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So i need help fighting back


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HHmm. Best Buy reportedly paid 14 million dollars for his last album, I'd say he is doing OK.

The problem is that nobody paid Best Buy anything for the album hence the $1.99 fire sale going on at the moment.

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So, my fiancée that i love with all my heart and soul, forwarded me a pic her friend took from a Best buy rack , selling CD for $1.99...and she wrote " now can you admit he has to give it up?" I have accepted that no matter how hard i try, i cant turn her into a GNR fan, but i can make her respect GNR!!!

i didn't want to get into the entire story with her about the best buy deal, lack of promo blah blah blah, but want to retort back with the stat on how many people attended GNR concerts in 09-10..the stat I THINK REALLY MATTERS!! ive been searching on google and am totally frustrated and i know the stat is out there!!1 Can anyone help me!!!

Give up or try giving her some time. maybe she will change her mind... eventually :shrugs:

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The only people who think Axl is doing great are kidding themselves, your fiance is right.

Best Buy reportedly paid 14 million dollars for his last album, I'd say he is doing OK.

and yet it was just a short time later, that BB starting closing stores and laying people off.


...wonder how many jobs that 14 mill would have saved

Edited by SunnyDRE
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The only people who think Axl is doing great are kidding themselves, your fiance is right.

Best Buy reportedly paid 14 million dollars for his last album, I'd say he is doing OK.

and yet it was just a short time later, that BB starting closing stores and laying people off.


...wonder how many jobs that 14 mill would have saved

i've worked at bb , they'll see it as a blessing lol

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Your fiance is a lot smarter than you

Actually she's a lot smarter than you. She might not like the band, but she's not the mental midget that is trolling forums.

"he has a different opinion of the band then me, must be a cupcake"

yeah, I'M the mental midget :rolleyes:

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So, my fiancée that i love with all my heart and soul, forwarded me a pic her friend took from a Best buy rack , selling CD for $1.99...and she wrote " now can you admit he has to give it up?" I have accepted that no matter how hard i try, i cant turn her into a GNR fan, but i can make her respect GNR!!!

i didn't want to get into the entire story with her about the best buy deal, lack of promo blah blah blah, but want to retort back with the stat on how many people attended GNR concerts in 09-10..the stat I THINK REALLY MATTERS!! ive been searching on google and am totally frustrated and i know the stat is out there!!1 Can anyone help me!!!

whats the big deal so what if she doesnt like it turn it up rock4rock3

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Your fiance is a lot smarter than you

Actually she's a lot smarter than you. She might not like the band, but she's not the mental midget that is trolling forums.

"he has a different opinion of the band then me, must be a cupcake"

yeah, I'M the mental midget :rolleyes:

Well, you showed a little sign of intelligence with that last statement.

noun /trōl/ 

cupcakes, plural

A mythical, cave-dwelling being depicted in folklore as either a giant or a dwarf, typically having a very ugly appearance


trolled, past participle; trolled, past tense; trolling, present participle; cupcakes, 3rd person singular present

Fish by trailing a baited line along behind a boat

- we trolled for mackerel

Search for something

- a group of companies trolling for partnership opportunities

Sing (something) in a happy and carefree way

- cupcake the ancient Yuletide carol

Send (an e-mail message or posting on the Internet) intended to provoke a response from the reader by containing errors

Walk; stroll

- we all trolled into town


cupcakes, plural

The action of trolling for fish

A line or bait used in such fishing

An e-mail message or posting on the Internet intended to provoke an indignant response in the reader

It looks like we both fit that description, except one of us is not wasting their time in a forum for a band they have no interest in, and insulting the o.p. of a thread because he likes the band the forum is intended for.

Edited by Damn_Smooth
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The only people who think Axl is doing great are kidding themselves, your fiance is right.

He must be doing something right.....you are still here following his career.

HHmm. Best Buy reportedly paid 14 million dollars for his last album, I'd say he is doing OK.

