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Everything posted by Karice

  1. Curb Your Enthusiasm is STILL running? 😳 πŸ€”I thought it ended YEARS ago, like 2015. πŸ€”πŸ˜³
  2. Congratulations on your new incoming Son or Daughter, πŸ˜€, but a huge part of your post comes off as sexist...😐
  3. You got me GOOD. I was literally seconds away from telling you off for reporting the OP, to the Mods saying something like,"So, the OP made a innocent thread about wanting to see Guns N'Roses as next years Halftime Show and you reported him to the Mods? Not cool," πŸ˜’πŸ˜ and then I realized YOU are the OP and were making a joke. Once again, you got me good! 🀭
  4. The next day, they got up and ate and got ready for the day. There was a knock on the door. Axl knew exactly who it was. It was some mental health hospital Staff, ready to take Andy to the mental health hospital! Axl said,"I called them to take you to the mental health hospital. I have Power Of Attorney over you." Andy said,"I don't want to go." Axl said,"You need serious mental help. And you'll be getting the help you need." Billy, James, Jimmy, Axl, and Mike all backed up Axl. Andy reluctantly agreed to let the mental health hospital take him away. He put on a bulletproof vest and motorcycle helmet and left with the mental health hospital staff. Billy, Axl, James, Jimmy, and Mike all soon went to the mental hospital and visited Andy. Andy was grateful that his five brothers were visiting him in the mental health hospital. They played Monopoly and Scrabble and chatted. On Social Media, Fans were once again clamoring for another Cake Cream Show soon. Cake Cream and Axl all looked around at each other awkwardly. Andy was in a mental health hospital. He couldn't do a Cake Cream Show while he was in the mental health hospital. They wanted to please their Fans who were getting more and more anxious for a Cake Cream Show, but once again, Andy was in the mental health hospital. Axl said," Maybe I can book a Cake Cream Show with just me, Billy, Mike, Jimmy, and James and claim that Andy is at home"Sleeping?" Andy, James, Jimmy, Mike, and Billy all agreed this wasn't a bad idea. Axl smiled. He went to the James L Knight Center and booked a Cake Cream Show for tomorrow. Fans were happy. Axl went back to the mental health hospital and they all chilled and chatted. Axl begun to feel tired, so he fell asleep in Billy's lap. Andy looked at Billy and Axl who were so madly in love with each other and Andy wished he could find true love like Billy and Axl had for each other. Mike, Andy, James, Billy, and Andy all chatted amicably. Andy couldn't believe he ever had wanted to end it all when he had his Cake Cream Family who loved him so much. Axl woke up about an hour later and they all chatted amicably. Andy was glad that Axl was his Power Of Attorney. Axl REALLY did save Andy's life multiple times. Andy couldn't believe he had tried to sell out the man who ended up saving his life multiple times, and he tried to do it for technically only $1,000 ! He was lucky Axl didn't permanently end their friendship for that. Andy knew MANY people would have permanently ended their friendship for that. Axl was a true Friend for all of them. Soon, visiting time was over and they said their goodbyes to Andy and vice versa. Jimmy, Axl, Billy, James, and Mike all went back to the Luxurious Penthouse Suite and chilled more and then fell asleep.
