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Sex,Drugs,and Rock N' Roll


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I was wondering. Do you think Axl still gets a lot of action after shows? You see him with a lot of women in pictures. But does he still get the offers from groupies?

The drug part I'd rather not start propaganda.


Edited by iftheworld
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I can't say for sure since I don't know him, but there was an interview with Beta done in the late 90's where she said Axl had stopped ''drug-ing'' all together, including pot. He had the occasional beer. This was referenced in that mick wall-axl book.

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I bet he smokes a lot of weed. A stoner can always tell another stoner...and Axl's definitely a stoner the way I see it. Axl's also a very spiritual guy from what I've heard and pot definitely goes well with his vision of creativity etc. Also Bach mentioned Axl smoking weed in the Trunk interviews. Plus Axl told this story about a time he got stoned at a hiphop studio. And I think that was around '06. I think he smokes weed for creative purposes at his home studio. That's just my guess. In addition, I hear he loves watching n' collecting movies. And what's better than watching a movie and smoking some pot...

With regards to the ladies. I think the answer is pretty obvious judging by the number of models that surround him at every event. I don't think he's just gonna give them a ride home once he's done partying.

Edited by ppruks
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Axl was never a big junkie or boozer, for long anyway, compared to the rest of the guys in original Guns. He obviously drinks and enjoys cigars, and we've seen the pictures of him recently and in the past couple years with models half his age. I don't know that pot really counts as "doing drugs". I'm sure he gets what he wants out of his personal life, including the privacy of us not knowing the details of it.

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