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Posts posted by Ali

  1. On 8/26/2021 at 2:25 AM, NelvinHigby said:

    Tonight was my 5th Guns show, & my Dad’s 7th. I thought they were phenomenal tonight. i Keep up with all of the shows, but being in the room Axl sounded way fucking better. Slash played his ass off tonight as well. There were way fewer weak moments than any other time i’ve seen them. Lots of rasp tonight.  

    Just chiming in as someone who went to the show and is from the area. I agree with this completely. His breath support and vocal conditioning have significantly improved since Hershey. Furthermore, despite what the trolls on this forum may think, there really is no degradation in his vocals since 2017, when I saw them last in Oakland. The clean voice is 100% a choice to reduce wear and tear on his vocal folds. Either you accept that or you don't. It is not an inability to use vocal fry. He used it quite a bit at this show.

    Glad to see that this forum hasn't changed 🙄



    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  2. I'm at Best Buy right now and they're saying its not out until 11/11 :dj:

    I'm at Best Buy right now and they're saying its not out until 11/11 :dj:

    I received my shipping confirmation from Amazon yesterday. It should arrive today.


    And that's cool for amazon and people buying it on amazon but I'm not buying it from amazon (I'm not buying it at all, actually) and best buy won't have it until 11/11


    The point is either Best Buy got it wrong or they are delayed by a week in their shipments, which doesn't make any sense.

    I already have mine. I've seen others have already purchased theirs from stores.

    So, it should be there, Then again, if you're not buying it, I don't see why it's important either way.


    Best Buy showed me in their system the 11/11 date and 70 dollar price tag. I also looked for it on the shelf. Its not there. Have you seen anyone in the us purchase one from best buy? All I've seen are special orders fromocal record stores.


    If you haven't seen it at Best Buy, then for some odd reason, their shipments/on-sale date is staggered. That's too bad for everyone looking to purchase a copy from Best Buy. I have no idea where everyone has purchased theirs.


  3. I'm at Best Buy right now and they're saying its not out until 11/11 :dj:

    I'm at Best Buy right now and they're saying its not out until 11/11 :dj:

    I received my shipping confirmation from Amazon yesterday. It should arrive today.


    And that's cool for amazon and people buying it on amazon but I'm not buying it from amazon (I'm not buying it at all, actually) and best buy won't have it until 11/11


    The point is either Best Buy got it wrong or they are delayed by a week in their shipments, which doesn't make any sense.

    I already have mine. I've seen others have already purchased theirs from stores.

    So, it should be there, Then again, if you're not buying it, I don't see why it's important either way.


  4. So to get the cd I have to buy the blu ray again?

    Not really !

    I've had it ages on mp3, converted the bluray to mp3 and boom, there it is ! Perfectly legal as long as I don't distribute it or anything like that

    I get that. But as a collector, who wants the actual physical discs, looks like I'll have to purchase the blu-ray again.

    Yes, it appears that you cannot purchase the CD version separately.

    Nonetheless, I just pre-ordered the deluxe Blu-ray + CD version. Look forward to getting it.


  5. So apparently Aerosmith have cancelled their gig tonight, but Slash won't take that lying down. According to his Twitter, the Conspirators will play in Aerosmith's place at a smaller venue nearby. I'm sorry, but when do we elect Slash to become president? Thats just plain awesome, of him AND the whole band to be like "let's fucking do it!".

    LIVE TONIGHT: Fillmore Theater, San Francisco, CA - USA (headlining date)

    Tix on sale at 3pm

    Doors at 8pm

    Show at 9pm


    Just saw that.

    Was going to the show tonight, but not sure how convenient it will be to get to SF. It's on the other side of the bay.

    Nice gesture from Slash though.


  6. By not confirming or denying anything it's obvious he's out but is legally obliged not to saying anything. The fact that he put 2006-2014 says it all. What more do you need? The guy is out and is clearly being suppressed. Do you really think Axl would let another Buckethead public trashing to occur? Why do you think Robin didn't say one word when he left....cause he's a nice guy? Wake up. He's out and when they have a replacement it will be announced.

    I don't think it's clear either way. When he was asked in the interview with The National what the status of the band is, he said "we are on a break."


  7. i would be STUNNED if ron left guns n' roses!

    STUNNED would be an understatement for me at least

    The only stunning thing would be an official announcement from GNR on the matter. I don't think they ever announced Robin's departure in any way shape or form.

    They announced it in the same statement that announced DJ's hiring.


  8. I thought I saw South American dates?

    Oh well, anyway, since GNR members have come and gone, I guess this shouldn't be a surprise.

    I did like Ron though. He was an excellent guitar player and seemed like a cool guy.

    Yes, there were unconfirmed SA dates floating around. They are not confirmed yet.


  9. Well since GNR are doing some concerts at the end of the year, guess we'll know for sure by then.

    Maybe Ron just wants to move on. I know he hasn't had time for his solo career, so I guess he feels it's time to go.

    Whatever! It seems all these new members have other bands anyway, so I guess anyone can be replaced at any time.

    GN'R hasn't confirmed any shows later this year.


  10. Update concerning digital download . Download will only be available to purchase directly through Itunes in late August. If you purchased the fantracks streaming version after 6/25 (when the download was first offered in this forum) Fantracks will be happy to issue a refund - send request with Order # to support@fantracks.com.

    If you do request a refund, your streaming service (movie and audiotrack) will be cancelled as well. There were no scams, don't be ridiculous. We tried. The label will only allow the movie to be downloaded thru Itunes platform for security reasons. You CAN still get the audiotrack stream bundled with the movie stream at this time. Its that simple. For those that want to second guess and think there are other reasons or motives, you're wasting your time. This has nothing to do with Axl. Enjoy the formats that are available now and will keep you updated on news regarding DVD/CD Bundle.

    Currently Available : Blu-Ray, DVD, Digital Stream w Audio Soundtrack and VIP Digital Packages . Plenty to choose from. Thanks

    Thank you for the update.


  11. Is that what Volcano used to refer to as Groghanism? Who said anything about a midnight sale? Do you deny that Amazon was on backorder and that no one (at least on multiple GNR forums) were able to find a physical copy at Walmart? Those who found them at Bestbuy had to search for it as if it came out a year ago.

    The fact that you give credence to anything that Volcano says..........

    So what you are saying is that the DVD would have sold better if:

    Walmart chose to carry it

    BestBuy had displayed it better

    Amazon wasn't on backorder

    LIke I said, I'd have to know the specific situations for other bands to know if your complaints were valid or not. Maybe Metallica faced the same issues as GnR, but somehow managed to dwarf GnR's sale's totals. Maybe Megadeth had even worse situations than GnR. Or maybe Walmart chose to not sell it and BestBuy chose to not heavily promote it because they knew it wasn't going to make them any profit?

    Russ had the best comment in this entire topic. He has no need to "spin" the numbers either way. You are making excuses as to why the dvd didn't sell that well. And your excuse really aren't valid. Should I make up a term that means "must defend anything and everything Axl does. Must make up excuses for everything they do." VolcanoComaIsm.

    Yes, it would have sold even better than it did it Walmart was carrying it and was in stock at other retailers. Also, I'm not making excuses that it didn't sell well (it was #1 for godsakes). I'm saying that it could have sold even more!
    Well said, Coma. I agree.


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