  5. Yep, rape is one of the worst crimes to happen to people. 😱😳🀬😑 What's even worse is when rape results in pregnancy! 😱😳
  6. Yes, he was. Remember in 1988 he still had an explosive, fiery, angry, passionate, wild, impulsive , temperamental, moody, reckless, etc persona. πŸ’‘
  7. I REALLY wish Wendi would come back. She left in solidarity with Shacklemyre leaving. Shacklemyre returned MONTHS ago. Wendi should have returned shortly after Shacklemyre returned. πŸ’‘
  8. In Vampiresoul's defense, it did seem REALLY convincing. 😜
  9. The next day, they got up and ate and got ready for the day. On Social Media, Fans were clamoring for another Cake Cream Show soon. Axl, Andy, Billy, James, Mike, and Jimmy all looked around awkwardly. Should they REALLY do a Cake Cream Show soon after Andy tried to commit suicide? Andy said,"The Fans want a Cake Cream Show. We're working for the Fans, remember that." James said,"But Andy, you just tried to commit suicide. Shouldn't we be more focused on your mental health than working for the Fans? Jimmy, Mike, Axl, and Billy all backed up James. Andy said,"I'm going back to sleep." He started heading back to his room. Axl, James, Jimmy, Mike, and Billy were immediately all alarmed. We're all coming to your room with you! Billy, James, Jimmy, Mike, and Axl all said simultaneously. Andy said,"Relax, I'm just going to normal sleep, not the suicide sleep I tried to do." James, Axl, Mike, Jimmy, and Billy all looked around at each other and Andy still concerned. Billy said,"I'm coming with you!" Andy reluctantly allowed Billy to come to his room with him. Andy lied down in bed and Billy tucked him in as Andy smiled a little. Andy felt grateful he had five Brothers who loved him dearly. Billy lied next to Andy and they chatted about the good times Cake Cream and Axl had. Billy said,"Remember the random wolf that came to see Cake Cream?" Andy laughed and said,"That was funny. Remember Axl communicating with the Wolf?" Billy laughed and said,"That was funny." Billy smiled and said,"Remember my high school reunion? We all had such fun." Andy responded with a smile,"We sure had fun at your high school reunion!" Billy and Andy soon both fell asleep. As they slept, Axl, James, Jimmy and Mike pondered what to do about Andy. Axl said,"I can put Andy in a mental health hospital for a while. I feel he still needs mental help." James, Jimmy, and Mike all agreed this was a good idea. Axl smiled and called a mental health hospital and told the Staff Member that he was sending Andy to the mental health hospital tomorrow. The mental health Staff Member and Axl made plans for Andy and soon said their goodbyes. Axl, James , Jimmy and Mike watched TV and chilled. Soon, Mike, James, Axl, and Jimmy fell asleep themselves. Billy and Andy woke up soon and chatted and watched TV. Billy said,"One of the scariest and saddest moments of my life was when you tried to commit suicide." Andy blushed and said,"I just felt so guilty about stealing the 1.6 Billion from you, Mike, James, and Jimmy and trying to give Axl over the Police for $1,000/$5,000 when he was a Fugitive." Billy said,"You're so much more important to us than the money you stole and what you tried to get by attempting to sell out Axl. We all love you. And besides, you have is back all the money you stole and gave us extra. Andy said,"I'm just to sorry I did all of that to you guys." Billy said,"We know Andy. We know. Billy and Andy ate some lunch, watching more TV and chatting. Andy tried to lighten the mood and decided to talk about Billy and Axl's relationship. Billy's eyes lit up and he started gushing about Axl. Billy said,"I'm so glad Axl and I are dating. Axl's one of the most wonderful men I have ever met. We're truly deep in love. Andy smiled. "You and Axl truly make a great couple. The love you guys have for each other is truly palpable. I truly wish I had a love like you too have." Billy smiled. Axl, James, Jimmy, and Mike soon all woke up and they all just hung out and chilled. They had dinner and soon all went to sleep.
  10. I remember saying on this board something like,"I wonder if Axl will make an Account acting like he is just another Guns N'Roses Fan, saying something like,"Oh my God, Guns N'Roses are GREAT! I love Guns N'Roses, Guns N'Roses are my FAVORITE band in the whole world! πŸ˜œπŸ˜€πŸ€­ A response said something like,"I can't see AXL doing that, but I can see Merchnando doing that, LMAO! 🀣 " I, being COMPLETELY confused on who Merchnando was, went on Google and looked up Merchnando. Google thought I was trying to look up Merchandise . I then looked up Guns N'Roses Merchnando. Google thought I was trying to look up Guns N'Roses Merchandise." I went back to MYGNR and said something like,"Guys, Google doesn't recognize Merchnando. It keeps asking me if I am trying to look up Merchandise. Guys, who is Merchnando? πŸ€” Posters responded something like,"You REALLY don't know who MERCHNANDO is? 🀣 Bless your heart, sweet Karice! 🀣 I soon saw Posters talking about FERNANDO, and I FINALLY put two and two together and realized that Merchnando is a portmanteau of Merchandise and Fernando, πŸ€£πŸ˜€ and told MYGNR this. IIRC, Posters were like,"Congratulations on FINALLY realizing who Merchnando is! 😜🀣
