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Posts posted by soon

  1. Iirc the initial offer was much lower. But Guns was basically out of commission at the time. So Niven used that as leverage. These would be Guns 'comeback shows.'

    Something like that at least.

    Its also how Axl got the idea to blow all their cash on lavish back stage parties in the coming years - because the Stones were already doing huge business and had incredible back stage stuff going on.

    The Stones recently released a concert vid from those shows that includes Izzy and Axl joining the Stones for Salt of the Earth.

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  2. Clone Wars is the purest Star Wars. Its GL immersed in the world he created. And it seems that Favrau and Filoni agree with me that its the purest! Because they are featuring so much from it. (No surprise about Filoni!)

    ESB makes me chuckle - Landos head of security :lol:. Its touted as the "darker one" despite said head of security. And despite that its an f'n romance. The original theatrical release poster had Han and Leia about to kiss in the very centre of the poster. Yeah, Ill take Luke dueling Vader and let the 'tough guy fans' enjoy the romance!

    The Yoda eating Lukes food is super cute. And the unintentional hilarity of Luke doing a hand stand with Yoda balanced on his foot :lol:

    And whats with all the praise for the script? With painful exposition like "Han, old buddy." To remind us that time has passed and Luke and Han are now old buddies. Sigh.

    But Baby Yoda eating everyones food makes me wanna watch ESB :headbang:

  3. 8 hours ago, cineater said:

    No, :lol:  I'm still trying to figure out what a cottage garden is.

    What are you doing up?  You're usually asleep by now.

    The lights on the patio have stayed on so that's good.  Christmas lights aren't your best at construction.  Lose bulbs and connections.  Water just gets in them.

    I dont know what a cottage garden is either! :lol:

    Yeah I was up late. I think it must have had to do with sitting in the dark all day? Didnt sleep in at all though. Boo!

    Maybe I should get some christmas lights for inside my place

  4. 2 hours ago, cineater said:

    My Christmas Lights keep blowing the circuit when it rains. :anger:

    My lead over the cottage garden just resigned, too much on her plate.  Have nobody in mind for that.

    Fucking electricity. I wonder why that happens?

    Will you take on the cottage garden?

  5. 54 minutes ago, cineater said:

    I flipped over to Friends doing Thanksgiving shows.  But all The Santa Claus movies with Tim Allen.  Haven't caught The Polar Express yet or White Christmas or Holiday Inn.

    I call it load in.  It's all that stuff for growing plants going into the greenhouse.  I thought Marsha said 24 bales of Promix, it's 40 bales!  And then all the pots, flats and various other shit.  And because of covid there will only be a few of us to move it in instead of a crew.

    Yeah just the consult and wait again for the procedure.  Just want to get it over with.

    No, you guys do the cooking.  Men are the best cooks.

    Polar Express is so cool! I like Peanuts and Elf too. Also, Gremlins.

    Oh shoot, your load in sounds big! F'n bad ass! Will be even tougher this year with covid restrictions. All the best!

    Im gonna find a video of rosin pressing and enail dabbing for you. But yes, I am one of the best cooks ever! :lol:

    I think i just lost 3 cuttings and the rest are no thriving. Some need a transplant soon!

    Im currently being lit by my pocket alarms little flashlight :facepalm::lol: #2020


  6. What a time to be a fan! Things seemed so grim when Solo under-performed and the films were put on hold. But here we are with weekly Mando, miniseries in the pipe and a brand new Lego holiday special just released!

    Ive been so excited for the debut of live Ahsoka. Yet now that its happening next week, Im a little anxious - like what if shes not the 'Ahsoka' that we've known and loved? But its all Filloni, so Im sure it will be great! But what if?? :wow:


    2 hours ago, RussTCB said:

    Finally a good episode in Season 2. I thought &everything before this was boring as hell. They really have to cut the travel scenes. I don't need to see people on speeder bikes getting from one place to the next, I just need to see what happens when they get there. 

    Huh, I really enjoy the travel vistas. Its a big part of Star Wars to me. I think watching Luke, Ben, and the droids cruise to Mos Eisley was the moment that I first realized that Star Wars is awesome.

    Darth Maul travel scenes in ep 1 make me lol and take me out of the moment though.

    4 hours ago, rocknroll41 said:

    I liked this episode a lot too but part of me kinda wishes the whole episode was just Baby Yoda at school! :D

    He punks the dudes macrones haha

    I thought Id be over Baby Yoda by now... but Im not! It keeps working for me! I also loved the scene of Baby Yoda helping out to fix the Razor Crests wiring lol.

    6 hours ago, DieselDaisy said:

    2-4 were all extremely good. 

    Theyre so good!!!

    Next week the so called "nerd stuff" starts though! I really hope you'll enjoy it too!

    This week we likely saw sequel lore (the attempts at cloning and adding midi-chlorians could be the project to clone Palps or at least to create Snoke!) And next week we get Prequel era spin off cartoon lore!

