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Guns N' Roses to Sweden Rock Festival

Guest Iron Fist SS

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It was a really great concert. People were booing before the concert began, because of the delay, but in wasn't very much as the newspapers here in Sweden make it sound like.

Anyway, as I said this concert was really great! I stood in the third row (WASP played on another stage until 23.25, and GN'R was supposed to start 23.30. although they started about 00.20) right infront of the "catwalk" (don't know what you call that part of the stage) in the middle, so I was about three metres from Axl! ^_^

Together with Aerosmith '07, it was the best concert they've had at SRF, in my opinion. To end the festival with Paradise City has been a dream for me for about 7 years now (when I visited it for the first time) and it finally came true yesterday.

The media here gave the concert low ratings. Don't really know why, I thought it was great. :question:

Could have been problems with the sound, because it was windy as hell, and it rained during the whole concert. It was such a hard wind that one of the mixing-towers almost fell apart right before an concert earlier that day, so I can imagine that it didn't sound very good from a distance.

I'd rate it as one of my top five best concerts in my life, after AC/DC, Iron Maiden, Rolling Stones and equally good with Aerosmith in 07.

I'd give the concert 5/5!

Man you were looking forward to this so much!

I'm glad it was a memorable gig for you!


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Of the 4 GNR concerts I've been to this was probably the best. Axl's voice was great and the band played amazing.

I went to SRF with 7 friends, and even all of them who was sceptical towards newgnr thought it was an amazing concert.

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Guest Satanisk_Slakt

It was indeed amazing. It's funny, because right after the concert, when I was walking back home to the tent, I heard many people say that this was one of the, or in some cases even the best concert they've ever been to. But everywhere that I've read about the concert (except from here and gnrsweden.com) everything I've heard has been negative.

All the people I was with at SRF said it was a great one as well.

Thank you zint.

Karri: I've said many positive things about GN'R through the years. I'd say that I've in general been more positive than negative, but unless many other **I am a stupid cupcake;Just Ignore my post**s here, I don't see one as a less fan for giving criticism to those that deserve it.

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