  11. Speaking of Dexter, a bunch of disgruntled Guns N'Roses Fans in 2022 were saying stuff like,"Did Dexter think those weird cornrows he had in 2002 looked good on him?" Dexter hasn't made a new album since 2008. It's 2022 now!" Dexter's voice is shot. " "Dexter sounds like Mickey Mouse now!" "Dexter looks so bad at 60 compared to how good looking he was in say 1987 when he was 25." I, having had NO idea who Dexter was at the time asked something like,"Why are you guys calling Axl Dexter? 🀨 This is even worse than people who call him Axel and Axle!"🀨 The response was something like,"Axl visited multiple Guns N'Roses Fan Websites with the screen name Dexter." πŸ˜€
  12. As of today, I am officially a Steve Carell character! πŸ€­πŸ˜œπŸ€£πŸ€”πŸ’‘
  13. Stacy, we shouldn't blindly believe Axl just because we're Fans of him. Had this been some random Average Joe on the streets that Sheila claimed did this to her in 1988, you most likely would believe her, right? πŸ’‘ Do you actually remember how Axl was like in 1988? He was VERY wild, reckless, impulsive, not very gentleman like. I REALLY hope that Sheila is just lying because she wants money and Axl's claims that all he did with Sheila was take a picture with her, like so many other people he has taken pictures with, but the fact is that Axl was not very gentleman like in 1988. Once again, I hope Axl is 100 percent an innocent victim in this, some Fan he took one picture with and that was it and is now trying to get money from him, but Axl was VERY wild in 1988. πŸ€”
  14. Maybe I should have said something like,"Would get ZERO traction," instead of "Laughed out of Court. πŸ€”πŸ’‘
  15. I'm worried that the sexual lawsuit against Axl is going forward. When this first broke out, I honestly assumed it would be laughed out of Court as an obvious cash grab from someone who just wanted money, filing about ONE day before the statue was set to expire. πŸ™„πŸ˜’Bit now that Axl's been served and Sheila's Lawyers want to question Axl, I'm REALLY worried. I wish Sheila didn't get the news that the Statue was set to expire until TWO days later. 😑 Then Axl wouldn't be in this mess!
  16. The next day, they got up and ate and got ready for the day. Axl, Andy, James, Jimmy, Mike, and Billy all looked at each other awkwardly, all thinking about Andy's suicide attempt. Axl said," We all agreed to be open with each other. " Andy blushed shyly and Billy, Mike, James, and Jimmy backed up Axl. Axl said, "If anyone of us is having bad feelings, we should let it be known within us." Axl looked at Andy intensely. Andy's blush got even redder. Andy knew exactly what Axl was referring to. Andy couldn't believe he tried to commit suicide. Billy said, "I'm really glad you're still alive," he said to Andy gratefully. James, Jimmy, Axl, Mike, all backed up Billy. Andy added, "I'm glad I'm still alive too." James, Billy, Mike, Andy, Axl, and Axl all smiled. Axl said seriously, "We cannot let Social Media find out that Andy tried to commit suicide. They'll have a field day with that one." Everyone backed up Axl. They mentioned that every Member of Cake Cream faced death. Andy- Mark showed up with a gun to his room trying to use it on him. Andy nearly died from purposely overdosing on sleeping pills. Axl- Got shot multiple times at a Cake Cream Concert by John. Got shot in his stomach by Mark, but came prepared and bullet ricocheted off of Axl and went to Mark instead. Billy. Got shot in his stomach by Charles. Was sleeping when Mark accidentally caused a house fire. Nearly got strangled by John. James. Went into a Coma at hospital after being hit in stomach by Jimmy. Everybody. Nearly got bombed at a Cake Cream show by Martin. They all were grateful they were all still alive. They decided to stay in today and just chill. They wanted to just relax and work on their bond more. They chatted openly with each other and watched TV. They ate and drank, chatting and watching more TV. They had fun just relaxing and hanging out with each other in the Luxurious Penthouse Suite. It was time to get ready for bed. Andy went to his room and fell asleep soon. Axl said to James, Jimmy, Mike, and Billy that Andy probably shouldn't be sleeping alone and one of them should go to sleep with Andy. Everyone agreed. Jimmy agreed to go to sleep with Andy. Everyone smiled. Jimmy went to Andy's room and laid down next to him and fell asleep soon. James and Mike went to their own bedrooms and fell asleep soon. Billy and Axl went to their bedroom, cuddled and made out and soon fell asleep.
