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Posts posted by dgnr

  1. 3 minutes ago, killuridols said:

    I think you are mixing up concepts here. Culture and education are not the same thing. Everybody has a culture because it is inevitable, you are born into one and you don't get to choose your culture. Also, school and college don't give you any type of intelligence. You are born with a level of intelligence, this one can be improved by your environment and education, but it is what it is. It comes with you from the womb.

    Education is important and like @stella pointed out before, a good school or college will give you tools to understand your environment better, if you have the right teachers who motivate you, help you and guide you, it is for sure something very valuable to have and a experience that cannot be replaced by reading magazines or fictional books.

    There is a classroom instance that cannot be replaced by the solitary act of reading. I guess this is why I'm not particularly fond of the "learning at a distance" programs. You miss the experience of being in a classroom with all kind of people debating ideas and learning from others.

    I don't think I expressed myself very well then (damn you english...I'm thinking in portuguese and my bad english maybe didn't help haha). 

    I agree with you that culture and education are not the same thing, I'm trying to say that. But I'm not talking about culture as a culture, but as something you learn in your life by reading, by searching for things and not necessarily at school. Like, I don't know, things that happened in History, some science fact, know who invented some random thing - basically things you use in a Trivia game for example. Maybe there's a better word for this that I'm calling 'culture' in english, but I'm not getting there - general knowledge maybe.

    These are the kind of things that you 'absorb' or learn by yourself, school will maybe help you with that or maybe not. Most of time it's your curiosity, you don't learn everything at school. It helps, ( sometimes, I would say - I'm sure you already meet someone who has very good grades, who learns very well, but at the end of the day doesn't know shit about the world he's living in ) but that's not all.

    What I was trying to say is that Axl has this knowledge, this kind of inteligence if we can say this way, and you don't need to be educated to have that or you born with that. It's a thing that you adquire and develop by yourself.

  2. 20 minutes ago, Frey said:

    I should be working, but I felt like commenting on this topic. I think Axl's so called intelligence doesn't actually exist or is severely overstated at least.

    Maybe Axl just cultivated the "genius tortured artist" image through his behavior and has gotten most people to buy into that, despite the fact that he doesn't actually seem to be particularly intelligent.

    And let's face it, on average 80s rock musicians/hair metal dudes just aren't the most intelligent bunch in general. It's easy for someone mildy clever, opinionated and articulate like Axl to stand out and appear intelligent when the competition you're dealing with are the likes of Poison, WASP, Motley Crue, Sebastian Bach, Steven Adler and so forth.

    The only thing that gives me pause is when people that I actually consider to be quite smart and educated -like Duff for example- call Axl intelligent. I'd like to know what they base that on as well.

    Dude, that's so unfair. I'm not sure if intelligence is the word, but Axl is a cultivated man. And let's face it, looking at the environment he grown up, that's really incredible. It means he was some kind of autodidact, he had to learn, to read, to seek for things that weren't given to him per se.

    You don't need to go to school or college to have this kind of 'intelligence'. My dad for example left school and had  to work at a really young age (that's how things were in Portugal during the dictatorship) but he's like one of the most intelligent people I know. He learned lots of shit from reading, from watching documentaries, from always seeking for knowledge, from being interested in what's happening in the world. The fact of being educated doesn't mean shit. 

    Culture is something you learn throughout your life, if you want or if you're open to it, and it's even by yourself or by someone that passes it to you. School doesn't give you that.

    • Like 3
  3. Just now, tiutso said:

    Wasn't that the same age when he and his girlfriend drugged her mother to fuck in peace? :rofl-lol:

    Yeah probably... Dude lost his virginity at 10, I will say again 10!!! , at 10 I was playing with my barbies, he was precocious for sure :facepalm: Anyways, the heart was pure haha

  4. 4 hours ago, Lumikki said:

     To get off the subject, you look really nice today, you get prettier & prettier every day.

     the girls are pretty (I still think you cuter than any of the girls there) 

    This all letter is gold!! 14 years old, omg, what a nice kid he was :wub:

    These parts hit me. How cuteeee, really I'm dying, my heart can't take it :hug:

  5. 9 minutes ago, killuridols said:

    You want to stop the daddy thing but we get into disgusting territory every time more! :lol:

    So Andrei tests the women Axl's gonna eat later? He's like a women sommelier? :rofl-lol:

