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what band is more over rated?



63 members have voted

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The Doors are underrated if anything.

lol, what? It's become "cool" to listen to The Doors lately. In that aspect, they're like Pink Floyd. That's not to say they're not good bands, it's just become more of a novelty to like them these days. Sorry, I don't agree, they're definitely not underrated.

I say The Doors, and only because I prefer AC/DC.

That's a stupid reason to vote, then.

Meh, I just thought i'd stick up for the boys. Neither is really overrated.

Edited by Axlin08
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Between those two ac/dc.

But the title for most overrated band ever in my opinion goes to sublime. I get sick of seeing the wannabe stoner's walking around with their t-shirts and acting like that band is the shit. I personally think that type of music sounds like shit. I'm sorry if this offends anyone but I needed to get this out of my system.

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i'd have to say ACDC.

To me it's the opposite, I see young kids around here all getting ACDC because it's the 'cool' thing to do. I really haven't met alot of young kids who are getting into the doors, to them that's 'too old' for them. But I guess it depends on where you live and whatnot. I wear my doors tshirt around, but haven't gotten anyone to come up to me and start talking bout the band yet.

It's not that I don't like ACDC, it's just that their songs all sound alike, but I could be biased because I really haven't given them a chance.

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Ac/Dc is good time party rock - I don't think anyone thinks they're the greatest or most talented band to ever grace the world, they serve a purpose and they pull it off like very few can - They are a fun rock band

The Door cannot be under-rated because they were light years ahead of their time and I still believe they are not appreciated enough

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I like both bands, but I think AC/DC are far more overrated than The Doors.

The problem I have with AC/DC is that they haven't even attempted to do something different with their music. It's far less noticable on the first few albums, but after Back in Black, it became worse and every song just sounds the exact same.

Meanwhile, The Doors, in the few albums they released, explored a variety of different styles. Hell, just listen to the difference between The Doors and L.A. Woman...

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  • 3 weeks later...
I think the music is underrated and Morrison's legacy is overrated.


That Manzarek "he was a shaman man" shtick is way bloated.

People drink it up,but he does it to keep the myth alive (and the cash flowing...ka-ching).

Every male teenager goes through that phase where Morrison is their hero for a while. I remember buying his poetry collections and everything when I was about 16 and really eating it all up. Then you reach a certain point where you begin to realize that, even though he was a brilliant frontman and musician, a lot of the pseduo-intellectual rambling and posturing he did while on drugs was pretty silly. You begin to realize he was just a young kid who peaked commercially way too early in his life and didn't really know how to handle the fame and attention, and because of the artsy stuff he was getting into, he perceived himself as a great intellectual and poet... the truth is though, a lot of his poetry was bad and pretentious, and in retrospect much of what he said in person is based on outdated ideals. I remember him decrying the hippie generation in an interview but a lot of his persona was built around similar ideals.

That book you mentioned, No One Here Gets Out Alive... I talked to someone once a couple years ago who knew more about the band than I did (and I think he claimed to have even known one of the bandmembers personally), and he was saying it's considered one of the least factually correct books ever written and a joke within the industry because the guy who wrote it was a friend of Jim's and associate of the band and made up half the stuff there to perpetuate his legacy. He also said one of the bandmembers (it might have been the drummer) said in private that the book was total horseshit and contained huge errors that I guess have never really been researched properly.

Like many musicians who die in their prime (Lennon, Cobain, et al.) I think the legacy perpetuates in pop culture to the point where it begins overshadowing the great music and causes many people to not give the music a chance. I know a lot of people who despise The Doors based solely on all the legacy surrounding Morrison, and I've tried to tell them numerous times to ignore that and just appreciate the music itself, but I think the myth around Morrison is too strong for a lot of people... and it's become the "cool" thing in pop culture to wear the Morrison and Che Guevara t-shirts etc. without really understanding or even having a very good knowledge of them or what they stood for.

Ha, I remember meeting this guy once who had a Morrison t-shirt on (the famous cover shoot pose with the pouty face), and I asked him, "Oh, I love The Doors, too. What's your favourite song?"

He just stares at me and he's like, "Um, I... don't know." And then after I kind of prodded him a bit more he said Paint it Black was his favourite Doors song. I cried a bit inside.

I understand what you're saying but...in a way i think you're being a bit unfair and blinkered too. In regards to his poetry at least, its not all psuedo-intellectual ramblings, a lot of it has some really interesting imagery and observations in there...the problem is that its sort of colored by the fact that he's a rockstar but its by no means as crappy as you're making out. Poetry, stuff like that, is only really as good as the meaning you can extract from it. If you can't on a personal level then, y'know, thats you but maybe a lot of people do, y'know? The Lords, notes on cinema, that stuff was incredible for me and really, in a very straightforward sense, it made me understand cinema more than any text by people like Andrew Sarris or Richard Schiekel (sp?). To me it basically took cinema down and picked it apart and...explained to me how the entire sensory expierience was constructed and what it did and how it did it....in a poetic way to boot. thats why i think Morrison didnt get into movies...he understood the form better than anyone.

People have this criticm of Morrison that like "its every kids phase at a certain age" and all of that...which comes across a little like you're trivialising it. i mean, your balls dropping is something that every kid goes through at a certain age, that doesnt rob it of importance y'know?

and yeah, Sugarman really went to town on No One Here Gets Out Alive but by the same token, very little is known about Morrisons early life in that sense because it was very transient and to be fair to Sugarman, Morrison did a lot of his own revisionism and myth making so all the blame cant be laid at Dannys door. but yeah, the upshot of it all is that book is fairly full of shit.

And last thing, i'm gonna catch it up the ass for this but...just as much as all and sundry that is OH SO BLESSED enough to know who Che Guevera is sick of people wearing t shirts that dont know who he is, or look down on em, or laugh at em, it works the other way too. what the fuck does knowing who Che Guevera is say about you more than someone who doesnt? not a lot really, in the eternal scheme of things. Im sorry if this seems like im taking a pop at you cuz im not, its just...come on mannn...i've seen this a lot on this forum "if i saw someone with a *insert band name here* t shirt on and i asked them and they didnt know i'd laugh at them" or something of the like. its like what the fuck man, get over yourself. its quite funny actually, how many people had this expierience of asking random people in malls or on the street about the band t shirt they're wearing...in all my 20 years on this planet not-a one stranger has ever stopped me talking about the band t shirt im wearing and asked me about em. i'm gonna make it a point to say i dont know who they are...see where the conversation goes. Where i come from you dont fuckin pull random peoples coat cuz you feel like making a comment about their fuckin dress sense.

its a really dubious mentality, this "i wonder if they know whoose on their shirt" thing and, although it could possibly say something about the shirt wearer in any particular case, my concern is more toward the "what the fucks it got to do with anybody anyhow"?

if it looks good and i like it, i'll wear it, ya pay your dollars, i'll fuckin' eat it if i see fit.

looking back on all of this i've sort of used you for a channel to sort of...make a comment thats more about a certain cross-section of people as opposed to you ER so...bear that in mind whilst reading. no offence meant :)

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