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Warren Zevon


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Warren Zevon is the absolute man. The best two to get are Excitable Boy and the self titled debut. Once you get those digest "The Wind." he wrote that album after he was diagnosed with cancer and decided not to get treatment. So it's essentially an album of a man accepting death. Its quite jarring despite being a very mellow album. One of the best songwriters in recent memory, up there with Bruce and Tom Waits. Yes I will stand by that statement,

@ITW2012, this is off topic but is your sig from that Joaquin Phoenix documentary Im Still Here? Was that any good? I know it was fake but was it compelling enough to keep watching? I wanted to check it out

Edited by bt88
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I was going to get some Zevon then I heard Prison Grove on a free cd and it was good but I felt the pain. So decided not but then I heard one on a tv show (must have been Californication). It's in that Dylan, Bruce, Waits, Cohen territory with some Stones element. Lawyers Guns and Money is like a lost Stones track. I was thinking Stand in the Fire cos the tracks on Genius I like are on that but I'll probably check them all. There's a book called "I'll sleep when I'm dead".

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Warren Zevon is the absolute man. The best two to get are Excitable Boy and the self titled debut. Once you get those digest "The Wind." he wrote that album after he was diagnosed with cancer and decided not to get treatment. So it's essentially an album of a man accepting death. Its quite jarring despite being a very mellow album. One of the best songwriters in recent memory, up there with Bruce and Tom Waits. Yes I will stand by that statement,

@ITW2012, this is off topic but is your sig from that Joaquin Phoenix documentary Im Still Here? Was that any good? I know it was fake but was it compelling enough to keep watching? I wanted to check it out

Yes. It's my favorite movie of 2010. Reminded me a bit of Spinal Tap.

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I thought it was a good movie. Even though I sort of knew it was a hoax I still started to believe he'd lost it in someway, like even if it was a hoax and everyone knew it was still destroying him. Casey Affleck needs to make his version of Citizen Kane now.

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