    True, I'm sorry :P

    Well, yeah, maybe that's his job on the freak show. Daddy Axl maybe needs a 'Andrei quality stampTM' before he goes for it. It's better for everyone not know what happens in that circle. :smiley-confused2:

    And I just want to leave this here. Because I know we all despise him, but I still think he's kinda hot:ph34r: (Don't kill me, don't kill me, don't kill me, don't kill me)


  6. Can we stop with the 'Daddy' thing? It's a little bit disgusting haha I love Lana del Rey and she uses this word so much in her lyrics, god it's cringeworthy :facepalm:

    Oh, you guys, now that I talked about my love Lana, I just remembered a thing I found out some time ago and I forgot to mention!! THAT ANDREI GUY dated Lana for awhile. They are still best buddies or something. Small world :lol:

    • Like 1
  7. 13 minutes ago, SerenityScorp said:

    Out of likes, What DTUD means

    'Drink Till U Drop' :facepalm::lol:

    Oh and technically now he has two GN'R tatoos. This one and one rose he had in his arm with 'Perlita' written. He covered 'Perlita' with a gun.


  8. I really like SMKC. IMO Slash is the one who released the best music once GN'R, well, ceased to be GN'R. The rockers were good but the ballads were really great once he got Myles. 

    But yeah not sad at all it ended. Fuck, Slash is back in Guns. Let him play for GN'R, write for GN'R, record for GN'R. It is where he belongs.

    With that being said, it's a shame I never got to see them. They seemed a killer band live. Almost catch them last year in Bulgaria, too bad it didn't work out.

    • Like 2
  9. 15 minutes ago, SerenityScorp said:

    I can see it now, Thank You :hug:

    He's not uptight N' more relaxing now , N' Myles said its Slash's happy dance :wub:

    I think We will get Slash's respond to Axl's joke soon ?

    Soon is the word haha

  10. 10 minutes ago, giuls said:

    I didn't know the name of Black Crowes' singer :facepalm:

    The BC went with AC/DC on the "Monsters of rock" tour

    AC/DC--->Slash (he did played with Angus at Coachella)

    Gwen Stefani


    Oh I know this one :lol: Gwen Stefani was in a version of 'Tears in Heaven' in 2005 for the victims of Asia tsunami. Velvet Revolver were also in that cover. Velvet Revolver --> Slash


  11. 21 minutes ago, tiutso said:

    Bulgarians were hella happy to speak Russian, though. I got confused a lot because couldn't immediately tell whether I was being adressed in Bulgarian or Russian.

    Yeah they like that haha I did an interrail in the balkans last year and bulgarians, at least for my experience, don't speak very well english. So everytime we couldn't understand one another they always look at me and ask if I speak Russian. I don't really look like a portuguese, I'm a natural blond and fake redhead with fair skin and I was traveling with two very portuguese look alike girls - brunettes and curly black hair - so maybe that's why they kept asking ME. This happened so many times that  it became a private joke and my friends still ask me if I speak Russian to make fun of me haha

  12. 8 minutes ago, Andy14 said:

    I've spent quite a lot of time in Italy and met people from all over the world, so this is the look they gave me quite often after I'd said Czech Republic.

    I have a funny story for you. A couple of months ago I was entering in a bar in my city, a bar that is mostly frequented by Erasmus people, and a random girl come to me with a European map and just ask 'Hi, can you point Czech Republic on the map?'. It was late at night so I found that normal :rofl-lol: and (not gonna lie - after freezing for a moment) eventually I got it right. The girl was so happy that I knew where Czech Republic was that she bought me a shot haha I have to love your country :wub:

    • Like 2
  13. 4 minutes ago, tiutso said:

    The amount of people who don't know that Brazilians speak Portuguese and that its native land is firmly in place in Europe, though :lol:

    You should start commenting 'Come to Portugal' under every youtube vid

    Trust me girl, I'm an ambassador of my country, I already lived outside Portugal and got to do some trips and interrails and I'm always trying to 'sell' my beautiful country. Hell, I'm always inviting my friends from other countries to come here and I serve as their guide. The government should get me a commendation or something. My next step is going to be that youtube thing, for sure haha


    8 minutes ago, killuridols said:


    I love your countries, girls!!! I am a sucker for Europe and your culture :drool:


    I know you didn't say you love Portugal, but I'm saying to you that your country is one of my favourites. My dream life passes for moving there and live a life of cumbia, asados and River Plate :wub:

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