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What would you think if Axl got Charlie to recreate the Jaws on a Yacht with Porn Stars scenario for a Madagascar video? New Video on page 7

ITW 2012

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That would make for an interesting Catcher video. Not sure if Axl has the kind of acting range to play both Lennon and Chapman. It might work better if he plays himself and his stalker. I wonder if they'd let him film inside The Dakota. He could maybe film a seance inside in an attempt to ward off evil spirits. Kind of a like a nod to Rosemary's Baby, which was also filmed inside The Dakota.

Sorry is the perfect song to burn a jungle down to.

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I would like to see a sorry video filmed in the essence of Johnny Cashs' God's Gonna Cut You Down video was shot. Get a bunch of Stars that have been hurt by the media and family sing the song ie. ( Christian Bale & Charlie Sheen ).

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Does Yoko still live in the Dakota. I think with the aid of make and wigs Axl could be made to look like those people. Not sure he should fake a scows accent. Leave that to Torres.

Charlie could put up the money for the videos. Can someone tweet him I wood but I live under an iron fist. Don't execute me I'm just joking.

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We've got to get Axl to go on Charlie's show. Maybe he could let Charlie use Atlas Shrugged as the theme song for his show. Charlie was wearing a shirt with the mark of the Objectivist on it tonight.


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I was think he could call it The Real, The Surreal, and The Absurd, but Apocalypse Me is tough to beat. Charlie is taking it to the belly of the beast. It would be nice to see Axl provide the soundtrack for this odyssey. It ain't Chinese Democracy, but it is a start.

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Goin out West in the same style as the acoustic You're Crazy might work. Maybe get Izzy and Richard to do the guitar tracks for it. Sheen and Axl could run this town if they so choose.

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Axl's already got the Hopper stache. They could smoke crack this time and be traveling thru South America on their way to Carnival. Maybe go on a ayahuasca trip at some point, and then hit up the finest whore house in all of South America -- as recommended by Charlie.

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You can't expect an album like CD to sell big without an epic visual accompaniment. It would be like watching Raiders without sound. If you can't hear the whip crack than how are you supposed to get anything done?

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"I'm free at last." - Charlie after getting fired, waving a machete around on foof of building sippin Tigerblood.

He should open his internet radio show with Madagascar.

Screams from the haters, gotta nice ring to it, guess every superhero needs his theme music.

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Charlie Sheen Declares Victory, Pirate-Style!

Nice to see Charlie Sheen isn't taking his firing too hard.

The officially former Two and a Half Men star was out and about today with girlfriend No. 1 (or No. 2, who knows what the hierarchy is) Natalie Kenly, and it doesn't look like he was signing up for unemployment benefits...

MORE: Five reasons why Charlie Sheen is so fired

"Bring it!" yelled a triumphant, machete-wielding Sheen, who went up to the roof of concert promoter Live Nation's building in Beverly Hills to do his best Monty Python impersonation address his fans.

Just why he was wielding a sword cannot be divined at this time, but he was supposedly at Live Nation for a business meeting.

"Working on a reality right now," he told the paparazzi as he descended the stairs following his brief trip to the moon, er, roof, along with Kenly and a bodyguard.

"Free at last! This is the greatest day of my life," Sheen added in regard to being officially fired today by Two and a Half Men studio Warner Bros. Television.

When asked if he was going to sue CBS, his network home for the last seven-plus years, he replied, "CB-who? How do you spell that? S-U-K...?"

Sheen, who earlier today tweeted that he's looking for a "#winning intern" to help him handle the social media fray, also said that he needed to make a call to find out if he's supposed to go to court tomorrow to deal with custody issues between him and ex-wife Brooke Mueller.

—Reporting by Daniel Ramos


Read more: http://ca.eonline.com/uberblog/b229784_charlie_sheen_declares_victory.html#ixzz1G3W3MzLI

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