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All this hate for Rebecca Black

Count Drugcula

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I don't get it. People are saying she's ugly, she should kill herself...But she's a 13 year old girl. I'm sure the girl reads the stuff, and idk...people, especially girls, are vulnerable to that kind of crap at that age. I don't see what she did that was so offensive that people want her to ''slit her wrists''. I mean come on.

And a 13 year old no less. I could see if we were talking about an adult woman, perhaps, but this kid is just that--a kid. Barely a teenager.

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Definitly man. It's all these sad geeks with their 'trolling', 4chan and 'loljk" shite that don't spend much time outside, so don't seem to have much grasp on what their words mean to kids like her in real life because they've got no social skills. Shame.

Her song is awful though.

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Definitly man. It's all these sad geeks with their 'trolling', 4chan and 'loljk" shite that don't spend much time outside, so don't seem to have much grasp on what their words mean to kids like her in real life because they've got no social skills. Shame.

Her song is awful though.

4chan itself has made getting on the internet period unenjoyable at times.. a lot of that shit has even carried onto this board from some members

Edited by Forsaken
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It's all just shitty people with shitty lives. The song isn't even that catchy. There was an interview with her on Good Morning America, and she looked like she had a good grasp on things and wasn't let it get to her. There are probably quick response teams that are a mix of PR/psychologists for middle-to-upper class victims of internet rage/memes.

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Guest Len B'stard

The way i see it is, people have a right to say their fuckin piece. Why should everyone just shut the fuck up and be like, oh, it's just someone doing their shit, why? I think snarky little comments, however harsh you might think they are, are nothing compared to the sort of bombardment that goes on when something like this gets "big". Fuck em, tell em what you think people, in fact, i think the best cultures are the ones where the audience or consumer speaks up and dictates fuckin terms, this is your fuckin voice, you're the people and this is what is on offer for you and it's all thats gonna be on offer if you don't speak up and say so when somethings a crock of shit. "Oh but she's just a 13 yr old girl" well then what the fucks shes doing on TV? Honestly, if you're that much of a shrinking violet and you hold that much stock in notions of propriety in the way people should be speaking to or behaving towards 13 yr old girls then why the fuck don't you be a little consistent in your own representation of the behaviour of a 13 yr old girl and fuck off out the faces of people, if you don't wannabe judged don't put yourself out there.

Use your fuckin voice, speak up or this is the kinda shit that, 20 years from now is gonna be representative of your culture.

Rebecca Black my fuckin arse.

Edited by sugaraylen
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The way i see it is, people have a right to say their fuckin piece. Why should everyone just shut the fuck up and be like, oh, it's just someone doing their shit, why? I think snarky little comments, however harsh you might think they are, are nothing compared to the sort of bombardment that goes on when something like this gets "big". Fuck em, tell em what you think people, in fact, i think the best cultures are the ones where the audience or consumer speaks up and dictates fuckin terms, this is your fuckin voice, you're the people and this is what is on offer for you and it's all thats gonna be on offer if you don't speak up and say so when somethings a crock of shit. "Oh but she's just a 13 yr old girl" well then what the fucks shes doing on TV? Honestly, if you're that much of a shrinking violet and you hold that much stock in notions of propriety in the way people should be speaking to or behaving towards 13 yr old girls then why the fuck don't you be a little consistent in your own representation of the behaviour of a 13 yr old girl and fuck off out the faces of people, if you don't wannabe judged don't put yourself out there.

Use your fuckin voice, speak up or this is the kinda shit that, 20 years from now is gonna be representative of your culture.

Rebecca Black my fuckin arse.

That video wasn't specifically made to be marketed. From what I've discerned, it was not a video that was pushed by any studio label. It's a couple of guys in a beat laboratory that cater to rich parents whose kids want to make a video and feel like pop stars. I wanted to be GI Joe when I was a kid, so my parents bought me and my friends some laser tag sets. Applying your logic (which I generally agree with) to this situation is like telling my parents they should have replaced the lasers with 1000w lasers to make sure I learn the real facts of war. The shit went viral. I'm sorry, but a 13 year old girl isn't supposed to bear general disinfatuation of a few million angsty internet users who are pissed of because they don't like Justin Bieber, and the current incarnation of MTV.

