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Guns N' Roses, Metallica and Milli Vanilli Top Our Five Worst Comeback Albums

Anthony S.

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this seems to be the frame of mind, not sure i agree but still funny.

Sick Boy: It's certainly a phenomenon in all walks of life.

Mark "Rent-boy" Renton: What do you mean?

Sick Boy: Well, at one time, you've got it, and then you lose it, and it's gone forever. All walks of life: George Best, for example. Had it, lost it. Or David Bowie, or Lou Reed...

Mark "Rent-boy" Renton: Some of his solo stuff's not bad.

Sick Boy: No, it's not bad, but it's not great either. And in your heart you kind of know that although it sounds all right, it's actually just shite.

Mark "Rent-boy" Renton: So who else?

Sick Boy: Charlie Nicholas, David Niven, Malcolm McLaren, Elvis Presley...

Mark "Rent-boy" Renton: OK, OK, so what's the point you're trying to make?

Sick Boy: All I'm trying to do is help you understand that The Name of The Rose is merely a blip on an otherwise uninterrupted downward trajectory.

Mark "Rent-boy" Renton: What about The Untouchables?

Sick Boy: I don't rate that at all.

Mark "Rent-boy" Renton: Despite the Academy Award?

Sick Boy: That means fuck all. Its a sympathy vote.

Mark "Rent-boy" Renton: Right. So we all get old and then we can't hack it anymore. Is that it?

Sick Boy: Yeah.

Mark "Rent-boy" Renton: That's your theory?

Sick Boy: Yeah. Beautifully fucking illustrated.

I guess Scraped was meant to be a surprise but I sort of expected/wanted stuff like this.

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Funny how most people agree with the other choices but just not CD lol. is it just because we're on a GNR forum? lets face it, outside of the hardcore GNR fans, this does seem to be the general opinion of CD. Even at the live shows, most people go cos of the name and to hear the old songs. (and see Axl).

maybe people feel bad admitting it cos they waited so damn long for it to come out? I think if GNR released another stronger album, people would start to admit that CD kinda sucked. Too much Pro Tools, keyboards and ridiculous intros. And not enough guitar driven songs.

Oh yeah, and released at least 8 years too late.

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Funny how most people agree with the other choices but just not CD lol. is it just because we're on a GNR forum? lets face it, outside of the hardcore GNR fans, this does seem to be the general opinion of CD. Even at the live shows, most people go cos of the name and to hear the old songs. (and see Axl).

maybe people feel bad admitting it cos they waited so damn long for it to come out? I think if GNR released another stronger album, people would start to admit that CD kinda sucked. Too much Pro Tools, keyboards and ridiculous intros. And not enough guitar driven songs.

Oh yeah, and released at least 8 years too late.

CD is great. There was simply too much build-up creating expectations that could not be met no matter what they did upon release. Certainly more/better promotion could have helped but the fact that CD has such strong music kept it from being totally ripped apart. It was never going to be praised across the board simply because of the wait-time/expectations. Not to mention, the entire industry has changed, the music that's in, is a far different beast than that of the early 90's etc....

I don't think the music sounds dated, it sounds like great rock music which may be dated as it's been around 60 years or more but the production is modern and I'm very glad they actually didn't overdo it with compression and such but left the dynamics in. Some modern production just ruins the music. Heck, I think most people that are down on CD have not bothered to even really listen to it, it's just a trend...."waited all those years and the album didn't even throw the planet into a different orbit or come with a working time-machine? It sucks."

I've got a friend, was ripping on Axl and the new material and I asked him, "Well, what's your least favorite song on the album and why?" and his reply, "I haven't listened to the album". Well, I know with all the radio play it's getting he must have heard most of the material anyway right? *Smirk*. I throw on CD, first three songs, he's sold and "Better" was an instant hit to him. Go figure.

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I actually think there is a hunger out there for a stripped down big guitars old GNR Appetite style rock album. It's been almost 25 years now, and a back to basics album like that would be very successful as it is what people wanted from GNR in the first place. Metallica and AC/DC both had very successful album runs last cycle by doing such, and there is no reason GNR can't recapture some of that mantle.

I agree.