You think Axl pocketed the $ and it didn't go to pay for studio time etc eh?

Best Buy paid the $ because of the GNR name. They'll never do that again

Axl didn't pocket it all. No artist pockets all th money of a CD, especially when signed to a major label like GN'R is with Universal (/Geffen/Interscope).

But the fact is, despite the HUGE cost involved, the time spent, the doubt, the uncertainty, the lack of promo....Axl pullled it off so the money sepnt was mostly, if not all recouped. The record company at least got their investment back. GN'R got the album out (even if they didn't get the proper booklet/promo whatever they wanted), the album did well (got into the top 10 at least in most major markets, a few million sold worldwide), and managed to pull of a major, successful tour.

Not a bad few years really by any means, even if not absolutely everything went to plan.

U kiddin? U make me wanna die, fucking retard...

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Your fiance is a lot smarter than you

Actually she's a lot smarter than you. She might not like the band, but she's not the mental midget that is trolling forums.

"he has a different opinion of the band then me, must be a cupcake"

yeah, I'M the mental midget :rolleyes:

Well, you showed a little sign of intelligence with that last statement.

noun /trōl/ 

cupcakes, plural

A mythical, cave-dwelling being depicted in folklore as either a giant or a dwarf, typically having a very ugly appearance


trolled, past participle; trolled, past tense; trolling, present participle; cupcakes, 3rd person singular present

Fish by trailing a baited line along behind a boat

- we trolled for mackerel

Search for something

- a group of companies trolling for partnership opportunities

Sing (something) in a happy and carefree way

- cupcake the ancient Yuletide carol

Send (an e-mail message or posting on the Internet) intended to provoke a response from the reader by containing errors

Walk; stroll

- we all trolled into town


cupcakes, plural

The action of trolling for fish

A line or bait used in such fishing

An e-mail message or posting on the Internet intended to provoke an indignant response in the reader

It looks like we both fit that description, except one of us is not wasting their time in a forum for a band they have no interest in, and insulting the o.p. of a thread because he likes the band the forum is intended for.

I have no interest in Guns N' Roses? You know me so well.

I've been posting here since 2006 because I love Guns N' Roses and am very genuinely interested in what Axl (my favorite singer of all time) is doing musically, that doesn't mean I have to love everything about it. For all the shit I give Axl and his dysfunctional version of GNR I am definitely still a fan, excuse me for not pretending I think DJ Ashba is cool, and saying what I actually think about the album. Everything I say is just my opinion man, you think I made 11,000+ posts in over 5 years for the sole reason of trolling a fan forum for some band I don't care about? You overly sensitive Axl fanatics just get dumber and dumber i swear to god

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Your fiance is a lot smarter than you

Actually she's a lot smarter than you. She might not like the band, but she's not the mental midget that is trolling forums.

"he has a different opinion of the band then me, must be a cupcake"

yeah, I'M the mental midget :rolleyes:

Well, you showed a little sign of intelligence with that last statement.

noun /trōl/ 

cupcakes, plural

A mythical, cave-dwelling being depicted in folklore as either a giant or a dwarf, typically having a very ugly appearance


trolled, past participle; trolled, past tense; trolling, present participle; cupcakes, 3rd person singular present

Fish by trailing a baited line along behind a boat

- we trolled for mackerel

Search for something

- a group of companies trolling for partnership opportunities

Sing (something) in a happy and carefree way

- cupcake the ancient Yuletide carol

Send (an e-mail message or posting on the Internet) intended to provoke a response from the reader by containing errors

Walk; stroll

- we all trolled into town


cupcakes, plural

The action of trolling for fish

A line or bait used in such fishing

An e-mail message or posting on the Internet intended to provoke an indignant response in the reader

It looks like we both fit that description, except one of us is not wasting their time in a forum for a band they have no interest in, and insulting the o.p. of a thread because he likes the band the forum is intended for.

I have no interest in Guns N' Roses? You know me so well.

