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If GNR had a reunion... but with the 2001 line-up

Guest Sweet Tooth

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Let's say GNR has a reunion, but not with the classic band but with the band that Axl had envisioned after original GNR broke up. Lemme just point out, before anything, that I love the new band and can't wait for what they have in store for us but I'm just speculating and was curious to yours/general publics opinion. Replacing DJ and Ron with Finck and Buckethead, Tobais instead of Fortus and Josh Freese on drums. I think it would be pretty sweet, I feel like they would develop their sound more rather than having to change it once we got DJ and Ron in. It would be interesting to see.

You are retarded.

A reunion of a scab line-up that never even fully recorded a released album.

Whats next?,

let's reunite all the 2001 scab line-ups of SKID ROW, L.A. GUNS, & FASTER PUSSYCAT.

They can all tour together,

We can call it the


All your favorite 80's songs played by cover bands.


Just bring back Slash, Izzy and Duff.

Or, even better just end it.

If I had the choice of

- a reunion of the AFD/UYI era GNR

- or the end of GNR

I pick END IT.

A reunion will not give them back the fire and determination they had in 1987.

And Axl has done a a damn good job of destroying the GNR legacy all by himself,

I don't think he needs any help from the others.

Edited by lost in the garden
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^ I would bet that no one here agrees!

I know, I know.

Nu-GNR is much better than classic Guns N Roses.

Nu-GNR's one album that went Platinum on the strength of the bands past and legacy,

definitely trumps the classic band that was the biggest in the world for about 5 years,

and recorded one of the top ten selling rock albums ever.

What was I thinking.

Nu-GNR's accomplishments that I stated above are definitely out of this world, and over the top amazing B)

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No thanks.. Only period I dropped Guns.. I thought it was over.. So these days are optimistic ones for me.. :)

Wow, same for me.

My least favorite of all the line-ups.

Could not take them seriously with Bucket, and that whole cast just looked dumb.

(I know looks are not what makes the music, but they did not sound very good either)

- One Bucket of Large chicken.

- One Goth Rocker.

- One Punk Rocker.

- One Alternative Rocker.

- One washed up looking/sounding butt rock singer.

Etc, it looked like the "Island Of Misfit Toys" from the old Rudolph X-Mas TV Special.

I never could get into the Axl Rose project version of GNR until the 2006 line-up.

Axl was actually on tour long enough to get his voice sounding really good (this is when they should have released Chin Dem and just kept it going)

Still think 2006 was the best NU-GNR cast.


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Let's say GNR has a reunion, but not with the classic band but with the band that Axl had envisioned after original GNR broke up. Lemme just point out, before anything, that I love the new band and can't wait for what they have in store for us but I'm just speculating and was curious to yours/general publics opinion. Replacing DJ and Ron with Finck and Buckethead, Tobais instead of Fortus and Josh Freese on drums. I think it would be pretty sweet, I feel like they would develop their sound more rather than having to change it once we got DJ and Ron in. It would be interesting to see.

You are retarded.

A reunion of a scab line-up that never even fully recorded a released album.

Whats next?,

let's reunite all the 2001 scab line-ups of SKID ROW, L.A. GUNS, & FASTER PUSSYCAT.

They can all tour together,

We can call it the


All your favorite 80's songs played by cover bands.



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The best lineup is the Appetite lineup. It is not even close. And no, I am not the minority, I am the majority. GNR is WTTJ. GNR is Paradise City. GNR is Brownstone. GNR is Civil War and Coma. And Axl didn't create those songs by himself. Last man standing my ass. The original GNR is Hall of Fame Material. New GNR is $1.99 bargain bin band.

Well, since the Appetite line up didn't record either Civil War or Coma, I think you need to straiten out your priorities.

In fact, the Appetite lineup never even played Coma live.

The fact that that "1.99 bargain bin band" is still selling out arenas world wide would suggest that Axl is doing fine on his own.

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No, it does not suggest that at all. What it suggests is all the people around the world who love the real band still love the real band and seeing "Guns n Roses are coming to town!" makes them excited to hear their favourite songs live. REGARDLESS OF, not BECAUSE OF, the "new lineup". I use the term "new lineup" loosely as I doubt the entire "band" including Axl have ever all been in the studio even once. This circus does not operate as a band, just because you show up at a stage with a few other guys and play a series of songs that you learned independently of each other, years apart from one another, does not make you a "band". It makes you what James Hetfield called the real band, "A guy and some other guys". If people thought that then can you imagine what those people must think now?

If you read this part of my post, you will see where I'm coming from.

Axl is doing fine on his own.

Through all of the shit, and through everyone leaving, Axl has been there headlining major shows and selling out arenas world wide.

You can't tell me that people are still too stupid to realize that Axl is the only original. Everyone and their grandmother knows this by now.

I'm sorry, but I'm a realist. I know that any past version of this band is not going to reunite and I couldn't give two shits less about it. If Guns n' Roses are playing anywhere near me, I will gladly fork over my money to go see Axl. Especially when the people playing the music are doing a better job of it then the sloppy wasted original band could ever hope to.

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People are not too stupid to realize this band is not gnr, it's just their favourite band is gnr and they want to hear those songs. So they'll settle on this show. It's got Axl singing, and some talented guitar players, and they'll definitely play mostly old songs. Seems like it would be fun. Are most people ecstatic to see Axl's new lineup and just can't wait to see their idol DJ Ashba rocking out to his awesome solos from AFD? Or wait, I mean CD! Oh, wait.

Of course they're not. They're settling. That's the lamest part about the whole thing is that fans have to settle for this garbage because of how much they love the songs the real band put out.

EDIT: I agree or your realist bit. Mostly... For the longest time I was like you in thinking "the real band will never come back so I might as well accept this new band and get into it, Axl's still there at least". Well, I have not been like that since after the CD fanfair (lol if you can call it that). I supported the new band quite a great deal. I got into Bucket's solo stuff, I'm still into it more than nu-gnr, and I loved Robin especially in 2006 and some of his work CD. Then they left. Then the album came out and Axl proved he's retarded even further, then I leaped off the band wagon.

After I leaped off the band wagon we got DJ Ashba and another tour exactly the same as the last two tours escept he'd play some more CD songs proving how they don't work at all live (sorry, if the world, scrapped). So at this point I believe there could be a reunion, someday, and that's really all there is left to hope for.

I happen to love the new band, I like Thal's solo stuff a lot more than I ever liked Buckethead's. Don't get me wrong, Buckethead is a damn talented individual, but he's just a little too out there for me. I actually was ecstatic to see them at Sturgis, and if I had the opprtunity, Thal would be the member I would most like to meet out of any incarnation of Guns.

I don't feel like I'm settling for anything as I happen to love Chinese Democracy and I would put it over Appetite and Lies, but behind the Illusions, on my ranking list of albums.

I'm neutral on Ashba, but I do like the apparent enthusiasm he has for the band.

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If you're saying you like Chinese Democracy so you like the new band than you are settling as the two main guitar players in this guitar band are not in the band anymore. Buckethead is out there, but he had a cool new vibe, Ron is a jolly buffoon who plays crappy music. Robin and Bucket were ten times as mysterious, had ten times more chemistry, and had ten times more effect on Axl.

I'm not settling because I like the album versions of most songs more than I liked the leaks, outside of The Blues and Madagascar because I liked them live more than any recorded version. I think that Thal added a lot to the songs that he recorded parts for.

And to say that they had more of an effect on Axl is pure speculation. Axl has done more since the departure of Bucket than he did the entire time he was in the band.

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