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Posts posted by SweetRose

  1. Gonna get frigid cold here in West Virginia too.

    We might see temps in single digits/teens a few times during the winter months. But we are suppose to get down below zero with possible wind chills of -35.

    I know it's cold as fuck right now in my apt and it's the 40s right now. Lol

    I think they need to come check out my heat.

  2. I agree with Marc on the abondanment comment.

    And I want to add a little of my own opinion.

    I think that Axl has abondanment issues period.

    With it stemming from his biological dad leaving him and his mother.

    Then he had the woman that he thought was the love if his life (Erin) leave.Then he had thought he had yet again found that special someone with Stephanie,and she leaves.

    And in between those two leaving,the friend he thought would stick with him no matter what(Izzy),leaves him also.

    And let's not forget those that he came to trust/have close friendships with,(West,Shannon,etc)left him in their deaths. And sometimes,that feels like being abandoned too.

    Then,the one that he felt was his musical soul mate,Slash,leaves.Along with the remaining guys leaving too.

    So yeah,I get the abandonment feeling. I know what it feels like first hand. But sometimes in life,you have to bite the fucking bullet,compromise more than you want or planned,if you plan to have any type of relationship with those who left you. After all,that's what a relationship means,it can't always be one way. If you truly,deep down,care about them. You will find it within yourself to forgive. You don't nessarily have to forget. And if you can't learn to forgive with this type of stuff,people will just keep walking away.

    Lord knows I still can't sometimes,get over the fact that my dad left me,my brother and mom. But I love him. And have a relationship with him to this day.

    And I know some will say"But that's your relative!"Well,in a sense, the band was Axl relatives. They were people that he loved,cared about and thought he could trust. And to me,that indeed,is a form of brotherhood. You don't have to be blood,to feel like family!!

  3. I've been a GN'R fan since about late 1987.And loved everything they had recorded up to the break up,including TSI.

    I absolutely loved UYI's.Loved Axl's Nov.Rain,Estranged,Don't Cry(but not the alt.). I vowed to own every album,even after the breakup,if it held up to my expectations.In which I thought it would have,being CD was going to be Axl's vision and his alone,being that I loved his creations from UYI's.

    So I waited and waited and waited some more.Then FINALLY!Here his creation was born.My heart sank to my feet!I could not believe what I was hearing,and by no means do I mean that in a good way.

    Here was my favorite GN'R guy,with his vision that had to be,and it was nothing that seemed to be anything remotely to his style.It left me scratching my head,going "HUH?!".

    I mentioned earlier,that I had vowed to own every GN'R album that was or would be recorded.Well,to this day,I have yet to own CD. I won't even allow myself to buy it from a $.99 bin/Dollar Tree,that's how much I disliked hearing the leaks,streams,etc.

    It's not because it's not the old band.There was nothing on it,that spoke to my heart/soul.It didn't take me on the mind fucked journey any of the other albums had done.Its hard to describe it for me.

    I gave Axl and his NuGN'R the benefit of the doubt,and yes I listened to it online.And that was when my heart shattered.

  4. I've always wondered if ParadiseCity was created to monitor which version of the band people are really interested in.

    So in other words,if ya for the old band up vote everything do to with the old band and down vote NuGN'R.

    Or vice versa. ;)

  5. Cause I sent him a message about it.And no,before anyone says,I didn't do it to suck up to the GN'R camp.In my opinion,and really I don't know why I feel this way.But I don't think Axl would agree to some of the stuff she's selling.

    I mean,there's lyrics and shit,that he may think he misplaced.The letter from their dad.Even tho he doesn't or didn't at one time like his dad(step-dad actually).To me some of it's just a little too personal.

    I first saw it on FB on Fans of RIP magazine.Which Del belongs to that FB page too,so he would have eventually saw it,if he hadn't already,before I sent him the message.

    I actually told him about someone trying to sell an old year book,claiming to have stuff written inside by Axl.Thought maybe Axl woulda liked to have seen it.Why?Who knows,cause he didn't like a lot of those people either. Lol

    But Del and I post from time to time on each other's FB posts.I pretty much leave him alone and not bug him.Unless,deep down,I feel like it's something that I think he or the band or whatever,should know about.Or if I have a burning question.

  6. I think it would be exciting to see the show, the big reunion show. Like them all walking out would be electrifying, the crowd would be going nuts.

    exactly, it would be electrifying, it would be absolutely huge.

    reunion would be awesome, no matter what some internet losers might say..... and even if it wasn't that great, at least it would be better than what we have now.

    Exactly!They wouldn't even have to do anything but just stand there,not moving,not playing,nothing for the first few moments and the crowd would still go fucking nuts!!!!!!
    • Like 1
  7. Izzy does paintings doesn't he?Maybe he also does work for other musicians like in the studio?Plus he has all the money made from the UYI records,unless of course he has wasted it.And I don't think he wasted that money on drugs and shit,cause that was the era where he was getting clean.

  8. Do you think that all of the commotion between you n Axl and I'm not outright blaming Beta here.But could it have been that she had read an interview/quote from you and misunderstood it entirely?Being that she isn't American and May not have a good enough grasp on the English language?And before she started hiding or keeping stuff from Axl?

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