  17. Early in the morning, Andy felt tremendous guilt over fucking over James, Jimmy, Billy, Mike, and Axl for money. He especially felt bad over fucking over Axl for money. Axl STILL protected Andy even after Andy had tried to sell him out for just $1,000/$5,000. Andy's guilt was eating him alive. Andy had thoughts of ending it all. Of Andy took a handful of sleeping pills and drank them, hoping to drift into a permanent sleep, never to wake up again. Axl woke up a couple of minutes later, having an AWFUL feeling about Andy. He rushed to Andy's room and saw Andy sleeping. Something is REALLY wrong with Andy, Axl's gut instincts told him. He went to Andy and tried hard to wake him up. Andy didn't respond. Axl watched in complete horror as Andy's face begun to turn a dark purple. Axl's stomach turned to knots. He knew something just wasn't right with Andy. Axl then saw the sleeping pills Andy had taken. Basically the entire bottle was EMPTY. Axl had a VERY bad feeling about what happened. Axl called an ambulance for Andy and Paramedics soon came. They quickly attended to Andy. Axl got Andy's insurance card, Andy's ID, Andy's cellphone, Andy's debit card,put shoes on himself, and Andy and got his cellphone, and his ID. The Paramedics put Andy on a stretcher and loaded him up into the ambulance. Axl went with him. Paramedics continued working on Andy. Axl cried and prayed to God to let Andy live. At the hospital, Andy was immediately admitted to the ER and his stomach pumped. The sleeping pills were all taken out of his stomach. The Doctors said if Andy had come just a few minutes later, he most likely would have passed away. Axl thanked the Doctors for saving Andy's life and they welcomed him. Axl used Andy's debit card to pay for all expenses that occured in the hospital. Andy woke up and was confused on why he was in a hospital. Axl cried in relief that Andy was still alive. The Doctors said that Andy would have to stay in the hospital for a day. Axl and Andy agreed. Andy's phone rang and it was Billy wondering why Andy and Axl were at the local hospital. Andy admitted he purposely overdosed on sleeping pills and was in a hospital. Billy rushed over to the local hospital and went to the hospital to Billy cried, knowing that Andy, his best friend, had just attempted suicide. Axl also cried knowing that Andy had just attempted suicide. The Doctors suggested that Andy get psychiatric help ASAP. Axl as Andy's Power Of Attorney had the right to consent that Andy get psychiatric help ASAP. Axl consented. Andy was soon put in psychiatric ward and doctors worked hard on him. James, Jimmy, and Mike traced Andy, Billy, and Axl's cellphones to the local hospital and rushed over there. They all cried knowing that Andy had tried to commit suicide. Andy was touched that his five brothers cared about him so much. He was glad that his suicidal attempt was unsuccessful. Axl begged the doctors to not tell the Media that Andy had purposely overdosed on sleeping pills. Billy, Andy, James, Mike, and Billy all backed up Axl. The Doctors agreed not to tell anyone that Andy had purposely overdosed on sleeping pills. Axl and all of Cake Cream breathed sighs of relief. The Doctors worked hard on Andy for the day and the very next day, Andy was cleared to go home. Andy, Billy, Mike, Axl, Jimmy, and James all went back to the Luxurious Penthouse Suite. Andy opened up that he tried to commit suicide because of the tremendous guilt he felt over betraying them. He admitted he was glad that his suicide attempt failed. Everybody told him that they were all glad the suicide attempt failed too. Andy felt extremely loved. Andy went to sleep, a normal sleep, not a suicide attempt sleep. Axl, Billy, James, Jimmy, and Mike decided to keep Andy's suicide attempt a secret. They didn't want the media knowing that Andy tried to kill himself. They chilled in the Luxurious Penthouse Suite. Billy offered to sleep in Andy's bed to try to protect Andy. Axl and the rest of Cake Cream thought this was a good idea. Billy went to Andy's bed and fell asleep next to him. Andy woke up in the middle of the night and saw Billy sleeping next to him. Billy woke up just SECONDS after Andy did kind of like on cue. Andy was glad that Billy was sleeping next to him. Billy said,"You really had us all scared, Andy." Andy smiled shyly and said,"I'm glad I got saved before I could kill myself." Billy said,"We're all glad too. We all love you, Andy, like Brothers. Andy said,"I love you all too, like Brothers. I truly am sorry I fucked you guys all over for money. Billy said,"We know. We all forgive you, Andy. Billy and Andy smiled at each other. They both felt sleepy again and soon both fell asleep again.