  7. 27 minutes ago, cineater said:

    I'm watching Christmas shows too. :lol:

    This sound box is really cool.  It has 4 sensors so you can do a light show.  And it does halloween sounds too.  The kids are keeping that for their house or I'm keeping it.  I'm all about the Christmas lights. :)  The cool thing I've discovered about Caleb, is he is too.

    The oral surgeon called to confirm my consultation for Tuesday.  I'm freaking a little bit.  I just want to get this over with.  Fortunately I get out of there and go do the load in.  Doesn't help me late at night but lack of sleep keeps you mellow.  It's okay to be freaked out.

    Samesies :lol: What Christmas shows are you watching?

    You should keep it! I like that you and Caleb have that in common :)

    It will be good to get the dentistry all taken care of. Sorry, I don't follow about doing a "load in" ?

    Its just the consult though, right? Nothing too invasive I hope?

    You thought I was wasting my time when I made my own cannabis extracts.... now Im watching a livestream of someone else making cannabis extracts with a big press :lol: Theres something strangely relaxing about it, lol. And its kinda like in food tv theres the "Cheese pull" shot and the "Breaking the yoke" shot. In extract TV theres the first moment where the liquid oozes out of the press. Its like exactly the same energy of anticipation and satisfaction as a broken yoke running over the Eggs Benedict. :lol:

    Who knows, maybe you'll work for Craig and make extracts? And Ill make you live stream it for me! :lol:

  8. 37 minutes ago, cineater said:

    I know.  I wish people would cooperate instead of being forced.  It's like they have to have the excuse instead of being responsible for their own behavior.

    Mike's not going to do Christmas lights.  He gave me all his stuff.  Huge box of lights and everything to put them up including the extension cords.  And a sound box and a snowman.  Caleb's brother is buying a house on Monday.  We're going to deck his halls! :lol:

    It's rain all day today.  Looking forward to Bobby.  I'm stuck at home now, we need music.

    People are the worst! I hate everybody but you, Cin :lol:

    Calebs brother doesnt know what hes signed up for, does he? :lol: Mikes got a lot of christmas gear!

    Being stuck at home is half way bearable today since there was a new Mandalorian episode, plus the podcast episode review. Plus a brand new Lego Star Wars holiday special Ill likely watch tonight. But yeah, need music!! Bobbys all the way on Monday.

    Maybe a Willie Sunday is in order?

  9. 13 hours ago, cineater said:

    Walmart so it's probably every where.

    I was over peaking in the neighbor's windows. :lol:  Mike couldn't get his dad to answer the phone.  He's going to be 80 and wasn't feeling good when Mike left for work.  Poor guy was in the shower.

    We are rain most of tomorrow and the temps drop.

    Oh thats an awkward thing for you two. Mikes so lucky to have a great neighbour like you.

    The Bobby show is for a cool cause! Music ed for Haitian kids. I guess Bobby is sitting in with a band and other guests. I'm not used to seeing him without his own band... this should be neat!

    All levels of leaders gave us a stern talking to yesterday about Covid. But really, very few enforced restrictions added. Im let down. They keep "requesting" and "Suggesting" measures that are enforced elsewhere around the world. And no one follows them. This time they were like "If you behave we can have Christmas!" But that doesnt work when everyone is already aware that they can do whatever they want without consequence (aside from getting sick and killing people). So people are likely to think "Nope, Im going to the bar everyday after work AND Im doing Christmas." Time for some f'n backbone from the authorities.

    Hope you got your leaf mulch down before the rain!


  10. Im fairly convinced that all bud should be decarbed. *decarb it all* as Izzy once sang.

    Even if you smoke or vape, decarb. It activates more than a lighter or vape can.

    Around here, since legalization, theres too much hype around terps and half the time it doesnt even taste like weed anymore. Lemon is all the rage and they up those terps to the point were it tastes - and feels - like inhaling citrus cleaning spray. Decarbing also reduces all the stunt terps. So for me personally thats another reason to decarb it all.

    But my favourite reason to decarb it all is that I can eat it on a whim with out any additional prep. I just have decarbed bubble hash on hand and when i want to eat it, I just sprinkle it in my yogurt or spaghetti sauce. Or in the condiments on a sandwich. Im not much for sweets and the oil was all going straight to my butt! :lol:

    Ive only been trying this out briefly. So far so good! Anyone have any thoughts? Any downsides?

  11. 59 minutes ago, soon said:

    Jolie, McKenna and Freeland are more than merely “cute.”


    40 minutes ago, Coma16 said:

    Never heard of them.


    29 minutes ago, soon said:

    Freeland is your Deputy Prime Minister :lol:


    1 minute ago, Coma16 said:

    I know her, she's the one who dances around direct questions.



    • Haha 1
  12. 2 hours ago, cineater said:

    We're getting Bobby!  https://nugs.tv/free/?showID=441

    We got the wood chips, 2 loads but the place we get the leaf mulch was closed today.  We'll get it some time soon.  I did get one of my beds ready for mulch.

