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Posts posted by Aaron_H

  1. The new system makes editing quotes in posts very awkward. I try to delete just a little bit of a block of text to make the quote easier to read and it takes away the whole quote box. Maybe I just suck at the Internet.

    You can always switch to the BBCode editor to use the old quote system. The changes are built into the software though - not something we can customise out.

    @Aaron, I was trying to save a little money (I only work two days a week while I study, and support my partner and I) and thought I'd tweaked the skin enough for it to work with minor bugs on 3.4.3. There were some more significant changes I didn't properly anticipate, and the updated skin I made was unuseable - so I had to revert to the default skin until a professional can upgrade ours. I've paid him, so it shouldn't be too long. We don't have a test forum (anymore) to pre-install upgrades on so it all has to be worked on the live board.

    Sob story: the skin money came out of my GNR fund. I'm -1 show now so I'm well and truly paying for the mistake. :(

    I wasn't being a smart ass, I had just assumed that the changelog would be explicit about the changes since the previous version. Regardless, you answered my question. I'm glad you managed to get everything sorted in the end.

    Sorry about the GNR show :(

  2. The board has been glitchy as fuck for weeks, and all of a sudden today the quotes don't works. Invision is ass.

    The software is great but I don't think they've been the best host recently. The bugs today come from the implementation of the skin, not anything invision has caused.

    @highvoltage: Did the changelog not mention any changes to the template/skin system? :(

  3. ^ Well I'd hardly have worn that when I was 8 years old would I? I thought you were a scientist but it appears you can't even count! :lol:

    BTW, it's not called 'harping back to the wonder years of yesteryear'. It's called 'vintage fashion' and it's a multi million dollar industry. Best not to comment on things you know nothing about Mr. Scientist. Oooh, there I go again, being patronising as usual!

    Boo hoo! Maybe you should just toughen the fuck up? :rolleyes:

    Forgive me for making either a typo or arithmetic mistake first thing in a morning. Considering the amount of math I have to do on the average day, I think I can be forgiven for that.

    Still, if you want to pick fault with such trivial things, I could always do the same. I said "wonder days of yesteryear" not "wonder years of yesteryear". I guess now would be a great time to throw in a typical Redhead-like remark such as "learn to read".

    I don't give a fuck whether it's vintage fashion or not, nobody asked you what clothes you wore when you were young. Like I said, times have changed and the OP doesn't need to hear you banging on about how a woman shouldn't show her ankles because it's not proper. If the OP likes those dresses, let her pick one.

    Like I said, I couldn't care less about our differences of opinion. I do care about you treating people with respect when you do post.

  4. Jesus Aaron, you're hilarious. So it's not OK for me to give my opinion regarding the topic at hand (usually saying WHY you don't like something goes hand in hand with saying WHAT you don't like) but its OK for you to trash me for having an opinion in the first place? :lol: At least my comments were on topic. :rolleyes:

    You could at least have been tactful. Similarly, I don't think saying that men are unable to make rational decisions when confronted with a woman in a dress was any more or less on topic than my reply to it. I wasn't trashing you having an opinion, I was trashing your obnoxious way in putting it forward. To me, you just come across as thinking you're better than everybody else whenever fashion comes into play.

    Additionally, you should learn to read because I've already stated that my reference to the dresses being cheap was a double entendre because the look was as low in style as it was in price. I never suggested that she should spend a fortune, nor have I ever said that I do. :shrugs:

    I replied to those posts as soon as I read them, I hadn't read through the entire thread yet. I guess I didn't expect you to U-turn so quickly.

    Also, your arrogance is deplorable for suggesting that I should write to the company for my input. I'm sorry, I was just giving my opinion which I'm just as entitled to do as you are, however it appears that you are allowed to be an arrogant prick, but I'm not even allowed to offer an opinion whether its offered in an arrogant manner or not. :lol:

    It's arrogant to suggest that you should offer a company your input, since you clearly seem to think you know better than they do? I'm sorry honey, but I'm not the one being arrogant there. You are.

    My whole post was directed at the way you talk down to people whenever fashion is the topic of discussion. We get it, you work in the industry. That doesn't give you the right to act like a jackass though.

