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Talk of Soundgarden Reuniting!


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Soundgarden Reunion In The Works

For good or ill, all the music from the 90s is coming back. Sure, the return of Limp Bizkit, Sugar Ray, and that guy from Smash Mouth making a country record isn’t really good news, but at least we’ve got Sunny Day Real Estate and Blur reunions to wash that down. Now we can add an inevitable Soundgarden reunion to the list.

When the band, sans Chris Cornell, reformed for a set of old Soundgarden favorites with Tad Doyle and Tom Morello in late March, the reunion talk was sparked. Then Chris Cornell started using some cryptic language in interviews to suggest that he was open to the idea of getting the band back together, but he was careful not to turn the spotlight off the promotion of his current solo project.

Now in an interview by Kerrang! (via Blabbermouth) with Shinedown’s Brent Smith, the frontman let a new development slip: “There’s talk of a reuniting of Soundgarden in the States soon,” he said. “I know actually someone specific who told me that, who is actually specifically in their organisation. Kinda told me that they’re talking about it.”


Kinda...heresay, but whatever, in a Gn'R forum we've seen worse...

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I would be very happy to hear Soundgarden get back together and make an album

To do a few shows here and there would only be good if they get back in the studio

Gonna have to find a new drummer, I suppose...........

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Heres an interview which suggests to me that they will reform sooner rather than later,.


What was your reaction to the news that Kim, Matt and Ben reunited to perform three Soundgarden songs with Tad Doyle?

I thought it was cool that they'd actually get together and rehearse some songs. I was kind of surprised by it, to be honest.[Laughs.] And I love Tad. We toured with Tad; I've always felt he was a really amazing person and a really talented guy. So I just really thought it was a cool thing for them to do. They were just getting up there and doing it for fun, and I think that's great. The only thing I didn't like is that I wasn't there to see it. If I was there, I probably would've gotten up on stage.

So at some point, might we see a Soundgarden reunion?

You never know.

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I know fuck all about them except for Cornell sang and they did Black Hole Sun, but what about Matt Cameron?

He won't leave Pearl Jam, surely? :(

All I know is you have to get Badmotorfinger or Superunknown. Now.


This is very good news :thumbsup: Chris and Kim have said that it was unlikely one would happen.

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Maybe today's music is shit to some, but am I the only one who doesn't want to see a "Grunge" revival?

I love Grunge, but part of me agrees with you. Part of me feels that Soundgarden should be left in the past, but nonetheless, if they do reunite, I would love to see them.

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I don't think there will be a Grunge revival; Nirvana was the leading force, although I prefer the other 'Seattle 3'.

I don't really think 'Grunge' is a sound, moreso a movement of bands out of the same area to take over the music scene reaching similar popularity. All the bands are pretty much distinctively original, so the label is useless...

I'm just sad I missed it the first time around :thumbsdown:

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Musically, AIC were the best of those bands, but they'll always be a metal band to me. A 'grungey' sound perhaps, but I'd never class them as being 'Grunge' ala Nirvana or PJ.

I probably like Nirvana the least out of those bands.

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Maybe today's music is shit to some, but am I the only one who doesn't want to see a "Grunge" revival?

I love Grunge, but part of me agrees with you. Part of me feels that Soundgarden should be left in the past, but nonetheless, if they do reunite, I would love to see them.

I know Soundgarden "made it" or whatever after the whole "Grunge" thing went huge... but I always kinda resented them being lumped in with the likes of Nirvana (who took Husker Du/Descendents-esque power punk to the masses) and Pearl Jam (basically classic rock in flannel shirts and "darker themes"). SG came up in the late 80's with an amazing debut LP- Ultramega OK and a pretty good follow-up before the burgeoning snowball of Nirvana, PJ, Alice In..., etc absorbed them.

So for catergory's sake I always see them as a post-punk band that sounded like a brilliant mashup of Black Sabbath, 80's Sonic Youth, and... maybe vintage Mudhoney

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