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Posts posted by oneway23

  1. Can't really properly judge this run of shows until we find out what's next.

    I'll be thrilled if this officially closes the book on the Chinese era.

    If, however, this string of dates is shown to be nothing more than the latest in a seemingly never-ending run of shows that indicate no real forward progress, there's simply not that many more opportunities for this band to explore.

    Where else? Siberia? Mars?

    in all seriousness, most likely Australia/New Zealand.

  2. The thing is...why can't the guy ever prepare himself before these big events? There's always more riding on these when they're being streamed online, more people are watching. He should've learned this with Rio.

    Bingo...enough with this "give the guy a dozen shows." Day one, show one, stand up there like a man, like a professional. Every night, every gig.

    Does GnR post a disclaimer on their site informing potential ticket buyers for the beginning leg to cut Axl some slack, cause, well, ya know, he's Axl?

    Do the people at the early tour gigs pay less? What am I missing here?

  3. Dickenson is 54 and Halford is 61. Both have beyond demanding vocal styles and both tour year round, yet both consistently deliver.

    For every one of those you named, there are a hundred that don't. Again, he has dne this before, over and over, but you all come here, bitch again. Everyone is different. But I think we can all agree that the majority of Hard Rock singers at the age of 50 are not what they were when they were in their prime. Let alone acoustically. It is not an excuse man, just the way it is.

    I don't go see GNR to see a pitch perfect performance. Never have, and I have been going since 89. If you want a band that sounds like they do on their CD's go see Metallica. No thanks.

    You're missing my point completely. It's not about a CD-perfect, rote performance. It's a matter of professional pride to keep the tools that earn you a living in decent condition. Not flawless, not pristine, but make some self-investment. Don't insult the guys that stand there and share that stage next to you. The ones that practice their craft, take it seriously, and actually rehearse like it's their livelihood. He doesn't wanna do it anymore? I don't begrudge the guy, but fucking go home. Stop pulling the wool.

  4. While I'm at it, couldn't he have come up with a single line about being honored to be there? A great cause to support? The wonderful kids?

    Were I a cynical man, I might think Axl saw this as a fuzzy feel-good lead up to HIS late-night appearance and HIS run of Vegas shows.

    Missed the point a touch, what with the teleprompter and entire stage setup out there.

    Just kinda disappointed that it was more like a warmup for a guy that never practices and knew he had to squeeze one in.

  5. Say whatever you want about KD Lang, but she's also 50 and was somehow magically able to not only nail every conceivable note, but she was actually holding the mic away from her face at times due to the clarity and power of her tone.

    Eddie Vedder is now a couple of years shy of 50, yet he's capable of pulling it together at a moments notice, strap on an acoustic and blow the place away with the authority of his tone.

    Axl? He's 50, and yet he continually refuses to take his profession seriously. I don't give a shit if you're a lawyer, a dishwasher, or a gravedigger.

    If you have any personal pride, you invest in the skill required to perform said profession.

    Were this the case, he wouldn't need 34 people on a message board rationalizing his performance.

    Bottom line, any time the guy has had the slightest bit of public exposure, he's wilted.

  6. Strong songs and musicality stand up to scrutiny in an acoustic setting.

    Everything exposed and laid bare for the world, and it's exactly what many have said for years.

    This man is fortunate to have one of the most well-rehearsed, diverse, and talented bands in rock behind him.

    The band absolute shines, as they so often do.

    Uncle Axl sounds under-prepared, weak, out of breath, and just plain tired and limp-dicked.

    And he's going to play TWELVE shows in Vegas?

    Brotha man was shot after half a song.

  7. This was one of the best moves by the management team... look how many people bought VIP passes who hadn't planned on it.

    Yup. Die-hards were going to be the ones willing to fork over the cash, and, and such, got first crack.

    The prices were more than reasonable considering the much reduced chances of obtaining them tomorrow, not to mention what scalpers are already charging.

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