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Posts posted by Jw224

  1. I think it's been clear for a while now that all Axl is really interested in is releasing the stuff he's already made. 

    If Axl wanted to they would be working on new stuff. I'm not really complaining as I'm one of the people who loves the cd stuff but yeah I think it's pretty clear that Duff and Slash would be up for it but Axl isn't interested as of yet as far as we know. 

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  2. I'm not really waiting on them to release something and I don't have any expectations of them being a massive hit again. It's been pretty clear to me for a while now that Axl is focused on the stuff that he has already recorded. (it's even clearer it's always been that way looking back). If they do something totally new then I'll probably check it out, but it's very unlikely and I wouldn't even have high hopes it would be any good, if I'm honest. 

    I'm pretty happy hearing the rest of the CD sessions and whatever else Axl may have recorded if and when it comes. 

  3. 4 hours ago, Arnuld said:

    I still can’t get over The General being 4 minutes long. And super weird. I dig it but it’s not at all what I had in my head all these years. Beyond Bach’s comments those concert intros with the Beltrami Orchestration made it seem like The General was going to be this long, dark, brooding epic. I’m still shocked how little of that killer orchestration ended up on the track. 

    Honestly I think it was probably shortened down at some point, either before Slash got to it or when he and Duff started working on it. 

    • PERHAPS 1
  4. 9 minutes ago, BucketEgg said:



    They finally let comments be visible



    but if you go to the new version of reddit, you can see the moderators deleted the post itself from the subreddit


    Someone should make a new thread lol. 

    Very lame of them to try to censor stuff. 

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    1 minute ago, GnR Chris said:

    Potter explains, "The decision to integrate AI into our storytelling process was inspired ultimately by the band management. Prior to combining the AI workflow, the team had been working on an animated cinematic in Unreal Engine. 


    We know who to blame for this now. As if there was any doubt. Sounds like band management failed to put a video something together via Unreal due to probably incompetence. Couldn’t meet a deadline to save their lives. So then they outsourced some AI and chopped it all together, called it a day.

    Yep, laziest approach possible.

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