    Treat yourself for Christmas and get Hot Cocoa Hershey's Kisses!  OMG, so good. 

    Fuck yeah, Bobby!

    I can imagine it was difficult to not get the leaf mulch delivered today? :P:lol:

    That sounds good! And looks so good! Did you bake that? Where did you have it! I might have to try that.


  13. 8 minutes ago, Coma16 said:

    Never heard of them.

    Freeland is your Deputy Prime Minister :lol: And you were just criticizing the government :lol:

    All of them are prominent Liberals. Cabinet Members.

    9 minutes ago, Coma16 said:

    Like recent protests all over the world, Ontarioians should revolt but they won't.

    Why should people revolt?

    10 minutes ago, Coma16 said:

    Science and reason aren't behind these decisions.

    What is behind these decisions?

  14. 4 minutes ago, Coma16 said:

    Our government is cute. 

    Jolie, McKenna and Freeland are more than merely “cute.”

    10 minutes ago, Coma16 said:

    I expect people to revolt (but they won't because all the anarchists are in Quebec and BC).

    It’s sounds like you don’t expect people to revolt.

    But anyways, why wouldn’t an anarchist want to act according to science and reason? (Anything Goes ongoing thing with “anarchism” tho :lol:)


  15. 7 minutes ago, Dazey said:

    I wouldn't call him UK to his face if I were you. The Irish don't seem to like that very much. :lol: 


    I know he’s Irish, but I thought he lived in England? Maybe I’m mistaken.

  16. UK comedian Sir Stevo Timothy's new video about loneliness at Christmas is off side! I kept waiting for the punchline. There is no punch line. Fuck me, that is sad.

    Im more used to his everyday musings as Farmer Michael such as "If ya love a girl or you're showing your respect for the womankind - you pinch their ass, Kathleen. And you slap em by the tits." :lol:

  17. 16 hours ago, Ant said:

    Maybe I'm just ignorant, but it seems so bizarre to me to hear something radically different to what your audience is experiencing... speaking as a hack guitarist. Maybe that's why he has shifted to less gain in his recording, though. Like he was feeling some of his newfound nuance and attention to detail lost in the mud (even though he has always been zeroed in on tasteful with his distortion levels IMO).



    Yeah, his explanation is odd to say the least.

    He also used P-90 single coil pickups all over LTD. So they are also less saturated and sustained.

    So, it’s a weird mix of things. Seems more intentional than he suggests in that interview.

    But if NITL also destroyed his tone and therefore playing style.... I just can’t. 

    • Like 1
  18. 2 hours ago, cineater said:

    No it's not, the paths are full of weeds and Kevin comes along and puts round up on them.  I'm not even sure I want that in the compost bin now.

    Been busy this morning.  It's beautiful out there.  Rain comes into tonight and it rains all the way through Sunday.  Cleaned up my leaves.  Heading up to the garden to work on a bed and hopefully the truck comes in with the leave mulch.

    I gotcha, thanks for clarifying.

    I hope you enjoy your gardening and that the leaf mulch arrives.

    I had to move my main fan in grow room to reach the extension cord. So now its not as effective. And I had a mould issue when it was better positioned, to begin with :facepalm:

  19. 13 hours ago, cineater said:

    Google just started in and they will change it next week for Thanksgiving, I hope. :lol:

    Now I did it.  I gave the cuttings diluted fertilizer water.  Just what I need is for them to grow.  I forgot I can send them to the greenhouse for care.  We may open it a month early, January.  If not February will be fine and I can still grow lots at home.

    We are getting wood chips and leaf mulch for the garden tomorrow.  Gary decided he didn't want plants so we are giving him gas money for the truck to haul the stuff.  Since the stuff is free, I call that a deal.  The parks department is giving us wood chips for free.  I may organize a dig out of some of our paths.  We've been piling wood chips on them for years that have deteriorated to a nice growing medium.  We need to take them down to the ground cloth and put in all fresh stuff.  Problem is we aren't supposed to have money for the gardens this year and we'll have to replace the ground cloth.  I don't have that much in the shed.  

    I just hope that the google turkey wont scare you as much :lol:

    Let me know how the cuttings respond to the diluted fertilizer water. I plan to do the same with my worm tea in the future.

    Im so jealous that you will be back in the greenhouse in January!

    Leaf mulch! Christmas has come early for you! Thats so cool that your path material eventually becomes a growing medium :headbang:

  20. 31 minutes ago, Ant said:

    Where did he say that, do you remember?

    That seems crazy to me -- not be hearing exactly what you're playing. Is that the norm for playing on stage as a professional guitarist?


    My pet theory about the noodling was after quitting all his vices his baseline trait anxiety went up. That he couldn't sort of marinate in the moment as comfortably anymore without something to take the edge off. 


    Found it!

    @EricA posted this article https://www.musicradar.com/news/slash-technique-can-become-the-main-aspiration-but-for-me-its-more-about-expressing-some-sort-of-emotional-content



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