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5. The Spice Girls

Forever (2000)

Not only did these girls the epitome of sensationalized, pre-packaged crap overstay their welcome the first time around, but they actually had the gall to think that anyone even cared after the fact. Apparently, despite having a questionable four brains Geri Ginger Spice Halliwell being the only one keen enough to opt out of the debacle amongst them, nobody taught the girls the meaning of the word disposable, which they clearly were. As for the album itself, it didn't sell. Proponents claim it was due to lack of label support but it was the fucking Spice Girls. Who didn't know they were getting back together? Either way, it was predictable, bland and dated pop/R&B. Still, the quintet made enough of a dent that if they sweep Forever under the carpet, they can pack 'em in on the nostalgia trip.

Where have I heard that before?

Edited by twenty-nine
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St.Anger :rofl-lol:

Nothing is worser then St.Anger

Yes but after St Anger Metallica came back stronger and better with the eventual release of Death Magnetic. Metallica are a group who KNOW how to satisfy their fans. Hetfield said himself that despite Anger's less than stellar reviews, it had to be made for Metallica to survive. Chinese Democracy on the other hand, has done nothing but further embarass the once great legacy of Axl Rose.

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Chinese Democracy has been in my CD player since it was released and is played daily. I will question anybody's credibility who says the album is a piece of shit. It may not go down in history as a great album, but it's damn good. By what measure makes a great album? It's top 40 radio play? Just turn on the radio if you want to hear real shit music. I just wish AXL would have released all of the material they have.

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I don't agree. Cd is a very good album. I know it didn't sell well in the US, but It isn't because it's a ¨bad¨ album, it's because it doesn't sound like AFD. We must be honest, fans were waiting for a sound like AFD.

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I wasn't even going to dignify this pathetic post with a reply. Some asshole makes a list and says he doesn't like CD. Big friggin deal.

But LaRoza called "Scraped" the worst song ever to be released by GNR. I just don't understand why any fan would hate this song. Axl's vocals are at front and center, and it's got fast driving hard guitar riffs that aren't as "out there" as Shackler's....to me it was easily one of the best songs on CD. It's a kick ass little rock tune.

Is it really worse than "My World?" "So Fine?" The fifteen minute extended jam live version of "Move to the City?"

I love My World. Fucking brilliant but sounds odd to 'Guess what I'm gonna do now' - wait a few years for a new album? Haven't heard St Anger...is it as bad as people say?

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? Haven't heard St Anger...is it as bad as people say?

St Anger is different - it isn't their best release, not by a long shot. It is missing some of the core Metallica sounds you'd expect like hard drums and guitar solos. People are quick to trash it without learning of the back story behind it. However, there are some good songs like All Within my Hands and Dirty Window. It's a continual evolution of the band - the title couldn't be more appropriate given the things they went through shortly before its release (Hetfield's alcohol problems and Newsted leaving, which in my opinion, was a HUGE blow to the band). They've come just about full circle with Death Magnetic...most have labled it as an album that fits in between Justice and Black.

Their 25 year + catalog gives you such a diverse range of music you really have to be in a certain mood to listen to a certain album. I absolutely LOVE load and reload, those two in my opinion really illustrated the musical ability of that group. The deeper cuts like Where the Wild Things are, Fixxxer, Attitude and Ronnie are all GREAT songs. They are one of the top 5 musical acts of all time.

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? Haven't heard St Anger...is it as bad as people say?

St Anger is different - it isn't their best release, not by a long shot. It is missing some of the core Metallica sounds you'd expect like hard drums and guitar solos. People are quick to trash it without learning of the back story behind it. However, there are some good songs like All Within my Hands and Dirty Window. It's a continual evolution of the band - the title couldn't be more appropriate given the things they went through shortly before its release (Hetfield's alcohol problems and Newsted leaving, which in my opinion, was a HUGE blow to the band). They've come just about full circle with Death Magnetic...most have labled it as an album that fits in between Justice and Black.

Their 25 year + catalog gives you such a diverse range of music you really have to be in a certain mood to listen to a certain album. I absolutely LOVE load and reload, those two in my opinion really illustrated the musical ability of that group. The deeper cuts like Where the Wild Things are, Fixxxer, Attitude and Ronnie are all GREAT songs. They are one of the top 5 musical acts of all time.

You seem to have a bad taste in music.

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