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Posts posted by Turn_It_Up

  1. 38 minutes ago, moreblack said:

    Enjoyed it, some whacky stuff going on there. But it mostly worked.

    Will and Robbie were the best part.

    Yep and their relationship worked.

    Viola Davis' Amanda Waller was also fantastic. Loved the "Give me your worst bitch" or whatever that line was to Enchantress. 

    Leto's Joker not as bad seeing it the 2nd time and they edited out a lot of stuff that might've rounded out the portrayal more. But still far from the highlight the Joker should be.



  2. On 7/16/2016 at 3:30 PM, Black Sabbath said:

    Yeah, so three hours gone.

    I don't think anything important or worthwhile actually happened until an hour and a half to two hours in, and in addition, I didn't like Jesse Eisenberg's portrayal of Lex Luthor. And the CGI in the Doomsday battle could have been a lot better. I'd probably give the movie like a 2/5 honestly.

    I enjoyed X-Men Apocalypse a lot more.

    Einsenberg was hideous and totally miscast. Should've been someone like Dwayne Johnson and would've radically improved the movie.


    • Like 1
  3. 7 hours ago, Angelica said:

    It's not TERRIBLE. Well, (several) parts of it are, but by virtue of it not running 9 hours like every other fucking super hero movie I am inclined to cut it some slack. Robbie is legitimately terrific, although granted it's a nifty role. Leto is not at all terrific but he's also thankfully not in the movie that much. Basically the Squad stuff mostly works but the villain is so unforgivably lame (and miscast) that it's ultimately a great big misfire. But points for being the first of the DC movies to not be actively tedious. 

    Saw it last night and you really nailed it. Act One, as you might expect, a bit of a mess. But then it comes together. First and foremost, Margot Robbie owns Harley as much as Downey owns Iron Man, Hemsworth owns Thor, etc. A perfect performance by all measures, mesmerizing. Killer Croc also a highlight. Leto's Joker pretty bad all around but as you say his role surprisingly limited. It would suck for anyone to play the role after Ledger, but no comparison and that's being kind. Villian the other biggest weakness for sure 

    But got to say, and it's in part due to low expectations, by the end I came out loving the flick. Overall, well acted and a hell of a lot of fun. 


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  4. ^Yeah, we all know how complex life and people are and I have little doubt he probably had a lot of stuff swirling inside him. If he was as estranged from his kids as she says, he probably had a lot of shame and self loathing because he often did express how much he loved them.

    Feel like shit for Scott and all of them. At least Mary knew to some degree what she was getting into with him since they met at an early age and then she went off the rails for a time with him. But the son and daughter are the true victims here, they didn't have a choice in any of this and all they know is their father chose drugs and is gone. Forever. And apparently on bad terms. Ugh.

  5. Given Scott's well documented past, it's more than a sick reach to blame Mary and child support/alimony payments for his demise. Incredibly sad, but there's only 1 person responsible.

    Just from being a fan and seeing him in interviews, my bet is that if he could somehow come back and speak he'd fess up that what she wrote is mostly true and how he'd fallen so short as husband and father due to his addictions. He had self awareness and wasn't the stereotypical flaky, out of touch rock star when clean. Unfortunately, that wasn't often enough.

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  6. Saw this late night right before going to bed and couldn't sleep for hours. Then to wake to it like a nightmare come true.

    SW was such an interesting, complicated guy. On one hand, he loved the trappings of being a rock star(mostly the drugs), but he also had a side that was very grounded and a family person(when he was clean). Easy to see why he and Duff connected the way they did pre and during Contraband. I bet Duff takes this hard.

    RIP Scott and best to your kids. Will never forget you.

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  7. Bunch of nonsesne, we all know Slash is liar and it's telling that both Axl and Scott said similiar things about him.

    So, we know that Slash is a liar because Axl and Scott said so. "Bunch of nonsense" to me.

    Yeah, SW interviewed a few days ago and touches on VR. Not exactly bitter:


  8. Wonder what happened to Mila Kunis's character.

    I know she's got Jupiter Ascending coming out soon, I wonder if she had to back out of one to do the other.

    She was too pregnant. Lori was never a real fan of Ted's and the character woulda held the sequel back.

    As rapid fire as the jokes are in a Ted movie, there were so few that didn't land and most landed big.

