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Posts posted by JimiRose

  1. 2 minutes ago, BluegrassBlues said:

     Also, just a side note, Axl if you like it up the booty just say that. There is no need to act like a psycho about it, this could be such a field day for a psychologist to review. Thanks again for posting it 

    Just assume every guy likes a finger, and if he says he doesn't it's cause he hasn't tried it:lol:

    • Haha 1
  2. 12 minutes ago, Blackstar said:


    “Just fucking lay there. Don’t fucking do anything.” I’m crying and bleeding. Axl slams the door and locks it. The other girl is gone. Rikki’s in the other room. And I lay there. And he fucked me, anally. And I could handle it because he wasn’t too big.

    Weirdly enough, I was okay with this. I had wanted to be with him since the minute I’d first laid eyes on him, and now I was getting him. Once he was done he untied me and we fucked around some more. I remember going down on him and sticking my finger in his ass and he really wanted that, he really got off on that. That’s what made him come. And when we were exhausted he got up next to me and spooned me, and started playing with my hair.

    “Oh my God. I did so not want to do that. I’m so sorry. I did not want to hurt you, that shouldn’t have happened.” He went from being an absolute psycho to this spooning, mewling, apologetic child. I was so exhausted that I passed out. We both passed out. Then it was six or seven in the morning. I was awake and he was gone. Stuff was all over the place. Clothes. Belts. Broken bottles. The overturned TV. The maids were there. I was like “My fucking God. I’ve got to get out of here.” I got dressed as fast as I could and took a train back to Suzy’s. And she’s devastated because I forgot her favorite fucking studded belt. Can you believe it?



    If this is the direct quote i don't see much of a case. There's no excuse for any sexual abuse or physical abuse. Here she says she wanted it explicitly. she also never writes that she said 'No'. The only thing she said no to in her words was an orgy, and she left and did not partake in one. afterwards they had sex, she gave him head and they cuddled. I'm not saying rape/sexual assault can't proceed nicer things, but this just seems very hazy.

    Of course it could be that the scene was such that she thought this was normal sexual behaviour with rockstars/actors/celebs and heard lots of similar stories from friends and accepted it. As someone previously said, womens rights were not top of the agenda when it came to sex and the celebrity. certainly not when it came to the police (even today). 

    I don't think theres any doubt that Axl did this. I think the issue is did she consent, did he think she consented and did anything actually illegal take place. the lawsuit says something different to what she has written above. 

    I think men who physically abuse women are the lowest of the low, but there's definitely people out there who like their sex rougher than others. I think only those involved know deep down what is consensual and what is assault. 

    • Like 2
  3. 2 hours ago, BucketEgg said:

    I was thinking of going on a tangent related to that statement, but decided it was too stupid to write so I didn't post it, but now that you've mentioned it, I might as well write it.

    If the entirety of the Bon Jovi band called up Axl, and asked for an appointment on when they could all suck on Axl's dick, he'd probably backtrack on that statement. Though, maybe everyone in Bon Jovi personally coming to suck your dick might sound like a fun time, because five dudes means getting your dick sucked five times. But then again, it's getting sucked off by a bunch of dudes...

    I'm straight but a blowjob is a blowjob. Just enjoy it, don't let something draconian like who is giving it, stop you from enjoying yourself! Good for your mental health and your heart, think of it as medication. 

  4. 5 hours ago, consiglieri said:

    I was just listening to “It’s so easy” live at the Marquee and can’t help to notice that I miss that sound. Steven’s drumming was so cool. The Punk sound. And Axl sounded so angry and pissed off. It’s a bad shame they’ve gotten so soft and woke in my opionion. I loved them more when they were the most dangerous band in the world. Can’t they start a riot again  somewhere? 

    Woke? Their manager is getting done for sexually assaulting a photographer, that's about as republican and proud right wing as you can be, right? Little bit of rape, little bit or racism, little bit of sexism and power control, you got yourself the right wing!

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
    • Confused 1
  5. On 11/19/2023 at 2:25 PM, Illusion1987 said:

    Not true..i'd say Perhaps WAS promoted.


    They released a video and featured the song on an ongoing tour.

    Promoted compared to what GnR have done for everything else since 1993 - actual music video and social media post acknowledgement. But no interviews, no tv shows, no paid advertising, hardly any radio play. It didnt even qualify as the bare minimum, but coz it was more than nothing, people confused it as a big effort from this useless band.


    7 hours ago, Rovim said:

    it's not really unofficial, it wasn't made by a fan or anything, it just was never officially released (and it's clear why imo)


  6. 18 hours ago, rudolf1978 said:

    In a perfect world Axl would use this break or after it to get healthier and fitt body and voice for a new album and  the band would be there working on new songs and preparing themselves for a glorius new album and tour. I mean this tour from 2016? To now has been history because of the reunion but for me the performances were not even close as good as 2010 and nothing like 92. But good to see it. 

    Axl is as fit as he's been since 2006, running and looking slim. However his voice is destroyed beyond repair. i hope he continues to be fit, but best to listen to him with the sound off from now on

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  7. 3 minutes ago, weaponsnflowers said:

    They have been playing together so that should tell you something. And I'm sure media would love to have the big three on some talk show to talk about it, but since Axl really doesn't seem to care for that kind of publicity, it is what it is. And I think good for them. The music should be the forefront of what's going on in Guns. Should be...

