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The Darkness


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I thought id start the thread for em...

Im not even british and I reckon they are a champ band...

I saw them last week and they won me over... Cant wait to see them again soon with hopefully a new album...

They are making an impression in australia at the moment. It wont be long until they are pretty big i reckon...

Last week? Where was that?

I saw them at BDO... they were cool... I remember i got their album in the airport when i was going to Melbourne for the Rugby World Cup and im like... Who the fuck are these guys hahaha..... So old skool but so new. Yeah i like em.

Ahh i see this was made around big day out time hahah... who the fuck bumped this.

Edited by Stupid_Moron
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thing is is with with the darkness, they write some oktunes, they look the part but mostly they dont actually sound that rocky (by that i mean real rocky) They look the part rather than sound it. Iheard that Justin Hawkins got in a fight recently and severed the tendons on his right hand - theyre getting another guitarist to so they can tour

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Just out of interest, when do they release their second album?

No release date has been announced, but they did recently finish recording their second album. All they gotta do is come up with a title (apparently they're toying with the idea of naming it "Hot Cock" or something to that extent. :rolleyes:) The only reason I know this, is because the annoying obese kid next door won't shut the hell up about it.

Edited by Angie79
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o release date has been announced, but they did recently finish recording their second album. All they gotta do is come up with a title (apparently they're toying with the idea of naming it "Hot Cock" or something to that extent. ) The only reason I know this, is because the annoying obese kid next door won't shut the hell up about it

The singer and guitarist had an accident. when he was drunk he injured his hand with a piece glass. he won't be able to play for the next months. it's not sure if he will be ableto play at all.

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Just out of interest, when do they release their second album?

No release date has been announced, but they did recently finish recording their second album. All they gotta do is come up with a title (apparently they're toying with the idea of naming it "Hot Cock" or something to that extent. :rolleyes:) The only reason I know this, is because the annoying obese kid next door won't shut the hell up about it.

Ha! Hot Cock.. oh man, that one might be hard to swallow for the record label.. Thanks.

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hi B) ...here in argentina, in the other side of the world they have a lot o fans, and when i say a lot i said A LOT...because the bring back one thing...the gutar solo!!...i mean, how many groups play a decently guitar solo in these days...eh?how many?...i think that all those guys :monkey: who have bands of "new metal" dindt know what it is :book: ...but, these is my opinion, of course i love darkness, they could sound suave in his album but, live, they rocks hard!! justin hawkin is one of the most carismatic B) frontman actually, what do u think?...ok, thats all, i dont hurt anymore your ears with mi bad english, se you all in other post...bye


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Guest Bloody-milk

I like The Darkness.Nice lyrics,nice guitars and the vocalist has funny but exceptional vocal skills.

If you don't like them it's all your fault.The Darkness and their fans are not responsable for your musical tastes.

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I saw The Darkness before they were famous, before they had their album out.

They put on an excellent live show, and they are talented no question. not the best out there, but theyre good.

However, and this is the big however that drives people to hate the darkness.

Its justin hawkins. His ego is so big youd need permission to land on it.

He openly brags at being the best, and the best rock band in britian. And its come to be known that the band are now practially called justin hawkins & the darkness.

Justin is too much for the band, especially when he shakes his arse. its embarrassing.

My guilty shame is that on the inside back of the album booklet, im in the picture of the crowd. Im just to the left of justins knee, with a sour face. :unsure:

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However, and this is the big however that drives people to hate the darkness.

Its justin hawkins. His ego is so big youd need permission to land on it.

He openly brags at being the best, and the best rock band in britian. And its come to be known that the band are now practially called justin hawkins & the darkness.

I know your not really knocking the band, but its the other bands members choice that they dont live the rock lifestyle as Justin does. I think I red somewhere that its because the others want to be able to walk down the streets without being recognised, and live their ordinary lives, so Justin lives the lifestyle for them all, as such. Which is fair enough. Extroadinarily funny bloke tho imo :P

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However, and this is the big however that drives people to hate the darkness.

Its justin hawkins. His ego is so big youd need permission to land on it.

He openly brags at being the best, and the best rock band in britian. And its come to be known that the band are now practially called justin hawkins & the darkness.

I know your not really knocking the band, but its the other bands members choice that they dont live the rock lifestyle as Justin does. I think I red somewhere that its because the others want to be able to walk down the streets without being recognised, and live their ordinary lives, so Justin lives the lifestyle for them all, as such. Which is fair enough. Extroadinarily funny bloke tho imo :P

live the rock n roll lifestyle???

woah he hurt his hand on a piece of glass, hardly rock n roll mate.

they are clearly fake, they dont do drugs, they dont get thrown out of clubs, they are fakes man, all their funds have been provided by their parents, these are facts, dont let an image fool you.

im not sayin they should do all those things, but they hardly live a rock n roll lifestyle.

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Guest Bloody-milk

Sorry.Rock is not about drugs and club-fights.It's about other staff.If you want to hear about drugs and gang fights listen to C-Rap.They are civilized people,they have manners ,they come from the UK you know so of course they have a calm lifestyle.Anyhow,it's not all that calm,I have heard that one of them got drunk once and started to throw bottles at some singers.So there...the cute kitten scratches hard.

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Sorry.Rock is not about drugs and club-fights.It's about other staff.If you want to hear about drugs and gang fights listen to C-Rap.They are civilized people,they have manners ,they come from the UK you know so of course they have a calm lifestyle.Anyhow,it's not all that calm,I have heard that one of them got drunk once and started to throw bottles at some singers.So there...the cute kitten scratches hard.

you totally missed my point and conrtradicted yourself at the same time?

i like some darkness songs.


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Guest Bloody-milk

Actualy no.You seem to be confused.Make up your mind.You said they sucked and now you tell me they are good?And what's wrong with their behaviour?I like it and I find it very rock n roll.I don't see why their music is non-rock n roll.If they are not rock what are they?

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Actualy no.You seem to be confused.Make up your mind.You said they sucked and now you tell me they are good?And what's wrong with their behaviour?I like it and I find it very rock n roll.I don't see why their music is non-rock n roll.If they are not rock what are they?

what music do they play?

well they sound like a cat deely cover band.

and im not saying they are good. I like a few tunes because they are catchy and fun, and thats as far as it goes, catchy and fun, which ofcourse isnt a bad thing.

but its certainly not rock n roll? dont get dissapointed you can like what you like. :)

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Guest Bloody-milk

...sorry. ''cat deely'' is not a genere.o.k...maybe they are not 100% rock,maybe they are pop-rock but don't tell they suck and expect us (the fans of it) to think the same.They sing 70s rock n roll.That's why I like them so much.

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