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Posts posted by Aaron_H

  1. I like science when the dinosaurs begin. But physics is bollocks. A bunch of old farts dreaming up concepts which can never possibly be proven: ''duh, what if anti-matter was created in a black hole vacuum and all the celestial objects came from it via a gravitational pull''. It is all bollocks. It does not affect me or how I live my life. It is just abstract theories.

    Oh really? Someone better tell that to all the guys working in my office. :o

    Gimme your number and I'll do it this morning :)

    07770 774 914 :)

  2. I like science when the dinosaurs begin. But physics is bollocks. A bunch of old farts dreaming up concepts which can never possibly be proven: ''duh, what if anti-matter was created in a black hole vacuum and all the celestial objects came from it via a gravitational pull''. It is all bollocks. It does not affect me or how I live my life. It is just abstract theories.

    Oh really? Someone better tell that to all the guys working in my office. :o

  3. I'm walking down the street minding my own business. I'm not smiling, making extended eye contact, there is nothing that says hey, let's engage in conversation. Yet guys think they have a right to do so. A sense of entitlement to think ok. It's not.

    Sorry. What? I didn't realise we needed permission before attempting to converse with someone for the very first time. Maybe when the little old lady commented on the weather I should've put my fingers in my ears and shouted "you don't have the right to talk to me without prior approval". Right?

    • Like 2
  4. I was just reminded of when I walked from my car the other day and this little old lady said "hi, nice weather isn't it?" (a particularly rare thing, recently) - did I have a problem with her saying that? No. I'm not sure why exchanging pleasantries is a bad thing. (Not that all of the comments in that video were pleasant, though).

  5. Just bought Skyrim, played for about 40 minutes. I know I'm way late to the game, but it's pretty fun so far. Not sure why I never got around to playing it; I've done most of the major RPG's in the last 5 years.

    I haven't played it yet either - and I've only really ever managed to put about ~20 hours into Oblivion - gonna make my way through that first before I tackle Skyrim in about ~10 years time. :D

  6. He also had to pee out of this little hole, sort of like a vagina, except nothing at all like one.

    You do realise women don't pee out of their vaginas, right? :blink:

    Haha, yes, I'm well aware of that. Hence the "nothing at all like one" part. Prolly should have worded that sentence better, but ah well.

    Just making sure. :D

  7. This idea that English is the hardest, or even one of the hardest languages to learn is fuckin' bullshit...it's in fact one of the easiest. It just kinda joins together, you put the letters together, each letter has a sound, what results is the fuckin' word, that ain't fuckin' difficult.

    I agree, but the problem with English is that there are so many exceptions to the rule. So many times you use the hard vs soft sound for example. I think that makes pronunciation more difficult compared with some other languages.

    • Like 1
  8. English is simple. It's a shame we have so many native speakers that can't differentiate between there/their/they're, where/were, you're/your and the slightly more difficult (and less often used) I/me and who/whom.

    Edit: Forgot it's/its and won't/wont.

  9. That Mario Maker is a nice little feature. I managed to grab a Gamecube with 13 games off eBay yesterday for £45, can't wait to finally get stuck into MGS: Twin Snakes. I've no doubt I'll complain about differences from the original but I've waited this damn long I'm going to enjoy it.

    The differences aren't that bad, after a long wait you probably won't notice many of them. Hardcore MGS fans hate it though.

    I don't know if I'd consider myself a hardcore MGS fan so hopefully it'll be alright. I'm going to play through them all before Phantom Pain, just trying to work out whether to do it in release order or timeline order. I've still not played Peace Walker yet, I've got it in the HD collection but just never bothered to get around to it.

    Release order. Always release order. It makes the storyline much more powerful that way, in my opinion.

    I have no idea why some people seem to think playing through the series in timeline order is a good idea... it would make absolutely no sense.

    One of the reasons Snake Eater is so good is because you've been hearing about this legendary Big Boss character throughout the past games, so the experience of actually getting to play through his story is that much more enjoyable.