I've been posting here since 2006 because I love Guns N' Roses and am very genuinely interested in what Axl (my favorite singer of all time) is doing musically, that doesn't mean I have to love everything about it. For all the shit I give Axl and his dysfunctional version of GNR I am definitely still a fan, excuse me for not pretending I think DJ Ashba is cool, and saying what I actually think about the album. Everything I say is just my opinion man, you think I made 11,000+ posts in over 5 years for the sole reason of trolling a fan forum for some band I don't care about? You overly sensitive Axl fanatics just get dumber and dumber i swear to god

If you were smart enough to realize what I took offense to, you would realize it had nothing to do with Axl, but since you're not, I will break it down nice and slow so you can keep up.

You decided to come in here and flame the hell out of the o.p. for no warranted reason whatsoever. He did not kick your dog, insult your mother, make fun of your girlfriend etc. etc.... Yet you decided that you should come in to his thread and tell him how much smarter his girlfriend is than him, because he wanted to make his girlfriend understand why he likes Gn'R.

Nowhere did I make a statement about the cool factor of DJ one way or the other. I might be over sensitive to baseless attacks on other people, but I've heard enough attacks on Gn'R to not let them bother me much.

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I'll address the more glaring note she's wrong on, instead of the millions he made touring. (but for some insight there see Azoff's lawsuit against Axl for a scope of some numbers)

BUT as soon as she said this....

" now can you admit he has to give it up?"

... a proper response might have been "Axl doesn't care one bit if they give them away, or attach them to helium balloons flown over the ocean, he was paid upfront for every CD you'll see in stores. Give up? I say I hope he front-loads another couple million units on another store... soon!"

Groghan hit the nail on the head with ''14M'' comment, as I see above.

Edited by axlskAmpf
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The only people who think Axl is doing great are kidding themselves, your fiance is right.

Best Buy reportedly paid 14 million dollars for his last album, I'd say he is doing OK.

and yet it was just a short time later, that BB starting closing stores and laying people off.


...wonder how many jobs that 14 mill would have saved

It's not Axl's fault that BestBuy are shitty business men. The blame rests with them, not him, they bought the product. They should have thought it through better, not like they didn't get to hear the album before they bought it.

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lots of people don't share my love for koto music, you don't gonna agree with everybody or try to turn them into fans...

they make their minds up and it's like bashing into a wall :xmassrudolph:

Edited by moreblack
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Simply say that you are like Axl and could'nt care less... Greatness don't need justification.. He was voted best frontman last year, headlining Rio, and is still holding true to himself, even though she might not like it, you have to respect a man that can go through fame and rock n roll, still be alive, not some money hungering, fame seeking bret michaels bitch.. Thats something to respect..!

Antics and all.. I'll take anybody with a personality and human faults, more than some squeeky clean all american Idol robot that makes me think about how good a person can really be and all that crap !!

I want to see someone on tv who goes out and says.. Fuck the preachers, the cops and fuck the rock n roll hall of fame and all their biased bullshit !! You know what I mean..!

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Why not show her albums from the same time period that sell for roughly the same price, take play.com as an example 2008 release The Killers Day and Age or hot fuzz (not sure which one), came out same time as CD, and sells for the same price as CD today.

Edited by Waxl2002
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Your fiance is a lot smarter than you

Actually she's a lot smarter than you. She might not like the band, but she's not the mental midget that is trolling forums.

"he has a different opinion of the band then me, must be a cupcake"

yeah, I'M the mental midget :rolleyes:

Well, you showed a little sign of intelligence with that last statement.

noun /trōl/ 

cupcakes, plural

A mythical, cave-dwelling being depicted in folklore as either a giant or a dwarf, typically having a very ugly appearance


trolled, past participle; trolled, past tense; trolling, present participle; cupcakes, 3rd person singular present

Fish by trailing a baited line along behind a boat

- we trolled for mackerel

Search for something

- a group of companies trolling for partnership opportunities

Sing (something) in a happy and carefree way

- cupcake the ancient Yuletide carol

Send (an e-mail message or posting on the Internet) intended to provoke a response from the reader by containing errors

Walk; stroll

- we all trolled into town


cupcakes, plural

The action of trolling for fish

A line or bait used in such fishing

An e-mail message or posting on the Internet intended to provoke an indignant response in the reader

It looks like we both fit that description, except one of us is not wasting their time in a forum for a band they have no interest in, and insulting the o.p. of a thread because he likes the band the forum is intended for.