  9. Loved the 1st, but strangely was not excited at all for this as the release grew closer given what sounded like a pretty dumb, boring plot and figured there'd be some preachy messaging which ain't needed in a Ted movie. So while the 1st had the elements of newness, surprise and shock value working in its favor, this one had the benefit of low expectations. But holy crap, this was absolutely on par with the 1st and even improved in some ways. You could cut 15 minutes from a few scenes, but not at the expense of losing some of the hysterical random scenes that didn't move the plot but were some of the biggest laughs. The improv scene, the trek to NY, the Neeson cameo, the yelling out of the apartment windows, etc. :lol: The improv scene alone. :headbang:

    Awesome, awesome sequel with bad release timing around Jurassic and Inside Out. Will see it again before snatching up blu-ray.

  10. Way better than I was expecting.

    C'mon Slash, it's worth eating a bit of shit to reform VR with Scotty. Could be a Contraband II vs. CD II Battle Royale. rock4

    And just think, this time Slash and SW will be the single ones with Sourm being the married, responsible one. Would be hilarious with them trotting hot groupies backstage in front of Matty. He'd be divorced before the 2nd single drops. :tongue2:

  11. This Ezrin guy is one of the few sane characters in the saga of this disaster "Round Two" of Axl's.

    What he said is 100% true: there are some glints of greatness on ChiDem, but it really was painted over way too many times, sonically. As an audio engineer and freelance producer, I agree totally.

    And I love how this guy didn't fall on his knees and worship Axl the way so many characters in the story did. Just read that letter which Doug wrote to Axl. It's like a former slave begging to come back to his master. He all but gave him fellatio in that letter.

    Meanwhile, Ezrin said, here's thirty minutes of my time. My girl is making dinner, and that's more important than you, Axl.

    A lot of people on the forums would do well to adopt a bit of that attitude too.

    No doubt. Ezrin was telling Axl like it was and he shoulda stuck with him. Classic case of an artist working too long on the same material and losing all vision and perspective through all the iterations. He really needed a trusted confidante to give him objective feedback and balance that with his tuning, but he'd worked on it so long he didn't want to hear what he perceived as criticism. Became too personal at that point which is always the biggest hindrance.

    Too bad, probably woulda been a much stronger record...

  12. Most people go the opposite way of you. Most aren't fans of a band name or brand, but are fans of the musicians themselves.

    With Guns, it was always gonna be No Slash=No GNR to most fans.

    The actual musicians are the ONLY thing that matter and Nu-Guns never came close to passing the smell test...

    Where did you get from that MOST fans think No Slash=No GNR?

    If that was the case, there wouldn't be so many people attending GN'R shows even after 20 years of Slash long gone.

    There are lots of people who like and appreciate the nu-Guns line-up and actually, Guns N' Roses as a whole dysfunctional band to the max, still works in a great dysfunctional sense. What do I mean? GN'R fans attend nu-Guns show, Slash shows, Duff shows, Gilby shows.... It's like the band, all dismembered as it is, it's still working as a desintegrated whole, if that makes any sense.

    Slash came to Argentina with his band, played with Duff and Gilby and the audience was chanting GUNS N' ROSES to them. He got kinda pissed off, but that shows the fans will go follow GN'R and its ex-members wherever they go, and that's a good thing after all!

    So you believe it is the name and brand that matters, not the actual musicians?

    When I say No Slash=No GNR, I mean it in the same way No Axl=No GNR. If in the 90's, Axl had been the one to walk away and the remaining guys had pulled in Cornell, as good as that might've been musically, still not GNR for the vast majority of fans.

    And just because Axl's able to pull in some amount of fans for shows doesn't mean many consider the band GNR.

    Names mean nothing without the people behind them. But more interestingly, if Axl got back together with Slash, Izzy, Duff and Steven and said, "Screw it, we're not the same, we're gonna give ourselves a new band name for this go around", most would still consider the newly named band Guns N Roses because of the musicians involved. :tongue2:

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  13. I have always disagreed with the notion that a band is defined by any particular lineup. I have no problems accepting that a band can have changing lineups, less popular lineups, less productive lineups, etc. It is the same band, albeit with different lineups. This concept should be within the grasp of most people here, it is not rocket science or anything. If we were to arbitraily - or according to our own preferences - decide that only some lineups are worthy to be referred to by the band name, then that gives us a plethora of problems, not the least what band name to assign to the remaining lineups/epochs. It is unnecessarily complicated and just comes from a childish position where people feel a big need to distance some lineups they don't appreciate from those they cherish perhaps a tad too much :shrugs:

    Most people go the opposite way of you. Most aren't fans of a band name or brand, but are fans of the musicians themselves. The actual artists making the music they love. What is so challenging about that concept to you? Unless you are getting royalties or some other payments from the entity Guns N' Roses, why would any fan feel more loyalty to the name or brand than the people whose music they connected with in the 1st place? 1 is being a fan and 1 is being a sheep.

