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Slash finally responds to Axl's "cancer" blast.


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No one is interested in what Robin or Bucket have to say. In fact, no one is interested in what Bumble, Fortus, or Ashba has to say and they are in YOUR Guns N Roses. <_<

im very, very interested in what bucket has to say. i wish he would / could talk.


Go find a news print that will be willing to ask him about GnR. Good luck.

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Go find a news print that will be willing to ask him about GnR. Good luck.

word on the street is gnr is a dirty word to bucket and makes him run and hide.

im not sure how literal to take that but i wouldnt be suprised if it was word for word accurate. it would be hilarious if someone asked bucket about it and he shut down.

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Apollo - there's a reason these threads balloon to 30 pages and the Frank Ferrer birthday threads only reach three.

Believe it or not, people are interested in reading and discussing this stuff.

Take your own advice and stop chasing windmills.



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No one is interested in what Robin or Bucket have to say. In fact, no one is interested in what Bumble, Fortus, or Ashba has to say and they are in YOUR Guns N Roses. <_<

Ashba >>> BBF >>>>> Slash >> Fortus > Izzy

That's the truth

On top of that, Ashba is a much nicer person.

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No one is interested in what Robin or Bucket have to say. In fact, no one is interested in what Bumble, Fortus, or Ashba has to say and they are in YOUR Guns N Roses. <_<

Ashba >>> BBF >>>>> Slash >> Fortus > Izzy

That's the truth

On top of that, Ashba is a much nicer person.

AFD >> UYI>>..............................................CD.

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No one is interested in what Robin or Bucket have to say. In fact, no one is interested in what Bumble, Fortus, or Ashba has to say and they are in YOUR Guns N Roses. <_<

Ashba >>> BBF >>>>> Slash >> Fortus > Izzy

That's the truth

On top of that, Ashba is a much nicer person.

AFD >> UYI>>..............................................CD

CD > ............................................ <insert here anything that Slash did after quitting GN'R>


I was gonna fix the quotes but oh well, it's understandable I wrote it.

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how insightful.

(that goes for everyone who made those posts, especially the first which started a chain reaction of stupidity and nonsense)

Edited by Jackie Moon
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"The cancer thing, I'll go with him on that, that fits into his description of things . I wouldn't use the word 'cancer' but I haven't gone anywhere and I don't seem to be going anywhere so that's justified,"

He's not agreeing with the content of what Axl said. He's saying that if Axl has that big of a problem with him and the attention he gets, then get used to it beause he and it are not changing anytime soon. This writer is just a dumbass in conveying a conversation.


How hell did you pull that, from that line?

Can you read? Comprehend?

Read Kickingthehabit's post for a detailed explanation. It's just the way Slash talks about Axl these days. He's not agreeing with him, but seems to be trying to give him the benefit of the doubt for the stupid things he does and the skewed reality of the way he views things. I personally wouldn't give it to him, but whatever. Then again maybe Slash doesn't give it to him personally, but is just trying to seem neutral in interviews because he regrets discussing the negative things when promoting VR the first time around.

Yes, in a word, it's known as 'patronization'.

OMG, now i know why the behaviour of some of the people here, a lot of you can't read :rofl-lol:

+1 :rofl-lol:


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Slash thinks Axl was the cause of the breakup. Axl thinks Slash was the cause of the breakup.

Slasholes think Slash is God and does no wrong, and they can't function without bashing Axl at every opportunity.

Axlites think Axl is God and does no wrong, and they can't function without bashing Slash at every opportunity.

Fans may have strong opinions on each musician as a person........but they really don't know dick about what really has happened in slash/axl's lives.

Axlites think Slash's new solo album is boring and predictable.

Slasholes think Chinese Democracy sucks.

Axlites think that Axl was the main driving force behind Appetite, Lies and Illusions.

Slasholes think that Slash was the main driving force behind Appetite, Lies and Illusions.

Slasholes think that Axl is a reclusive, non-talented, prick who treats people like shit.

Axlites think that Slash is a lying, money-grubbing whore who is more interested in money than his musical integrity.


Wow, I couldn´t have said it better ...

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I don't know about that or not. What I do not is we can pick apart each other's post-GNR efforts. Libertad wasn't great, and for 17 years, there are some songs on Chinese Democracy that just weren't worth the wait. Together however, these two are unstoppable.

That is still no indication of anything. Comparing a 45 year old person with themselves at 25 is not a fair reflection on what they could have acheived in thier prime.

The Rolling Stones had, creatively, a short period where the quality of their recorded output was very high. Live of course they have remained a much more sustained success.

So there is no indication to say what Slash and Axl or could have acheived by looking at their post (original) GNR output.

Also the 3rd ingredient that is not being mentioned here is Izzy. No disrespect to Duff and Steven, but Izzy, Axl and Slash were the 3 cornerstones of the band.