    I would say it's equally likely that your/a woman's view is marred by biases such as jealousy (you can't get away with a dress like that/you're too scared)

    Oh I just saw this! I missed it before. :rofl-lol:

    This comment shows how little you know me. Back in my clubbing days I had an outfit just like this which I wore with a long red wig. Emma Peel was a style icon for me and I always thought it was much sexier to cover skin rather than have it all hanging out.


    Harping back to the wonder days of yesteryear?

    I would like to hope that if the OP is going to consider the dresses she posted, she can at least pull off the look. Nobody cares about what you wore in the early 1980s. Times have changed.

  5. Just got back from work so here goes...

    Why is it only the girls on here that decide that it looks slutty/trashy etc?

    Because we're the ones who'll tell it like it is. You male folk are too busy not blinking and forgetting to wipe the dribble from your chins. :rolleyes:

    What a complete and utter load of bollocks. Aside from the fact that you're being sexist, I would say it's equally likely that your/a woman's view is marred by biases such as jealousy (you can't get away with a dress like that/you're too scared) than it is that a male can't think clearly because he sees an attractive women in a dress.

    Why would my thinking be so obscured by the photos/post when I've never even met the girl in question, or the OP for that matter? Don't insult my intelligence to suggest something so ridiculous.

    I'm always incredibly dubious about a company who's name suggests an admirable attribute vs. their ability to actually deliver on that attribute. For instance, Quality Inn or Quality Hotel will most likely not be delivering the kind of 'quality' standards that perhaps Claridges, the Ritz or The Waldorf will deliver.

    And so I come to sexydresses.com. Sorry, but a quick glance at their website confirmed my suspicions about the dresses not really being very 'sexy'. Wow, they're cheap though! The most expensive dress was $64.95, with some as low as $19.95. 'Cheap' I think is the operative word here.

    Wow, I'm sorry that not everybody can afford either a custom made dress, or a designer one just for a single night out. Just because you know how to sew and cut up bits of fabric doesn't entitle you to belittle every body else's fashion choices. Especially when the OP (nor anybody else) really even asked your opinion on the quality of the dresses. She asked you to pick one, not offer a critique based on the company's name and/or pricing structure.


    Although I think I prefer A out of all of them. But if you're between C and D, pick C. ^

    The model's gorgeous but am I the only person here who thinks that her dress is about three sizes too small? She's got a great figure but that actually makes her look fat. :shrugs:


    I'd be fired if I sent a girl away with a dress fitting like that! :rolleyes:

    I too thought it was a little tight, but that didn't affect my ability to make a decision on whether I liked the style or not. Again, nobody asked you to brag about how brilliant you are at your job.

    You never put satin on a fat arse. *shakes head*

    Thanks. Maybe you should write to the company to offer your input. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that they don't have very many models available to model their clothes. (Evident by the fact that the same girl is wearing all of the dresses).

  6. Why is it only the girls on here that decide that it looks slutty/trashy etc? For god sake, you're more judgemental than men sometimes.

    I like the dresses I picked, fuck you.

    Edit: There's more to looking slutty, in my opinion, than the way you dress. It's more about the way you act than anything.

    Fuck you all.

  7. Taylor Swift seems to do fine with an album every 2 years. Love her or hate her, she's the ideal act in the modern music industry.

    She's an easy sell to teenage mallrat girls going through a breakup, it has to run its course at some point. People are getting tired of the news being about who she broke up with and what song she's going to write about them.

    She's capitalising on her success, so what? I think she's well aware that even the best acts have a date after which they struggle to stay relevant so I can hardly blame her for trying to earn as much as possible while she can. Plus, she's always struck me as the type of artist who spends a lot of time writing new material, I think she's probably happy for the chance to be able to release albums at regular intervals.

    For the record, I don't read the news and/or care about who she's dating or breaking up with (I'm sure a lot of that is just for show so that at least people believe her when she writes songs about xyz), but I do agree that it is annoying if you are constantly having that information rammed down your throat. I'm willing to guess that she doesn't enjoy having all of her life in the newspapers too. (A song on her most recent album hints at that too)

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