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evilfacelessturtle last won the day on August 7 2024

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  1. I think most people agree with the sentiment. New York recently switched to ranked-choice voting, thanks to a grassroots movement of progressives. That's the only way I see out of this; state by state battles, unfortunately.
  2. Serious question; do you have a full time job?
  3. Guys, you can't trust Wikipedia, you gotta trust HowStuffWorks.com... The claim was that conspiracy theories sometimes turn out true. None of those were spread around as theories before the public found out, so they don't prove that at all. #1 is literally just saying "It's true that Bohemian Grove exists". It's not saying any of the conspiracy theories about what happens there are true. 'While it’s true that the most powerful men in the world come here and perform strange rituals in front of a giant owl, it's mostly just a place for powerful men to behave like drunken frat boys.'
  4. How's this for a conspiracy? “You see I’m talking about cutting taxes, people go like that,” said Trump as he mimicked a golf clap. “I talk about transgender, everyone goes crazy. Who would have thought? Five years ago, you didn’t know what the hell it was.” You gotta love when Trump's senile dementia acts up and he accidentally says to his supporters' faces that he's pandering and manipulating them. And then he does his meaningless little virtue signal executive order on gender, and they lap it up like sheep. The "party of small government" wants the government to tell you how to dress and behave in your personal life. If that isn't authoritarian, what is?
  5. I don't expect much that we don't already know. I dove into the JFK assassination once, leaning towards the belief that it was a conspiracy, but the evidence just fell apart under scrutiny.
  6. You don't understand, it's the Democrats who are obsessed with identity politics!
  7. In one fell swoop, they have proven why no one should ever believe them what they trot out their "law and order" talking points. "Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect."
  8. If the Dems were even half as partisan as the GOP, that would already be an angle to challenge this order in the courts. But Dems never use GOP tactics in kind, they continue to let themselves be bullied.
  9. You make a great point, if this law says that anything disconnected from biology is not a protected trait, then this means we can discriminate against Christians, right?
  10. Anyone who disagrees with you is not a troll.
  11. This guy lost $700k on Trump's scam company: It will be funny watching MAGAs all get fucked over by their conman retard daddy for the next 4 years.
  12. "Air" and "oxygen" mean the same thing to the average person. That does not mean they are the same thing. Facts matter. Common ignorance does not. Funny how the people claiming the mantle of biology are the ones rejecting science in favor of layman's terminology.
  13. “Sex” is not a synonym for and does not include the concept of “gender identity.” Hmm, weren't you just arguing against this distinction between sex and gender? The whole thing is just complete nonsense gibberish. If it were based on science, they would be able to cite a single study. Again, we arrive at "personality is a fiction because there's no biological marker for it". Retardation on a mass scale. Saying the word "science" is not the same as doing science. Everything is an empty slogan or buzzword in maga world. "facts" and "science" are just labels you throw around baselessly, however you need at the moment to attack your enemy. Sick and perverted weaponization of language itself.
  14. If sex and gender are the same, how could Melania look so much like a man? It's physically impossible!
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