Izzy was JUST as important if not more than Slash in the whole thing. His songwriting and Axl's vocals and vocal melodies were in my opinion the key to GNR.

Slash's solos blew the thing out the water, but I think with Axl and Izzy there was already enough magic to make it work.

I am also sure that Slash would have always been a key player in a band. But having Axl and Izzy's songs to play around certainly helped him acheive legend status.


Finally a reasonable post, it's really hard for me to spend much time on the forums (and this is a rather good forum and one of the very rare I still read) with all the shit that's written here and there by ignorants & co, it's really hurting my eyes focusing going through all the posts.

You're spot on, Izzy was as much essential to the band as Axl and Slash AND Duff AND Steve, a band without a solid bassist and a good drummer can't make it, especially the drums, it gives the groove to the songs, the rythm... But Izzy was really special (I'm disappointed to have read that 1993 Slash interview but maybe it was twisted by the guy who scripted it, I don't know), came up with great songs but for the casual listeners and people that aren't musicians themselves, they tend to focus on the most obvious: Axl and Slash and I understand that, but Izzy was like pillars that hold the building you know, you don't notice him at first but it's obvious that he was a main ingredient to GNR. When I listen to Nightrain, I always think of Izzy first. But like you say, on a song like Nightrain, Slash is the thing that sublimes the song, honestly, Nightrain could seem a bit cheesy without Slash, but with Slash, it turns the whole thing into Genius, but there was a structure first.

Anyway I don't really know how to explain it, but GNR 1st real version is Axl, Slash, Izzy, Duff, Steven and I know for fact everyone is as much as important as the other because I'm in a band myself, and I know how things work. Everyone plays on everyone songs, we put our something into the others' songs and the most important thing is to believe in what you're doing.

Of course it's annoying if someone doesn't believe in someone else in the band and criticize him and now I can understand Axl's point of view a bit better with that Slash interview, but time has passed and maybe 2010 Slash has evolved a bit and respects Izzy's work on Appetite, some of you should just enjoy the records and stop overanalyzing everything, to me Slash seems like a great guy, of course I prefer a guy like Axl who never sold himself for an advertising, but on the other side life's short and some people are more open to have friends and relations everywhere, clearly I'm more the Axl type but I try to understand everyone's point of view, like SLash does so... let's just fuck off with whatever's going on between them and enjoy everyone's record (though I have troubles appreciating the latest "Slash" album but that's another story).

Well I didn't say Duff and Steven were pointless or shit or anything, and they contributed great things to AFD, BUT I think having Axl, Slash and Izzy in the band is what made the band special. Duff and Steven, with the greatest amount of respect, could have been replaced prior to AFD with a good bassist and drummer and the album would have been about as good. Slightly different, but not too much, or much worse. Ok It's So Easy wouldn't have been on it, but Axl and Izzy took the original idea from Duff and raped it into the evil version we have today. So even his major contribution was twisted light years from where it started by the magic of the key 2/3 members...

So while I love Duff and Steven and think their playing was impeccable on AFD, and wouldn't WANT to replace them, I think Izzy, Slash and Axl were special, while Steven and Duff were very good.

The band with most "equal" parts I can think of is the Stone Roses. And every band works differently, so YOUR band might work one way but other bands work in many other ways. Some have leaders who pull the band with them, some have song-writing partnerships, some are democracy's. There's no blueprint as such. I think Izzy was the originator of songs, Axl moved it into different more interesting directions and Slash added his sublime guitar work. Steven and Duff were the solid backbone to the songs and added the swing the songs needed.

Anyway it's just my opinion..


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It's no secret that Axl Rose is not the biggest fan of his former Guns 'N Roses bandmate Slash.

Though the two haven't spoken face to face since Slash's departure from the legendary group back in 1996, both have spent the ensuing time using the media to discuss each others' exploits.

While neither has been complimentary, it was Rose who took the feud to a whole new level when, in an interview with long-time friend and former road manager Del James, first published on Spinner, he called his band's former guitarist a "cancer."

"There's zero possibility of me having anything to do with Slash other than by ambush, and that wouldn't be pretty," Rose told James. "There is the distinct possibility that having his intentions in regard to me so deeply ingrained and his personal, though guarded, distaste for much of 'Appetite [For Destruction,' the band's Diamond-certified debut album] ' other than his or Duff's playing, Slash either should not have been in Guns to begin with or should have left after 'Lies.' In a nutshell, personally I consider him a cancer and better removed, avoided -- and the less anyone heard of him or his supporters, the better."

At the time, Slash simply shrugged off the accusation, telling the Las Vegas Review-Journal that it didn't really affect him. Now, for the first time, the guitarist reveals his true feelings on the matter and the man with whom he co-wrote some of rock's biggest hits.

