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Posts posted by oneway23

  1. What's the deal with all the male fans? Do you guys think you would like her if there was actually cool bands around today like there was in the 90's? I don't really have a problem with Madonna, but I would have never bought one of her albums and gone to see her. Do you think you guys would be into Lady Gaga if all the great 90's bands and rap artists were around today in their primes?

    There are, generally speaking, only 12 individual notes in the whole world.

    To me, good music is good music, whether it's played by a rock band, a jazz band, a pop entertainer, or a group of Gregorian chanting monks.

  2. Honestly never thought I'd say this, but I felt the G'NR fans in there were actually the worst part about last night.

    Constant cat-calls for Estranged...So, Ron, being the great guy he is, plays a bit of the beginning along with the chorus/solo on guitar.

    Not content, there are endless calls for Dead Horse, Coma, Don't Damn Me, etc...oh, and Estranged again, despite the fact that he'd said he had done it already.

    Some moron was filling up line after line cutting and pasting their "General" request all night, while many more were just asking for SCOM or Patience(to which Ron would reply "Really?", although he did play a bit of both).

    You have a rare chance to speak directly to a brilliant musician...Why request songs you can hear any time at every show?

    Again, to his credit, Ron never lost his cool w/ anyone (with the exception of the "Dead Horse" person). The only thing he said was: "The weirder the request, the more likely I'll play the song."

    So, again, many people would ask for Jungle or Perfect Crime.

    All that being said, there were many people there filing some really great and fun requests, which was really the whole point.

    The "Sanford and Son" theme was fantastic, and he did sound great playing bits of Scraped and TWAT, while the Catcher in the Rye stuff was beautiful.

  3. C'est la Vie

    Being here since April of '05, I've seen the best, the worst, and certainly the weirdest of this particular subset of fans.

    I may not have gotten to know many of you on an intensely personal level, nor did I ever spend a great deal of time loitering in the off-topic forums, but I have my own particular memories filled with your comments, jokes, and debates.

    We've had a wild time and heard some great music together; sometimes illicitly, oftentimes prior to the world at large, but at the end of the day, most importantly, we had this place as a platform upon which we were permitted to express ourselves freely and without reservation or fear of reprimand, and for that, Eric should be applauded.

    My sincere thanks to all mods past and present, even those who get berated by narcissistic rock stars for their behavior :shrugs: .

    Best of luck to you all..///

    someone send a brotha a PM when the party saunters on down the road.

  4. Depending on where the first show is I'd love to do a meet up. I was at Mustang Harry's before the 2nd Hammerstein show and met a ton of cool people. I started talking to two guys at the bar and found out that they lived the next town over from me outside of Boston. I bought my ticket for that night off of OneWay... got to hang with him, dark, and a bunch of other people. Then of course I found out that Hammerstein was serving a beer and shot combo and the night gets fuzzy from there.

    That's some Angus Young impression you've got...HA

    Hysterical...The alcohol was flowing freely, indeed

  5. Well not sure how many of you were at the 1st NY Hammerstain show in 2006, but i was there, and we had a meeting of MYGNR members at some bar called Mustangs or something like that. Considering its been 4yrs since GNR has played the US besides the 1 biker show, i plan on flying to wherever the first show is for the night, and hoping we can maybe do something like we did in 06. Whomever was there please do a shout out. I did remember meeting a handicapped gnr fan there, and we carried him up the stairs to the 2nd floor and brought his wheelchair up there, and GNR was blasting..god was i wasted there... This is all assuming there is a US Tour.

    Thanks for carrying my plastered ass back down the stairs, too!

    I remember losing my shoe on the way down...HA

    My wife and I had our chairs flailing around all night with the utter insanity that being crammed up front by the bass amp usually involves...Got an unexpected flying lap dance from Robin...Amazing set of nights they were

  6. Though the news appears grim, this is indeed often an opportunity to reflect on one's priorities in life and to value each of life's precious moments.

    With the unconditional love and support of your family and friends, you will pull through to the other side of this battle.

    Best wishes for a full recovery.

  7. How about this quote "to the rest of you, suprise gigs comin!" Now what good does this do to any of us here if we can't get in...so we can post another loser thread requesting shitty videos and audio of the shows? I mean, you can't even buy tickets to these shows. He can only redeem himself by announcing something at rock club where tix are up for grabs, otherwise I couldn't care less that he's playing these shows during gay fashion week.

    Not really a game-changer, is it? Why sit here and yell at a wall about it? Don't download the youtube clips, don't download the audio, and frankly, don't post in the topic if you "couldn't care less."

    You've been around long enough to know that Axl is going to conduct operations however he sees fit...If the last week has taught us anything, it should be blatantly obvious that he simply doesn't empathize with his fanbase enough to even concern himself with its' desires, let alone cater to its' whims.

  8. 5 months ago: "Why don't they just play some small shows in NYC to get there name back out there again, for fuck sake why can't this band do anything right"

    Today: "I can't believe their playing these small shows in NYC and getting their name back out there and not inviting a hand full of fans for something that's meant to be a surprise to them, for fuck sake this band can't do anything right"

    Alternative reality: "I can't believe their playing these small shows in NYC and getting their name back out there and not inviting big wig names to see this band in action, the fans know they can play, why are they inviting the fans, for fuck sake this band can't do anything right"

    That just about sums it up...Can't win either way.

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