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Retired Musicians?


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Can you guys help me by listing, as the topic title suggests, musicians that have retired from the music scene.

We are so used to ageing rockers still touring, making albums and what not, I'm interested to know of famous ones that have just had enough and quit music, or been forced to retire through injury or illness.

At a stretch, you can include musicians that are still in the business as producers or managers etc- so long as they don't actually perform.

I can only think of John Squire.

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Do they need to be alive?! Syd Barret died "retired musician".

Patti Smith has retired completly bu she has done a comeback so I don't know if it counts?

Tommy Ramone retired from drumming to the Ramones - but continued as their producer.

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Guest Len B'stard

johnny ramone retired...Joey and Dee Dee too but they retired the ramones and did other musical stuff whereas Johnny just called it a day. When the ramones actually broke up it was meant to be a retirement, they didn't break up cuz they didn't get along cuz they never got along but just stuck it out. In all the interviews towards the break up they were like yeah we're gonna call it a retirement etc but none of them did except Johnny...who died 9 years after of colon cancer.

i think musicians should go til they drop though, i mean if they want, they shouldn't feel the pressure of y'know, we're old and its a kids game cuz it fuckin ain't a kids game. Media seems to hold age against artists which is fucking ridiculous, look at Muddy Waters, Howlin Wolf et al, they were fuckin seriously old men and still playing and so they should be, i don't understand what music has to do with age.

Oh yeah, money. Marketing. Demographics :rolleyes: I woulda liked to've seen Jimi Hendrix as an old man, that woulda been fuckin beautiful! He was that good at 27 years of age and still growing as an artist, he woulda been like...superman by now if he'd've kept it up.

Edited by sugaraylen
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John Deacon, former Queen bassist.

Ah good one. Can't believe I forgot about him.

Phil Collins

Jim Martin

Phil hasn't retired. He has a new album out later this year and some gig dates.

Oh aye, and I think it's safe to say Gary Glitter will no longer be back in the music business. Forced retirement?

Phil Spector too I guess.

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Guest Len B'stard

Bill Wyman? Has he retired or just left The Stones?

Gaye Advert? She's definitely retired...and i think Poly Styrene too although i think she was doing some reunion type shit last year or something im not sure?

What about John Densmore?

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Guest Len B'stard

Charles Manson


Yeah, mandatory retirement :lol: In that case you could throw David Koresh in there too. Oh wait, does roasted to shit by federal agents count as retirement? Hmmmm..

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Phil hasn't retired. He has a new album out later this year and some gig dates.

Damn, thanks for saying that. I had no idea he has an album and dates coming up! Turns out he's playing two nights in Philly in the same place I saw Zombie (Electric Factory). Nice, small, General Admission place. Definitely going to try to go to both! :)

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Phil hasn't retired. He has a new album out later this year and some gig dates.

Damn, thanks for saying that. I had no idea he has an album and dates coming up! Turns out he's playing two nights in Philly in the same place I saw Zombie (Electric Factory). Nice, small, General Admission place. Definitely going to try to go to both! :)

May I ask, why?

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Phil hasn't retired. He has a new album out later this year and some gig dates.

Damn, thanks for saying that. I had no idea he has an album and dates coming up! Turns out he's playing two nights in Philly in the same place I saw Zombie (Electric Factory). Nice, small, General Admission place. Definitely going to try to go to both! :)

May I ask, why?

Because I like Phil Collins.

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Maybe Izzy? He's still thowing out an album once every two years or so, but usually merely unnoticed and he isn't touring.

4 albums in the past 4 years though. Doesn't sound that retired to me. :)

Woah, ok, I didn't realize that he was still that busy! Thanks for clearing that up! :)

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