"For one, I've never said anything derogatory about anyone's performance on 'Appetite,'" Slash tells Spinner. "So right from the start it's just off."

Furthermore the guitarist, who lost his mother to lung cancer last June, reveals that though he agrees with the sentiment behind some of Rose's comments, the singer's choice of wording was tough to take.

"The cancer thing, I'll go with him on that, that fits into his description of things. I wouldn't use the word 'cancer' but I haven't gone anywhere and I don't seem to be going anywhere so that's justified," Slash says, before pausing to reflect. "Actually, I lost my mom to cancer so that was a little bit of hard rhetoric at that particular time, but it's typical Axl stuff... I know how he comes off and how he really is, so I give him credit where hopefully it's due."

Slash's self-titled solo debut album is out April 6 and you can hear it right now on Spinner's CD Listening Party.


Well its clear Slash wasn't really that offended by the remark, he gets Axl and knows how to take the things he says.

I don't think the remark was ment to hurt Slash anyway.

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Slash once again takes the high road...people want him to respond negatively towards Axl whenever he's interviewed, but he never takes the bait. Guy is a class act in that regard.

And it drives Axl fans crazy that he won't slam Axl like Axl slams Slash so they are forced to analyze his interviews looking for hidden messages and agenda's....Slash still seems to have some bitterness towards Axl for the past issues between the two, which have been discussed to death here, which will bubble to the surface from time to time during interviews but, IMHO, I think the guy truly likes Axl and just wants to put this stuff behind him.........

Great point!! :thumbsup:

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Slash once again takes the high road...people want him to respond negatively towards Axl whenever he's interviewed, but he never takes the bait. Guy is a class act in that regard.

And it drives Axl fans crazy that he won't slam Axl like Axl slams Slash so they are forced to analyze his interviews looking for hidden messages and agenda's....Slash still seems to have some bitterness towards Axl for the past issues between the two, which have been discussed to death here, which will bubble to the surface from time to time during interviews but, IMHO, I think the guy truly likes Axl and just wants to put this stuff behind him.........

What a short memory you must have. Slash by his own admission had nothing nice to say about Axl when VR was starting up and he was doing press. :rolleyes:

Before you attempt to debate that point, keep in mind Slash admitted to as much in his own book.

Slash has taken the bait time and time again over the years. He has not always taken the high road. He admits this much himself. Don't delude yourself into thinking otherwise.


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Slash by his own admission had nothing nice to say about Axl when VR was starting up and he was doing press. :rolleyes:

Before you attempt to debate that point, keep in mind Slash admitted to as much in his own book.

what exactly did he say?

It's in the book. Pick it up and read it for yourself if you don't believe me.


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Slash by his own admission had nothing nice to say about Axl when VR was starting up and he was doing press. :rolleyes:

Before you attempt to debate that point, keep in mind Slash admitted to as much in his own book.

what exactly did he say?

It's in the book. Pick it up and read it for yourself if you don't believe me.



Ali - I thought you had found some stuff for us. I just did a search of the articles archived on HTGTH, and couldn't find anything that bad other than,

"Axl was just too high strung and unpredictable for that. He didn’t need anybody... at least in his mind."

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Slash by his own admission had nothing nice to say about Axl when VR was starting up and he was doing press. :rolleyes:

Before you attempt to debate that point, keep in mind Slash admitted to as much in his own book.

what exactly did he say?

It's in the book. Pick it up and read it for yourself if you don't believe me.


In his book, he talked about FACTUAL events that involved Axl. You are going to put him on blast for recollecting facts??

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Slash by his own admission had nothing nice to say about Axl when VR was starting up and he was doing press. :rolleyes:

Before you attempt to debate that point, keep in mind Slash admitted to as much in his own book.

what exactly did he say?

It's in the book. Pick it up and read it for yourself if you don't believe me.


In his book, he talked about FACTUAL events that involved Axl. You are going to put him on blast for recollecting facts??

No, but nice job at twisting around what I said.

Slash said in his book that when VR started up he let out a lot of anger and resentment he had built up towards Axl and admitted that he had nothing nice to say about him. I'm saying that given that admission on Slash's part, you cannot say that he has always taken the high road when it comes to Axl. That is all. Even Slash HIMSELF admitted he hasn't always taken the high road on the topic of Axl.


Edited by Ali
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Ali - I thought you had found some stuff for us. I just did a search of the articles archived on HTGTH, and couldn't find anything that bad other than,

"Axl was just too high strung and unpredictable for that. He didn’t need anybody... at least in his mind."


Yeah, I keep looking at old interviews which I read at the time and keep looking for stuff to rival "he's in my ass that's where he is fuckhead" or "I'm the fucking serpico and they can suck my dick".

But no luck so far...

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