Our "voice" doesn't dictate anything. $$$ does. We're not the target consumer, so who is really going to give a shit? In five years most of us are going to be too busy looking for jobs and raising families, and the record companies are going to be doing the same thing.

Edited by AbominableHoman
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Guest Len B'stard
That video wasn't specifically made to be marketed. From what I've discerned, it was not a video that was pushed by any studio label. It's a couple of guys in a beat laboratory that cater to rich parents whose kids want to make a video and feel like pop stars. I wanted to be GI Joe when I was a kid, so my parents bought me and my friends some laser tag sets. Applying your logic (which I generally agree with) to this situation is like telling my parents they should have replaced the lasers with 1000w lasers to make sure I learn the real facts of war. The shit went viral. I'm sorry, but a 13 year old girl isn't supposed to bear general disinfatuation of a few million angsty internet users who are pissed of because they don't like Justin Bieber, and the current incarnation of MTV.

Our "voice" doesn't dictate anything. $$$ does. We're not the target consumer, so who is really going to give a shit? In five years most of us are going to be too busy looking for jobs and raising families, and the record companies are going to be doing the same thing.

Fair play about the beginning bit but my point still stands, if people dislike or disagree with something, they should vocalise it.

On the second paragraph, you're right but that shouldn't be that way but it will continue to be if people stop even so much as speaking up when they find something objectionable. Sweeping aside darling Rebecca for a moment and addressing your second paragraph there, that is just not acceptable. I demand representation, i am a citizen of the world, i exist, the media reflects life back to us and it is reflecting a con and that is just not acceptable.

I don't care if slightly immature twentysomethings are not a profitable market, don't present me this image of the world that you've imagined and then object when i exercise my right to point out that it's bullshit. Not you personally Homan, i mean like, y'know, people that find the notion that someone might speak up against this shit objectionable.

As a citizen of the world i demand to be represented. Media, television, radio, cinema came into being as a tools for mass communication, the fact that they then became profitable and it has become up to a few to dictate what is acceptable for the many is neither here nor there, i exist, i know i exist because i see me in the mirror every morning so you can sling all the Miley Cyruses and Justin Beibers and whoevers in my face day in and day out but i'm never gonna roll over to the fact that i'm not your target audience to such a degree that i stop speaking up or out when i think something is a load of shit.

The facts as i see it are as follows, mainstream artists nowadays are a load of shit, they're contentless, boring, corny and actually quite damaging because you're being presented with a misrepresentation of reality, you are being lied to. So quite frankly my hat goes off to all the computer hackers that steal pictures of Vanessa Hudgens and stick em online, all the pranksters that drive these internet phenomenons crazy through their antics, every downloading site and downloader, every leaker and all of these crazy fucked up people, they may be geeks and nerds and no-lifes or whatever but y'know what? i find them a damn sight more appealing than BandfuckingSlam and Twilight and all this other fucking crap.

And the notion that our voice doesn't dictate anything also is rubbish because quite frankly, its these kinds of people that are fucking this industry and fucking it hard and good for them. this is why record sales are down, why no one goes out and buys CDs anymore, why cinema attendances aren't like they used to be, THAT is our voice and i hear it loud and clear and this is what happens when corporate interests make their contempt for their bread and butter (i.e. us) that clear, they reap the rewards of it.

And all the record companies do when they desperately scramble towards aincent hackneyed responses like making TV shows and selling music through that to children and talent contests is further expose how utterly clueless and vaccuous they are and effectively seperate themselves from the culture that created them, they are basically engineering their own downfall...through arrogance...and i find it hilairious quite frankly. They are slowly but surely strangling themselves and showing themselves up as having nothing to do with art and music and this kind of stuff. And the only result of marketing stuff towards younger and younger and younger kids is that kids nowadays wise up to shit a lot quicker so when something does come along that's worthwhile they're onto it quicker because they've had to put up with the vaccuous empty shit from an earlier age that previous generations.

This notion that the almighty dollar always wins is bullshit...people came before money, people invented money, it is not stronger than us, it's just something with like to swap.

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She'll be absolutely fine, I'm sure she doesn't care what some moron on the internet thinks, besides you should understand the internet and how serious it is before you propel yourself into it.