    What music

  8. 1 hour ago, alfierose said:

    Honestly I can only imagine organisations like GNR are rife with gossip. No way has all this been going on for 6 years with nobody hearing even a rumour or a whisper. Two things immediately spring to mind -

    1. The culture in any organisation comes from the top down. Nobody behaves this brazenly at work unless they know they have tacit approval or won't be taken to task for it.

    2. People turn a blind eye to all kinds of stuff everyday -sometimes for quite minor acts of self preservation. You can times that by 1000 when billions of dollars are at stake if you upset the apple cart.

    Sadly, the history of GnR doesnt sit great with all of this...

  9. 1 hour ago, ZoSoRose said:

    Well, if she was 1099, she wouldn't get a lot of those benefits and would do her own taxes. Although, California is very pro- worker and it might be different there. 

    EDIT- Also, probably not in regards to Richard and co. They may have signed a social media policy or something similar- all photos taken can be used at the employer's discretion or something. 

    You americans man... no healthcare, no holiday, no workers rights. At least you got guns keeping you all safe. 

    • Like 1
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    • Sad 1
  10. No doubt fernando is a self entitled dweeb who treats people like shit to hide his own insecurities. Everyone gets a defence, but it's wholly believable. I know it's a bit ignorant of us having never met him to judge him, but we've seen plenty of interactions he's had with people to have built up his personality type. 

    From the statement provided, it does seem she's used things like the photos being sent to tarnish his character when those things are literally every other post on instagram, twitter or in whatsapp groups. but everything else if true should be instant dismissal from the band. Any guy who tries to control anyone with money or sex to make themselves feel empowered is the lowest of low in humanity. Such a weak man. 

    • Like 1
  11. 11 hours ago, gavgnr said:

    My take is they’re both about child abuse but reflect different stages of the healing process. Whilst The General is more reflective, Monsters reveals anger. 


    17 hours ago, AxlRQ93 said:

    The bridge would seem to be about Slash. Or Stephanie. 

    They bridge is definitely about child abuse. I'm not sure why everyone thinks every song is about slash. 

    The first half of the lyric is all about a child trying to impress an adult and doing what it thinks will make the parent happy without knowing it was abuse, it's a common thing in cases like this. 

    The second part is like his survivors mentality and acceptance he's waited too long for justice. 'no on left who wants the truth' 'the dirty secret' 'who thought i'd be around to shed a light on you' - I know Axl bears a grudge and is a bit pyscho, but if these lyrics are about his guitarist leaving his multi million pound success story of a band then it's genuinely insulting to humanity. but they're not, so dw!

    The more I did, what I did, I did for you
    There's no excuses for the hell on Earth you put me through
    I never cared how much I cared, when I cared for you
    To make you better there was nothin' that I wouldn't do
    I doubt there's anybody left that wants to know the truth
    The dirty secret that you hid away inside of you
    Who ever thought I'd be around to shed a light on you
    Well here's the story, baby, I got nothin' else to do


    • Like 4
  12. 17 hours ago, AxlRoseCDII said:

    We know what The General is lyrically, but do we know what Monsters is about?

    think its still about child abuse and vulnerability. the axl scream bit is obviously his comeback to his stepfather as are the choruses. The verses are a bit harder coz they could seem to be about a lover, but again i think they could be relating to child abuse and rape. 

    One thing I don't get, if this song is what we knew as 'Soul Monster' Or 'Monstrocity' why change it to Monsters? Those other two are such better names for songs. Monsters is a bit lame in comparison, especially for such a heavy song

  13. I like the songs released but do feel there is a 'Lazy' aspect to them. Absurd has a 1 word chorus and the same verses repeated 3 times with 1 part 2 of a verse differing. repeating guitar licks. Hardskool, again is copied verse chorus. good song, but 24 years of it sitting there... perhaps, love the hook, think it's a great song, but the repeated first verse bridge and chorus twice... it's like axl wrote half a great song and didnt know how to finish it so just played it twice. the solo is ok, but i agree, double it and have a piano solo as well. the general. same as perhaps. I love the lyrical content and the orchestra. But where's the guitar solo? why is it just verse 1 bridge chorus repeated? Monsters sounds great, would love them to double the length of slash's solo, but there's way more going on, the oo oos, the change up between verse and chorus and then the big axl finale vocal. Sounds like axl put way more effort into make that one a fully fledged song. Atlas shrugged with a great slash solo (or keep the may one) i think is a great song too.

    Goog songs, worthy of GnR, but they sound a lot like songs they wrote in a week in 1999, great starts great hooks and potential, then gave up on and decided actually these are good, lets just double everything and release them. which makes it baffling these werent just released in 99/2000. They have done nothing to change these songs by adding parts and lyrics. just tinkered with existing parts. Sums axl post 93 up tbh. 

    • Like 2
  14. Has anyone managed to ask anyone at all from the band yet if Monsters is soul monster? I know everyone has just assumed it 100% is without any corroboration because it is called monsters and has the word soul in it, but there was also monstrosity on those title leaks separate to soul monster. I find it unlikely that this is another song with the word monster in the title, but it doesnt guarantee it is soul monster. Would be good to get something official. fernando or eta on reddit or insta might chat. or fortus insta

  15. It's clear now when Fernando said 'The General is a Monster' he meant what we thought was the general is called monsters. Not that they are two songs. The fact they have played it live initially delighted me but then saddened me that it wasnt followed by or including monsters. 

    The fact they registered it as one track leads me to think they were going to spring a surprise and have monsters after the general on single. But the quality was obviously shit so they have most likely scrapped it and itll just be the general. Which would be a crying shame. Just baffling these songs are 20+ years old and we're only just getting them and still we might not get monsters for another couple of years! madness

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