to give people more time (including myself) to get into the grounds thankfully. The hate against Guns for it was unanimous sadly.
  7. Yes, Brian's voice was rough, but it's his first show in 7 and a half years and they were all having the time of their lives, as were we. With Brian scrunching himself up and strutting about & Angus busting out the odd Duck Walk & spinning about, it's what Acca Dacca is all about. It was also the 2nd longest setlist ever w/ Brian fronting the band so, for the occasion, it was a fucking blast! Long live Rock N Roll
  8. It'll be put on a future 'album' as such as some point I think... same way they played Heavens Door for ages... probably same with The Seeker
  9. The price certainly was insane given everything in consideration, as tends to be everything these days. P.S: if the tall blonde woman with big honkers shouting every single word to Coma in front of the far left G/A barrier is here, pls marry me.
  10. The festival is their spotlight this time round... I really fucking hope they pull it off
  11. Definitely had a good time thanks, slightly bitter with the organisation, sound at times & shit view. Body aches like fuck and didn't make it back to the airbnb til 3:30 but Priest & AC/DC await tonight! Tried upgrading to grandstand as they were made available yet they had the cheek to ask for $800 extra per ticket🤦🏻‍♂️
  12. It was very easy to get to the G/A rail... Still couldn't see anybody on stage.
  13. Yep G/A is bloody FAR away... and yet they have the cheek to offer on-site upgrades for $800 a pair lol
  14. It'll be a globe of some kind with gnfnr in the corner
  15. Try scratching it with your mouth open, that might work.* * - I shall not be deemed liable for any potential damages to your vinyl and/or fingernail
  16. 1) Let Frank Wank! 2) The Skin N' Bones Tour II
  17. My favourite of the new 3 when played Live, for sure
  18. They'vs seemed to have done that before every show I've been to so far this year. Probably for the best given Axl's lack of balance of late
  19. 'Climate Pledge Arena'... what a sorry state of affairs 😂🤦🏻‍♂️
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