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Status Updates posted by Kickingthehabit

  1. Start breaking rules so I can spank you.

  2. The flame still burns.


  3. There will be blood.


  4. I'm a little disappointed. With titles like Hard Enough and Swallow It, you'd think it'd be the gayest record ever. Sadly, there just isn't enough gay. Bring on the next Killers album!

  5. You have amazing tits.

  6. Gator Bait rocks. Keep playing.

  7. Slash is so rich. I love his richness. Buy another copy of the album so he can get richer.

  8. I've been listening to Rammstein all week. I think I might buy their dildo collection and send it to Jersey. Miser needs cheering up.

  9. SunnyDRE has to be some weird adolescent Filipino girl who alters her life to fit whatever the topic demands. If it's about the military, Sunny has served extensively. If it's about a new medical treatment, Sunny has already undergone the procedure. If it's about the UK music scene, Sunny has played in dozens of those bands. He has more life experience than anyone I've ever met.

  10. Miss you, boo. lol bumblefoot.

  11. Hova is still a boss. Love you, girl.

  12. Captain Crunch reduced my illustrious star rating. We will mutiny that delicious motherfucker.

  13. Next time you open that pretty mouth of yours, I'll put you in a red dress and make you my girlfriend.

  14. Don't you want to feel my bones on your bones? It's only natural.

  15. Your shrine is a ritualistic expression of how powerfully I am affected by Flowers' sexuality and how much I respect and love his manhood.

    I don't want to wear Brandon's skin, but I will if I catch him.

  16. You are a great loss, but take comfort in knowing the intellectual rebellion shall continue.

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