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Cold Jen Time

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Posts posted by Cold Jen Time

  1. 27 minutes ago, Jane M. said:

    Today was Trooping the Colour, he was just showing the queen his respects??

    Your defense of Axl concerns me, @Jane M..  Not quite sure what to make of it.



    In other news, I just found out that today is "International Surfing Day".  So hey...if you didnt know, now ya know, Stradlin!  See, we're good for something around here! :kiss:

    2 minutes ago, Jane M. said:

    Bloody hell:rofl-lol:

    Paging @Cold Jen Time, enjoy that my dear. :P

    Hey that was fucking AWESOME for 1983!!!!  


  2. 7 hours ago, killuridols said:

    This teaming up with The Who is not working already... it's an outrageous price in a market of people who struggle to make a living. They are not selling very well.... Last year, at this point, the tickets for a spot in front of stage were already gone and sold out. This year there are thousands available yet.

    Def Leppard and Poison are shit bands, lol... I'd never go see that but good for them if they have managed to stick around and tour after tour :shrugs:... Guns N' Roses is stale and once the spark is gone, they will have to wait a couple years before they can jump on a new nostalgia tour.

    I do have an interest in new music and that's the only thing that will keep me following the band after they are over with NITL, but I dont know if THEY wanna do it. Slash, Duff and Izzy fans can be happy because those guys will keep making music and playing forever. Axl.....?? I have serious doubts.




  3. 21 minutes ago, killuridols said:

    Who knows..... apparently Axl was mad that Slash wanted to build a career outside of GN'R and according to Slash, Axl accussed him of using material that "belonged" to GN'R, to make his first Snakepit album. :shrugs:

    Axl should have known better... he can't tie a wild soul like Slash to a post and make him wait decades until he decides to release music. Slash is the total opposite of Axl so I hope Axl learned his lesson and understands the damage he's done to his career by being this way.

    Nowadays, things are different so I doubt there's room for Axl to demand anything from Slash other than comminment to the current projects. If there is a GN'R album in the making, I doubt Slash will be waiting another decade to release it. He will want it done pretty soon so he can move on to the next thing.

    And yes, it was said that there's an album with Myles Kennedy waiting to be released or promoted (not sure, I dont follow) and I dont think Slash will take sabbatic year after this tour. Dont know either when this tour will be over but probably not much longer than half of 2018?

    Yeah, I don't think they can milk it for much longer with these ticket prices.  I mean, I know bands like Def Leppard and Poison stick around and do tour after tour, but to me, they're just kinda super fun bands to see and they don't charge exhorbitant amnts for tickets.  GNR is a little more intense. :headbang:Plus those other bands actually have all mostly original members (besides Steve Clark from DL who passed - but Vivian C has been with them forever now ... and I guess Phil Collen replaced that Pete Willis guy but that was in like 1982).

     And honestly, I don't think Duff, Axl, or Slash have any real interest in making any new music together.  I think I mentioned several days ago that I'M not even really interested in a new album either.  

  4. 10 minutes ago, Jane M. said:

    OMFG. :rofl-lol:

    I swear I don't know what's going on. I think a certain someone with pantalones rojos hacked my account again. 


    THIS is exactly what I fucking needed today!  OMG!!!


    Although I "Gotta Say" (get it? rock4), I'm pretty surprised about the lack of blowies. You coulda at least given it up for the one in the white shirt. 

  5. 28 minutes ago, SerenityScorp said:

    One by one the NO!  Gang Members collapse after watching GN'R

    Dude.  I can't believe it's been almost a year since I saw them. It's like I'm re-living all the joy and the pain and the excitement and the frustration thru you peeps.  I'm totally on the emotional roller coaster AGAIN .... and the weird thing is I'm not sure if I wanna get off!  This is what these stupid fuckers do to me.  Just continually poke ... poke ... at me.  Gaaaaaaaaaah!!! 



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  6. 1 hour ago, Fourteenbeers said:

    Yeah, I thought you might say that. But  that pic of Axl was pretty cute, you don't have to barf because of it.:P


    What do you guys think about this: One Italian guy in this forum PM:d me.

    He asked if I could buy some lithographs for him from Gn'R:s Finland's gig. He said he can pay me beforehand and what ever I ask for as "provision".  I have zero experience of buying lithographs. I have to ask him few things before I decide. (such as do they sell out really quickly? Meaning I'd have to be there super early to get them (or have to queue long ass time?)  There's a "sort of" cloakroom at venue, so I could leave them there during the concert.

     I haven't contacted him yet (and he has probably PM:d other people going to the gig too, so it's possible that he has already made an agreement with someone else) 

    Do you guys have any experience with these things? 

    Hahahah.  Sorry I barfed over your picture of Axl. 


    Hmmmmmmmm....I dunno about this purchasing stuff for people you don't know.  I mean, it would probably be fine but it seems stressful.

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