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Posts posted by Azifwekare

  1. It would have literally been a different album.

    A) The lost 1996 album would (probably) have been completed, with work on new material most likely not starting again until after the millennium (therefore skipping the period when most of Chinese Democracy was written).

    B) Had the album after the 1996 one been close to what became CD, it would have been a lot blusier, instead of the power chord and shred driven sound of Robin and Bucket - plus without Bucket, we wouldn't have Shackler, Sorry, Scraped, The General etc. And without Robin we wouldn't have Better, and according to Axl, he was also the one that convinced him to keep and continue with This I Love.

    C) Lyrically it would also have been totally different - no songs inspired by the breakup and the media's treatment/opinion of Axl etc. We would have still had the Stephanie ballads though. 

    So yeah, CD as we know it now would never have happened. 

  2. ^^Yep, this is true. For example, AFD wasn't all like "Yaay, drugs!" It was more like "Just look at all this shit". And most of the misogynist stuff Axl himself admitted that he wasn't condoning it, he was working through the twisted view of women he had at the time, expressing the flaws of humanity.

    In art generally, people take too much at face value, whereas the artist could be using double meanings, metaphors or an ironic stance used to criticise. An in movies, etc... who cares? It's just storytelling, of course no one is endorsing murder etc.

  3. 20 minutes ago, Iron MikeyJ said:

    Let me start by saying I am not left or right, I fully see the problems with both sides of that coin. I also fully admit that guns has some lyrics that could absolutely be viewed as sexists, but that's not my point. 

    I also don't like the "us vs them" mentality that's in our society right now. But I also am willing to point out the hypocrisy when I see it. I agree, it's basic human decency to treat each other with respect, I never said that I don't. But doesn't that go both ways? That's my point. In an age of political correctness, I see a new tv show making fun of white people. Why is that ok? Yet not a single news story or article is talking about it. Why? But if a show came out portraying minorities in a negative light, it would get all sorts of backlash. It's no big secret that CBS, ABC, and NBC are liberal companies (with ABC, I mean DISNEY being the worst). With Fox being a conservative run company. So the programming these networks run are geared towards pushing their political agendas.  It's becoming increasingly hard to watch ANY sort of television shows that are not pushing some sort of agenda. Then we wonder why everyone is turning "us vs them". We can't escape it, it's everywhere. 

    It's gotten so bad out there that it's hard to find any journalism that isn't slanted one way or another. Thats what bothered me the most about this Slash interview, she had an agenda and she backed Slash into this. He thought he was getting interviewed for his new album, she didn't care about that. She KNEW she was going to hit him with this, and catch him off guard. Hopefully get him to say something bad, get a clickable story, and increase her stock. Which clearly it worked. This crap is gping on everywhere, I've even mentioned in other threads about how most movies are pushing these agendas as well. 

    I honestly don't care about a tv show making fun of white people, we are an easy target, no doubt. But why this double standard, that's my point. If it's good for the goose, shouldn't it be good for the gander? Because when it's not, then the "basic human rights" type arguments lose credibility. 

    I agree, media bias is a big problem. The main reason why I don't bother with newpapers anymore is because they're intent on pushing political agenda bullshit onto people instead of simply giving them the news (over here in Britain it's all about this Brexit crap - I don't care if you're for or against, gimme the facts!) I don't have any political leanings, I couldn't give two shits. I don't live in any type of bubble or feedback/echo chamber, I keep away from that shit, I just make my own mind up depending on what's right and wrong, morally.

    Although, I don't  understand exactly what point people are trying to make when they complain about something being liberal. From what I've seen, it's when people are seen to give too much of a shit about someone different to them or considered to be 'the other', and those who do are accused of being 'snowflakes' or whatever, or if anyone says anything vaguely anti-Trump (which at this stage is a moot point, as even most Republicans are anti-Trump). Ususally, "too liberal" seems to be a euphemism for "not racist/[insert -ism here] enough".

    And what do you mean "Disney being the worst"? The fact that they don't use all-white casts?

    With regards to Slash being "backed into a corner", all he had to do was put his hands up and admit "We done fucked up", which to his credit he did. What else was he supposed to say? "Nah, fuck dem bitches"? Unless you're just a terrible person, it's not too difficult to recognise when you've said something out of turn, even if it was 30 years ago. He didn't need to be forced into it.

    And the whole black/white jokes thing, it just reminds me of this side by side comparison I saw once - it was basically on one side harmless jokes about white people having no rhythm, not seasoning their chicken etc., and then you can probably guess what the "jokes" about black people were... Malicious hateful shit basically that could not be reposted.

    I've always thought the term 'minorities' was just dumb, also. It makes me think of that Louis CK joke where the American guy takes a trip to Africa, looks around and says "Oh my god, look at all the minorities!"

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  4. On 9/10/2018 at 6:40 PM, GNRfanMILO said:

    "Cliff, We Salute You" is the best AXL/DC bootleg by far. Clear vocals and almost no crowd noise. Also I would love to know to which Manchester boot you are referring because mine doesn't sound that good :) 

    You can check the sound quality of the Philly bootleg on this multi-cam that I made


    Yes, that's definitely much better than the Philly recording I found. It sounds great. 

    I've got the Bullet Records 'Manchester or Bust', but tbh that's just the one I listen to because I've got it on CD, and sounds better than anything I've managed to download. But it's certainly not as clear as that video.

    • Like 1
  5. On 09/09/2018 at 10:58 AM, AxlIsGod. said:

    I heard a low quality manch one, is there a good one?! The Philly bootleg I have is amazing sounding...

    Is that the one that sounds distorted? Or does 'Cliff, We Salute You' have a better recording than the one that's out there to download?