    For sure, if a band is around long enough, there is likely to be a lineup change or 2, and some pass the smell test and others don't. AC/DC pulled it off. I personally am a huge DLR-VH fan only, but can recognize the success and legitimacy of the Sammy era. With Guns, it was always gonna be No Slash=No GNR to most fans.

    And the whole thing about lineup changes not mattering in the context of GNR is utter bullshit anyways. If Axl walked out tomorrow and signed the name over to Ashba to find a new singer, neither you nor anyone on the planet would still consider it GNR.

    The actual musicians are the ONLY thing that matter and Nu-Guns never came close to passing the smell test...

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  14. Who cares what it sold--it sold 99.9% of its copies on the back of the old band and the HoF brand they built. CD's music registered nowhere, came and passed without making a blip. Unlike the revamped Alice in Chains who had 2 huge #1 rocks singles with BGWTB. Not nearly as commercial a band as Guns, but the music found people because they actually dug it for good reason.

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  15. All these guys that have left since Slash left for the same exact reasons--not because they hate Axl, but they hate the lateness to gigs, long periods of inactivity, Axl working to own selfish schedule, music but no lyrics, etc.

    Slash just gets shit because he was an equal to Axl when he said enough. But it continues to be literally the same exact reasons for ex-member after ex-member.

    Brain seems like an interesting cat, but you can just tell he doesn't have the Guns mentality. Not sure how Axl or he ever thought it was going to work...

  16. LOL and Billy doesn't give 2 shits about Axl. He only brings up Axl because Billy gets some of the same criticisms. So rather than look more whiney defending himself, he brings Axl into it:

    Bad Idea Alert: Billy Corgan and Jessica Simpson Make Music

    Chunkalicious faux-diva meets washed-up egomaniac rocker.


    It was hard enough not to laugh and cringe at the same time when the tabloids started showing pictures of Smashing Pumpkins nucleus Billy Corgan and bleach-blonde no-talent idiot country bumpkin Jessica Simpson out on the town with one another. But making music together? Come on.

    In a move that can only have been orchestrated to disgust and alienate the few remaining Smashing Pumpkins fans, Corgan is reportedly recording music with what’s being called his girlfriend.

    As photographer Kristin Burns took photos, the duo went to work with producer Kerry Brown, who is helming Smashing Pumpkins’ Teargarden By Kaleidyscope sessions.

    "I am blessed," Simpson wrote on Twitter in a series of messages about her studio time with Corgan. "He braids my prayers," she wrote (and what the hell does that mean?), just before declaring it "fun to be lost in laughter."

    Let’s narrow this down to brass tacks: Corgan is an egocentric megalomaniac weirdo far past his musical prime (what was the last good song he wrote?), and Simpson is a fame-desperate fraud (she’s not as bad as her sister, but still can’t sing worth a damn), clinging to whatever public name she can attach herself to, from Nick Lachey to Tony Romo to John Mayer and beyond. Sounds like a match made in heaven.

    What will the music sound like? Will we get a "Bullet With Daisy Duke WIngs"? Will Simpson get a Courtney Love makeover, start popping pills and rambling incoherently on Facebook and Twitter? Actually that might be kind of awesome. Is that a reality show I smell?


  17. I've heard good things about this John Bonham guy. He had a pretty sweet exclusive interview not too long ago.

    I guess the question is, why would it happen now? And why on earth at a Slash gig? Surely if Axl's gonna take to the stage with Slash - which I don't think he will - there'd have to be a big financial incentive? In fact if they did one gig, the hype and demand would ensure a hefty payday for all involved. What rock and roll fan with a decently endowed wallet would want to miss the first time Axl & Slash take to the stage together in 21 years?

    So why piss that monumental event away by just guesting at a solo show?

    To show that they have patched up their differences and will not be reuniting just for cash. And Axl showing up at a Slash show shows he's behind this rather than being forced into something--and finally generating some goodwill.

    Axl at a Slash show would not be a full on GNR reunion and remember, you can only have a 1st show once. So don't worry so much about a 1st show thing if they are planning for a full tour. Better to build some hype and anticipation that will last.

    All that said, I don't believe the rumor even though it's preposterous they haven't reunited. Even if Axl has $100M+ in the bank, better to have $200M+, especially with his entourage. Pretty much now or never at age 53, but could he really get himself together physically to do this at a high level?

  18. did anyone see this (sorry if repost) ?


    That is Duff, Axl and Izzy celebrating Axl's birthday?

    yes that is absolutely axl

    That is not Axl, he isn't taller than Duff.

    i dont think anyone would be dumb enough to honestly think thats axl

    dude has white beard for musics sake

    The white beard is acceptable. Being in a studio is the proof that it's not really Axl.

    Awesome! :lol:

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