I have no interest in Guns N' Roses? You know me so well.

I've been posting here since 2006 because I love Guns N' Roses and am very genuinely interested in what Axl (my favorite singer of all time) is doing musically, that doesn't mean I have to love everything about it. For all the shit I give Axl and his dysfunctional version of GNR I am definitely still a fan, excuse me for not pretending I think DJ Ashba is cool, and saying what I actually think about the album. Everything I say is just my opinion man, you think I made 11,000+ posts in over 5 years for the sole reason of trolling a fan forum for some band I don't care about? You overly sensitive Axl fanatics just get dumber and dumber i swear to god

If you were smart enough to realize what I took offense to, you would realize it had nothing to do with Axl, but since you're not, I will break it down nice and slow so you can keep up.

You decided to come in here and flame the hell out of the o.p. for no warranted reason whatsoever. He did not kick your dog, insult your mother, make fun of your girlfriend etc. etc.... Yet you decided that you should come in to his thread and tell him how much smarter his girlfriend is than him, because he wanted to make his girlfriend understand why he likes Gn'R.

Nowhere did I make a statement about the cool factor of DJ one way or the other. I might be over sensitive to baseless attacks on other people, but I've heard enough attacks on Gn'R to not let them bother me much.

oh. my. god. you're really upset about this aren't you? I think you're mistaken...

Flame the hell out of the OP??? All I said is "your fiance is way smarter than you" as a light hearted JOKE, also indicating that I agree with his fiance, OP doesn't seem to give a shit... I don't think he needs a white knight like you to come to his defense but it is cute to see somebody stand up for their fellow forum member so valiantly.... :lol:

you're attempts at belittling me are so awkwardly hilarious, can't wait for your next post

until then, chill the fuck out and get a sense of humor. we're on an internet forum talking about a rock band, this isn't kindergarten

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The only people who think Axl is doing great are kidding themselves, your fiance is right.

Best Buy reportedly paid 14 million dollars for his last album, I'd say he is doing OK.

and yet it was just a short time later, that BB starting closing stores and laying people off.


...wonder how many jobs that 14 mill would have saved

Unless you are trying to be funny, that might be the most ridiculous thing you have ever posted. You can't seriously believe that.

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So, my fiancée that i love with all my heart and soul, forwarded me a pic her friend took from a Best buy rack , selling CD for $1.99...and she wrote " now can you admit he has to give it up?" I have accepted that no matter how hard i try, i cant turn her into a GNR fan, but i can make her respect GNR!!!

i didn't want to get into the entire story with her about the best buy deal, lack of promo blah blah blah, but want to retort back with the stat on how many people attended GNR concerts in 09-10..the stat I THINK REALLY MATTERS!! ive been searching on google and am totally frustrated and i know the stat is out there!!1 Can anyone help me!!!

Wow are you pussy whipped or something? You need her approval or something like...permission to listen to GNR? You'll learn if she gives in and becomes a GNR fan then you in turn get to listen to her shit as well..so if she like shitkicker cowboy yehaa music.. you get to listen to it too...welcome the jungle baby...welcome to the jungle.

If its a big issue ..id consider a new fiance...and if her opinion of music is so critical to your well being.. may i suggest something in plastic that you can blow up as you need?

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Your fiance is a lot smarter than you

Actually she's a lot smarter than you. She might not like the band, but she's not the mental midget that is trolling forums.