  6. 1 hour ago, nikothebellic said:

    The answers are complete bias (for now). In 2017 we had Slash, Duff, Dizzy and Axl together, a hell of a setlist and a tight, decent and positively handled band. Yes, Axl wasn't in top form, but he wasn't in 2001 either. So, anyone who votes for III is just a fan of those band, or prefer to trash Axl's voice every time when he gets a chance. For me, 2001 is rather a joke than a real return of GnR.  Strangely to see these answers.  

    The NITL band really does sound great, much better than the Ashba era. However, although it really is great to see him happier nowadays, vocally Axl still hasn't found his groove - his weird Neil Young impression is alot more jarring than his 2002 helium voice ever was, and has a habit of singing out of time with the rest of the band every now and then. Plus, Slash can't seem to stop wanking all over every song and turning the endings of each one into a 5 minute guitar solo, it's almost as if he's trying to take attention away from the rest of the band.

  7. 11 hours ago, alfierose said:

    This is the crux of the issue. The people involved in takedowns have held multiple accounts here over the years, some get get spotted but inevitably others go undetected. It wouldn't make any difference in the end to limit viewing to signed in members.

    Couldn't their IP addresses just be blocked from opening new accounts? Or is it not that simple?

  8. 6 hours ago, Tom2112 said:

     That would be a fair fight.

    I don't particularly like thec early version of this song before bumble added his parts. 

    So 2017 for this poll. 2006-2014 for anything else.

    In b4 takedown

    3 hours ago, jacdaniel said:

    Nu Guns is finished, it was a largely unsuccessful era with 1 album that not too many people like and endless touring that ended up in smaller and smaller venues. 


    Unlike most people it seems, I don't need other people to validate my tastes. I listen to what I want.

  9. 4 hours ago, Gnrcane said:

    I've never understood how recording studio time costs so much.  At $1,000 an hour that's 13,000 hours.  That would be like 12 hours a day, every day for 3 years.


    It seems like it was quite easy to spunk thousands away per hour


    4 hours ago, Lies They Tell said:

    The only GNR related thing that really interests me at the moment is, what the heck is Axl doing at the moment. Apparently he's not working on the next AC/DC album, so is he working on the next GNR album? Has Slash sent him his song ideas and is Axl creating lyrics for those songs right now? Or what is he doing?

    This was discussed in another recent thread, where it was established that he was concentrating on building up his Fornite rank.

    • Like 1
  10. 6 hours ago, Sydney Fan said:

    Id like to know why axl didnt release a cd2 or cd3. If the record company at the time wouldnt release anything or fund it, he could have self funded it himself if he truly belived in the quality of the songs as a whole and made things happen on his own and especially if he thought the way forward and future of  the band was with the current players . For all axls talk about how he liked the current chidem players and the band  it seems he had one foot forward to the future and one foot back with the past and he wasnt sure or confident which direction to go.

    I've never understood why the label would spend $13 mil on 3 albums of material and only release 1. Surely they'd want their money's worth and release all 3 to maximise profit?

    IIRC Guns only had one album left on their contract after CD (someone correct me if I'm wrong) and, so goes Axl's telling, the label and various managers tried to sabotage nuGuns ("murky Merckiness") and force Axl's hand to a reunion, or else miss their chance to be the ones to release a reunion album. 

  11. The 'Manchester or Bust' CD is my go-to bootleg. The quality sounds much better overall than the Philadelphia recording that I heard imo.

    There was another one from early on that I downloaded that sounded quite good, clear vocals, but I can't remember what show it was from. The majority of Axl/DC recordings I've heard have the vocals quite low under the guitars, which is a shame as it's the vocals that are the main draw for me.

  12. Just an idea here. Due to the current stuation we have in which pretty much every GNR video that gets posted to the forums just so happens to get removed soon after, is there a way for a function to be emplemented in which only signed in users are able to see Youtube videos, for example?

    A lot of other forums have this function with things such as links and embedded media being hidden when signed out. I understand there's probably a desire for the forums to remain inclusive, but something like this would, in theory, be a good short-term solution.

    It's frustrating for us not to be able to share cool videos we find here due to the high likelihood of a certain someone getting them taken down.

  13. 11 minutes ago, JimmyMick3 said:

    Look at them...all dancing away to The General and not having a clue....

    Yeah, it always baffled me how a room full of people could just chat over the music and not give a shit that this mythical track that we've heard so much about was blaring through the speakers, but it looks like most of the people there were just models who were paid to turn up.

    Although, given the lyrical content of  both The General and Silkworms that were played, I actually find it hilarious how they could act so normal and have no reaction to it.

    • Like 1
  14. 12 hours ago, Stro said:

    Actually it makes little to no sense to have a GNR reunion, go on one of the biggest and most successful tours of all time, then release 2 albums of music without Slash (or Duff, I guess)

    Like I said, no one would expect Slash or Duff on CD bonus tracks, so there would be no "comeback album" expectations. And Axl coming off the reunion tour to release CD2 is no different than Slash finishing the tour to release and tour an album with Piles Kennedy.

  15. Ok, I'm calling it now: November 2018, Chinese Democracy double disc reissue, with CD2 as a bonus disc.

    Axl gets the chance to mark the 10th anniversary of his magnum opus, the fans get a "new album" without people expecting Slash and Duff to be on it, people who didn't give the album a chance the first time round but enjoyed the songs at the gigs have something new to buy, Universal can recoup some more of the $13 mil they spent on tracks gathering dust, and the whole thing gets the band big publicity and new material for another few years of touring.

    Everybody wins. 

    It makes perfect sense... which means it probably won't happen.

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