  18. I didn't know she died. I thought she was still alive to this day, just in her late 90's like Ann Blyth is. πŸ’‘ It's so tragic that she LIED and got an innocent 14 year old boy Murdered. 😑🀬
  19. 2024 seems to be a bad year for Guns N'Roses so far. I remember last year, Fans predicting that 2024 would have Guns N'Roses relaxing on their Laurels, enjoying a nice quiet 2024, just relaxing and chilling and in 2025 going full force with major touring. 2024 is starting with TWO possible major Lawsuits, one against Axl Rose and one against Fernando Lebeis. YIKES! πŸ₯Ά Definitely NOT the 2024 Fans predicted last year. πŸ₯Ά
  20. The next day, they got up, ate, and got ready for the day. On Social Media, Cake Cream Fans were clamoring for another Cake Cream Show soon. Cake Cream and Axl all blushed happily. They put on bulletproof vests and motorcycle helmets and went to the James L Knight Center and Axl booked them for a Cake Cream show tomorrow. Fans were happy. Cake Cream and Axl went back to the Luxurious Penthouse Suite and watched Axl's first night with 2022 Guns N'Roses when he covered for Older Axl before most people knew who Axl REALLY was. Cake Cream and Axl all blushed happily watching Axl cover for Older Axl. Cake Cream all were like,"Axl, you did a phenomenal job covering for Older Axl." Axl blushed happily and said,"Well, Older Axl is literally the older version of me, so.... He laughed. Cake Cream all laughed too. James got a call from Melissa and happily answered it. Melissa and James chatted for a while and then hung up. James said to Cake Cream and Axl,"I'm going to the beach." Cake Cream and Axl all said,"We're going to the beach with you." James said,"I'm going to Disney World!" Cake Cream and Axl all said,"We're going to Disney World with you!" James said,"I'm going to Pizza Hut!" Cake Cream and Axl all said,"We're going to Pizza Hut with you!" James said,"I'm going to the gym!" Cake Cream and Axl all said,"We're going to the gym with you!" James said,"I'm going to the Circus!" Cake Cream and Axl all said,"We're going to the Circus with you!" James said," Okay, okay, I'm going to Melissa's house!" Cake Cream and Axl were all like,"Okay. Bye James, have fun." James smiled and put on a bulletproof vest and a motorcycle helmet and left to go to Melissa's house. Billy, Jimmy, Axl, Mike, and Andy stayed home and chilled in the Luxurious Penthouse Suite. James went to Melissa's house and they made out in bed. James told Melissa he loved her and she said it back. The Fan was on and they literally laid in bed, chilling in more ways than one. They watched TV, cuddling and making out more. Melissa shyly asked him if he wanted to sleep over. James sheepishly said he'd love to, but he had a Cake Cream Show tomorrow. And he was the Lead Guitarist for Cake Cream. Melissa asked,"What time is the Cake Cream Show tomorrow?" James sheepishly said,"11 O'clock tomorrow morning." Melissa said,"Can't you sleepover with me and just set your alarm for say 9 AM? You'll have two hours to get ready and go to the Cake Cream Show." James replied,"That's a good idea!" Melissa smiled and James set his alarm for 9 AM. He told Cake Cream and Axl that he was sleeping over at Melissa's house. They all said,"Okay," but Axl reminded James that the Cake Cream show started at 11 O'clock the next morning and he needed to be there . James was like,"Okay." James and Melissa hung out more, making out and chilling. They fell asleep. The next day,"James woke up and saw in horror that it was 10:30 AM! He had missed his 9 AM alarm! No! He quickly got ready for the day and called a LYFT to Melissa's house. He and Melissa had a rushed goodbye and his LYFT came. He took the LYFT to the James L Knight Center and made it at exactly 10:58 . Axl said,"You cut it REALLY close, James. Like literally two minutes before the show. You really should work on that." Axl said in a serious Manager type of voice. Like the Manager he was. Billy, Mike, Jimmy, and Andy all backed up Axl. James blushed shyly. The show started behind bulletproof plexiglass barriers and was really good. Cake Cream Fans cheered wildly. The final sendoff happened to even more wild cheering and the show was over. After the show, Cake Cream and Axl went to McDonald's and had a nice lunch. After McDonald's, they went back to the Luxurious Penthouse Suite and chilled and then went to sleep.
  21. That was BETA who posted that implication that you shouldn't always defend your child's mistakes? 😳 I assumed that was a random person who posted that. 😳 She seems to imply that she is NOT defending Fernando in this. That's rough when your own MOTHER is implying she's not defending you! 😳
  22. Emmitt Till was just a plain tragic thing. He apparently said something like,"You're pretty!" And the Woman said he raped her or something. This also happened in 1955 when Whites had a LOT of power and Blacks didn't really have any real power yet. Especially not a young 14 year old boy. Poor Emmitt didn't deserve to be abducted, tortured, and lynched. 😫 Sad thing is, he could have still been alive today, at 82. 😫
  23. Alcohol muddies the waters. It's just not a good idea to have sex when drunk, because the other party could say,"I was drunk out of my mind and didn't FULLY consent to sex."
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