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Robert Plant speaks about Led Zep tour


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Robert Plant has said that the chances of a full Led Zeppelin tour are still slim, despite the fact he still remains in regular contact with Jimmy Page.

In an interview broadcast yesterday (December 21) on BBC Radio Wales, Plant said he was happy to continue working on music with Alison Krauss, who he has been touring with since 2007.

He said: "I'm doing very well with Alison and I'm enjoying that. I still see Jimmy quite a lot and he's very complimentary and supportive of what I'm doing. But we are in different places now and you have to go on to do different things."

In October that Led Zeppelin bassist John Paul Jones had confirmed that the band - minus Plant - wanted to tour with a replacement vocalist.

Robert Plant previously ruled himself out of any possible Led Zeppelin tour, saying he found the constant rumours about him being part of a full reunion "frustrating".


While it is another frustrating time for Led Zep fans, I am at least happy that he's continuing to work with Alison Krausse. In fact, Im over the moon, as Raising Sand is one of my favourite albums at the moment.

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Meh, it's really not Zeppelin without Plant. I'm fine with Jason on drums since he's a great drummer and they were able to keep it in the family, but touring without Plant is ludicrous. I might go if there was a show within 100 miles just to see Page and JPJ doing their magic together, but it just wouldn't be the same.

I'd be all for a reunion with Plant though, he needs to give up on Krauss and get back to what got him where he is!

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Meh, it's really not Zeppelin without Plant. I'm fine with Jason on drums since he's a great drummer and they were able to keep it in the family, but touring without Plant is ludicrous. I might go if there was a show within 100 miles just to see Page and JPJ doing their magic together, but it just wouldn't be the same.

I'd be all for a reunion with Plant though, he needs to give up on Krauss and get back to what got him where he is!

? AKA he needs to live in the past? His album with Krauss is amazing & highly successful. Why would he ditch that to go play greatest hits when he's clearly not happy doing that?

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Meh, it's really not Zeppelin without Plant. I'm fine with Jason on drums since he's a great drummer and they were able to keep it in the family, but touring without Plant is ludicrous. I might go if there was a show within 100 miles just to see Page and JPJ doing their magic together, but it just wouldn't be the same.

I'd be all for a reunion with Plant though, he needs to give up on Krauss and get back to what got him where he is!

? AKA he needs to live in the past? His album with Krauss is amazing & highly successful. Why would he ditch that to go play greatest hits when he's clearly not happy doing that?

To each their own, but I find his album with Krauss boring. I don't see anything wrong with just one nostalgia tour to appease the fans; it's not like he's been touring with Zeppelin for his whole career.

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Meh, it's really not Zeppelin without Plant. I'm fine with Jason on drums since he's a great drummer and they were able to keep it in the family, but touring without Plant is ludicrous. I might go if there was a show within 100 miles just to see Page and JPJ doing their magic together, but it just wouldn't be the same.

I'd be all for a reunion with Plant though, he needs to give up on Krauss and get back to what got him where he is!

? AKA he needs to live in the past? His album with Krauss is amazing & highly successful. Why would he ditch that to go play greatest hits when he's clearly not happy doing that?

To each their own, but I find his album with Krauss boring. I don't see anything wrong with just one nostalgia tour to appease the fans; it's not like he's been touring with Zeppelin for his whole career.

But he did tour with Zeppelin for a decade. A long time ago. And he said playing with them is "frustrating."

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Meh, it's really not Zeppelin without Plant. I'm fine with Jason on drums since he's a great drummer and they were able to keep it in the family, but touring without Plant is ludicrous. I might go if there was a show within 100 miles just to see Page and JPJ doing their magic together, but it just wouldn't be the same.

I'd be all for a reunion with Plant though, he needs to give up on Krauss and get back to what got him where he is!

? AKA he needs to live in the past? His album with Krauss is amazing & highly successful. Why would he ditch that to go play greatest hits when he's clearly not happy doing that?

To each their own, but I find his album with Krauss boring. I don't see anything wrong with just one nostalgia tour to appease the fans; it's not like he's been touring with Zeppelin for his whole career.

But he did tour with Zeppelin for a decade. A long time ago. And he said playing with them is "frustrating."

For the fans simple as that. if playing with the band was that terrible for plant he wouldn't have played that one off gig which in my opinion was a slap in the face of the fans since only rich people could afford to attend the show. One tour for a younger generation of Zep fans wouldnt have killed him and he could go on releasing records with Krauss afterwards. But money makes the world go round and Plant obviously became just anothe puppet for the bosses.

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