    Exactly. I think the ending of that game was incredibly satisfying because you know what it all lead into.. if you played it in timeline order for the first time (like I almost did), that ending would have nowhere near as much power as it actually does. (I'm specifically talking about all the stuff with the boss, actually. And how it all starts with her, not with big boss)

  10. That Mario Maker is a nice little feature. I managed to grab a Gamecube with 13 games off eBay yesterday for £45, can't wait to finally get stuck into MGS: Twin Snakes. I've no doubt I'll complain about differences from the original but I've waited this damn long I'm going to enjoy it.

    The differences aren't that bad, after a long wait you probably won't notice many of them. Hardcore MGS fans hate it though.

    I don't know if I'd consider myself a hardcore MGS fan so hopefully it'll be alright. I'm going to play through them all before Phantom Pain, just trying to work out whether to do it in release order or timeline order. I've still not played Peace Walker yet, I've got it in the HD collection but just never bothered to get around to it.

    Release order. Always release order. It makes the storyline much more powerful that way, in my opinion.

    • Like 1
  11. Bottom was my favourite programme as a kid - and I loved the Young Ones too.. that said, I've seen quite a few other things he did and they were pretty good too.

    Man, this is really unexpected and I feel shocked at hearing the news. He was far too young. :(

    I hope he and Ade were on good terms before this happened. (I read about them having a falling out over doing Bottom again)

  12. I ordered my first WWE game since Smackdown 2 (back in 2001) the other day. I got WWE '13 just for the attitude story mode (since I haven't followed it in years and just want to play as old wrestlers). I know WWE 2k14 has some oldies, but it seems like '13 went down that route a little more comprehensively.

  13. I can concur with not knowing any of the grammar terminology except the very basic stuff about tenses, adjectives, verbs and whatnot. I think when learning a second language this can really hold you back - but it's easy to get on fine without that stuff. (Though I do wish I was taught it.. But not enough to go and look it up myself). I'm 25, by the way

    As for people getting smarter or dumber - I look at what people born pre 1900 have done in science and there's some pretty big names there. Maybe it's gotten harder to make good discoveries, but a lot of the really big ideas came around with people that were alive before or at that time (and so born before).

    • Like 1
  14. The myth that people who say they are gonna commit suicide don't end up commiting suicide because they just want attention. 8 in 10 people who commit suicide have warned or said before that they would do it. In most cases because they needed help desperately though.

    That's a little bit of faulty logics. You have to look at the number of people who say they are going to commit suicide but never does (not how many out of those that actually committed suicide) to dispel the myth that those who say they are going to commit suicide mostly do it for the attention. It could very well be that only 1 in 1000 of those who say they are going to commit suicide actually end up doing it and still that 8 in 10 of those who actually did it warned about it beforehand.

    Not to derail further, but I should mention that my point was not to talk about how suicide attempts are all "cries for attention", I certainly don't think that is the case. Just that sometimes people do go to extreme lengths to get help because they don't think people will take them seriously otherwise.

  15. And people who claim they suffer from anxiety and depression who do NOTHING to help themselves except pop pills which have significant side affects on themselves and those around them. Just to name two off the top of my head.

    Someone with depression or severe anxiety can't actually do much to solve it. If you think they just have to get up and go out, you clearly have no idea what a hell of a bitch depression is.

    Edit: Real depression. Not "oh no, my skirt doens't match my shirt, I want to die!!" kind of thing, of course.

    Quoted for truth. I mean, with depression, things like exercise, keeping busy and eating healthily often do make a big difference (such that medication isn't required). The issue is that, for those who don't make these changes soon enough (maybe because they tell themselves that they don't have a problem and/or that they're making it up), particularly those who live alone, they're going to find it very hard to make these positive changes and things can easily get worse. These are exactly the sort of situations where medication can help a lot.

    That's one of the dangerous things about this whole "man up" philosophy, it can cause those who suffer with these conditions to doubt that they even have them (or that they even exist), especially those who have grown up in an environment where they're not exposed to these sort of conditions. I believe that's one of the reasons why you see suicide attempts as "cries for help" - because the affected genuinely don't believe they have a problem (and think there making it up) and they want someone else to confirm it for them and help them.

    Edit: I should mention that the type of people I'm talking about often don't go to doctors for a long time and so they're not likely to be the ones that think pills can solve everything.

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