"he has a different opinion of the band then me, must be a cupcake"

yeah, I'M the mental midget :rolleyes:

Well, you showed a little sign of intelligence with that last statement.

noun /trōl/ 

cupcakes, plural

A mythical, cave-dwelling being depicted in folklore as either a giant or a dwarf, typically having a very ugly appearance


trolled, past participle; trolled, past tense; trolling, present participle; cupcakes, 3rd person singular present

Fish by trailing a baited line along behind a boat

- we trolled for mackerel

Search for something

- a group of companies trolling for partnership opportunities

Sing (something) in a happy and carefree way

- cupcake the ancient Yuletide carol

Send (an e-mail message or posting on the Internet) intended to provoke a response from the reader by containing errors

Walk; stroll

- we all trolled into town


cupcakes, plural

The action of trolling for fish

A line or bait used in such fishing

An e-mail message or posting on the Internet intended to provoke an indignant response in the reader

It looks like we both fit that description, except one of us is not wasting their time in a forum for a band they have no interest in, and insulting the o.p. of a thread because he likes the band the forum is intended for.

I have no interest in Guns N' Roses? You know me so well.

I've been posting here since 2006 because I love Guns N' Roses and am very genuinely interested in what Axl (my favorite singer of all time) is doing musically, that doesn't mean I have to love everything about it. For all the shit I give Axl and his dysfunctional version of GNR I am definitely still a fan, excuse me for not pretending I think DJ Ashba is cool, and saying what I actually think about the album. Everything I say is just my opinion man, you think I made 11,000+ posts in over 5 years for the sole reason of trolling a fan forum for some band I don't care about? You overly sensitive Axl fanatics just get dumber and dumber i swear to god

If you were smart enough to realize what I took offense to, you would realize it had nothing to do with Axl, but since you're not, I will break it down nice and slow so you can keep up.

You decided to come in here and flame the hell out of the o.p. for no warranted reason whatsoever. He did not kick your dog, insult your mother, make fun of your girlfriend etc. etc.... Yet you decided that you should come in to his thread and tell him how much smarter his girlfriend is than him, because he wanted to make his girlfriend understand why he likes Gn'R.

Nowhere did I make a statement about the cool factor of DJ one way or the other. I might be over sensitive to baseless attacks on other people, but I've heard enough attacks on Gn'R to not let them bother me much.

oh. my. god. you're really upset about this aren't you? I think you're mistaken...

Flame the hell out of the OP??? All I said is "your fiance is way smarter than you" as a light hearted JOKE, also indicating that I agree with his fiance, OP doesn't seem to give a shit... I don't think he needs a white knight like you to come to his defense but it is cute to see somebody stand up for their fellow forum member so valiantly.... :lol:

you're attempts at belittling me are so awkwardly hilarious, can't wait for your next post

until then, chill the fuck out and get a sense of humor. we're on an internet forum talking about a rock band, this isn't kindergarten

Now we're getting somewhere. You actually addressed what I had an issue with. I accept your explanation and I apologize for the "awkwardly hilarious attempts at belittling you".

I appreciate the fact that you find me cute, but I'm sorry, I'm strait.

Unless, of course, you are female. Then I'm flattered.

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So, my fiancée that i love with all my heart and soul, forwarded me a pic her friend took from a Best buy rack , selling CD for $1.99...and she wrote " now can you admit he has to give it up?" I have accepted that no matter how hard i try, i cant turn her into a GNR fan, but i can make her respect GNR!!!

i didn't want to get into the entire story with her about the best buy deal, lack of promo blah blah blah, but want to retort back with the stat on how many people attended GNR concerts in 09-10..the stat I THINK REALLY MATTERS!! ive been searching on google and am totally frustrated and i know the stat is out there!!1 Can anyone help me!!!

I think I can help you out here. Ok, now here's the plan.....

1. You go to Best Buy

2. I'll have sex with your girlfriend.

3. You take a picture of the rack and text "Who's giving up now?"

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