Look at Justin Bieber and all the hate he gets, he seems fine last I heard. This girl is gaining attention fast, and I'd bet she's happy about that fact.

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She'll be absolutely fine, I'm sure she doesn't care what some moron on the internet thinks, besides you should understand the internet and how serious it is before you propel yourself into it.

Look at Justin Bieber and all the hate he gets, he seems fine last I heard. This girl is gaining attention fast, and I'd bet she's happy about that fact.


the day i get emotionally upset over something someone said on the internet, is the day the internet dies

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She'll be absolutely fine, I'm sure she doesn't care what some moron on the internet thinks, besides you should understand the internet and how serious it is before you propel yourself into it.

Look at Justin Bieber and all the hate he gets, he seems fine last I heard. This girl is gaining attention fast, and I'd bet she's happy about that fact.


the day i get emotionally upset over something someone said on the internet, is the day the internet dies

Maybe if 100 000 people were talking about how ugly you were, you actually would care.

No idea who Rebecca Black is btw.

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She'll be absolutely fine, I'm sure she doesn't care what some moron on the internet thinks, besides you should understand the internet and how serious it is before you propel yourself into it.

Look at Justin Bieber and all the hate he gets, he seems fine last I heard. This girl is gaining attention fast, and I'd bet she's happy about that fact.


the day i get emotionally upset over something someone said on the internet, is the day the internet dies

Maybe if 100 000 people were talking about how ugly you were, you actually would care.

No idea who Rebecca Black is btw.

but i know i'm not ugly

and unless she's retarded, she knows she isn't ugly either

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She'll be absolutely fine, I'm sure she doesn't care what some moron on the internet thinks, besides you should understand the internet and how serious it is before you propel yourself into it.

Look at Justin Bieber and all the hate he gets, he seems fine last I heard. This girl is gaining attention fast, and I'd bet she's happy about that fact.


the day i get emotionally upset over something someone said on the internet, is the day the internet dies

Maybe if 100 000 people were talking about how ugly you were, you actually would care.

No idea who Rebecca Black is btw.

but i know i'm not ugly

and unless she's retarded, she knows she isn't ugly either

Put a wig on ya and you'd be more attractive than this girl, and miser would probably want to fuck you. :lol:

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She'll be absolutely fine, I'm sure she doesn't care what some moron on the internet thinks, besides you should understand the internet and how serious it is before you propel yourself into it.

Look at Justin Bieber and all the hate he gets, he seems fine last I heard. This girl is gaining attention fast, and I'd bet she's happy about that fact.


the day i get emotionally upset over something someone said on the internet, is the day the internet dies

Maybe if 100 000 people were talking about how ugly you were, you actually would care.

No idea who Rebecca Black is btw.

but i know i'm not ugly

and unless she's retarded, she knows she isn't ugly either

point is, it's kinda retarded acting like the internet does not matter. It's real life.

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She'll be absolutely fine, I'm sure she doesn't care what some moron on the internet thinks, besides you should understand the internet and how serious it is before you propel yourself into it.

Look at Justin Bieber and all the hate he gets, he seems fine last I heard. This girl is gaining attention fast, and I'd bet she's happy about that fact.


the day i get emotionally upset over something someone said on the internet, is the day the internet dies

Maybe if 100 000 people were talking about how ugly you were, you actually would care.

No idea who Rebecca Black is btw.

but i know i'm not ugly

and unless she's retarded, she knows she isn't ugly either

point is, it's kinda retarded acting like the internet does not matter. It's real life.

wrong. the internet is the internet

ilr is irl

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She'll be absolutely fine, I'm sure she doesn't care what some moron on the internet thinks, besides you should understand the internet and how serious it is before you propel yourself into it.

Look at Justin Bieber and all the hate he gets, he seems fine last I heard. This girl is gaining attention fast, and I'd bet she's happy about that fact.


the day i get emotionally upset over something someone said on the internet, is the day the internet dies

Maybe if 100 000 people were talking about how ugly you were, you actually would care.

No idea who Rebecca Black is btw.

but i know i'm not ugly

and unless she's retarded, she knows she isn't ugly either

point is, it's kinda retarded acting like the internet does not matter. It's real life.

point is, it's the internet, and giving a shit about what some dudes say about a video is stupid. Grow up.

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