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Chris Cornell new solo album/single


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He played an acoustic version of that single at "Go' Morgen Danmark" on Danish television a week ago or something. That actually sounded pretty fucking good. He played with D-A-D (a Danish band) at "Zulu Awards", also in Denmark, afterwards, where he played "Black Whole Sun".

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This should get ugly:


Trent Reznor Uses Twitter to Slam Chris Cornell’s “Scream”

3/12/09, 3:12 pm EST

There’s nothing Rock Daily loves more than a good ol’ Twitter feud, especially when it features two rock icons. Trent Reznor took to his relatively new Twitter account yesterday to slam one of his peers, former Audioslave singer Chris Cornell. “You know that feeling you get when somebody embarrasses themselves so badly YOU feel uncomfortable? Heard Chris Cornell’s record? Jesus,” the suddenly loquacious Reznor wrote for all 40,000+ of his followers to see.

Cornell, who has his own Twitter account, has not yet responded to Reznor’s diss. Just one hour before Trent’s message, however, Cornell tweeted, “I pushed for another day for $2.99 per album download on Amazon so check it!” Reznor’s feelings about Scream are a bit harsher than Rolling Stone’s two-star review of the album, which reads, “Scream feels like it belongs in a time capsule, a strange mutation that could only have been born this decade.” Cornell prepared himself for the inevitable backlash to his Timbaland-produced record in a recent interview with Rolling Stone: “Maybe I’m an optimist or just an idiot but I really think the fans will come around to the concept.”

Perhaps what Cornell really needs is someone to take him on as a reclamation project… someone like Reznor, who recently revealed he’d be producing the new album by the reunited Jane’s Addiction. Perry Farrell seemingly hit a low point with his maligned Satellite Party, and there was Reznor to save him from the fall. Now, Nine Inch Nails and Jane’s Addiction will embark on a joint tour, and Farrell and the rest of the original Jane’s are headlining Sasquatch! and Lollapalooza. Also on Reznor’s Twitter, the NIN mastermind told fans to keep on eye on the NIN/JA.com Website, which goes live on March 20th. “Who knows what might be there,” hints Reznor.


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After reading that little blurb on NIN's site about putting NIN aside and the producing of the new Jane's album (replete with guitar solos), and then this... wouldn't it be sweet if Reznor became like some rock-revival producer guru guy?

God save rock 'n roll!!!!!!!!

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