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Porto Alegre SOLD out concert has the venue changed!


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LOL at T4F

Did they not know the stage was big?

So that means that:

a) they'll change the venue in Brasilia, cause if you can't fit the stage in Porto Alegre, you definetely can't fit it in Brasilia.

B ) I'm gonna get screwed and not get the complete stage.

Edited by Deb Rose
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LOL at T4F

Did they not know the stage was big?

They have problems with Porto Alegre. It happened too with the Metallica concert!

So that means that:

a) they'll change the venue in Brasilia, cause if you can't fit the stage in Porto Alegre, you definetely can't fit it in Brasilia.

B ) I'm gonna get screwed and not get the complete stage.

I thought about it too. Actually, they should change the venue in São Paulo to the Morumbi Stadium, than I'd have orgasms!

Edited by ManetsBR
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LOL :rolleyes:

I just love the way those coordinators always underestimate Porto Alegre and forget about the pyros that usually appear in this kind of concert. I'm not surprised at all. Same thing happened with Metallica concert, just like Manets said, but in the end everything was just perfect.

At least more people will be able to see GNR rockin' out.

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Deb, I think the issue was not the stage size for all I know, the local producers already knew the stage size and structure since February. They are just mentioning that in the article to exemplify how big the stage is and how huge the concert will be, to build up some (more) hype around it. I guess the pyro could have been the issue, Gigantinho is a small and closed arena, probably the band would be limited with pyrotechnics. Anyway, I think the main reason for this change was obviously that Gigantinho sold out and there were hundreds of phone calls a day at the producer's office asking for more tickets. They do this because they're not stupid. It fills their pockets and makes the fans happy at the same time.

I am so proud of the people in Porto Alegre, I think I'm gonna move over there after the GnR concerts. Now let's sell out these another 5000 tickets!!

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Deb, I think the issue was not the stage size for all I know, the local producers already knew the stage size and structure since February. They are just mentioning that in the article to exemplify how big the stage is and how huge the concert will be, to build up some (more) hype around it. I guess the pyro could have been the issue, Gigantinho is a small and closed arena, probably the band would be limited with pyrotechnics. Anyway, I think the main reason for this change was obviously that Gigantinho sold out and there were hundreds of phone calls a day at the producer's office asking for more tickets. They do this because they're not stupid. It fills their pockets and makes the fans happy at the same time.

I am so proud of the people in Porto Alegre, I think I'm gonna move over there after the GnR concerts. Now let's sell out these another 5000 tickets!!

Even if it's the pyro, Nilson Nelson is smaller and closed too. I still get screwed. Hahaha. Story of my life.

I was going to the São Paulo show.

I'm gonna kill the fuckhead responsible for me not going.

At least I still have Rio.

just dump the **** lol

Dump who? huh?

You think my boyfriend is responsible for me not going?

No. If it were, he would get dropped in 2 seconds. With no hesitation.

My father is the one responsible. Unfourtunately, can't drop the "wonderful" (sarcasm) father God gave me. Not yet. When I graduate and have a higher paying job, he's gone.

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