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Pollstars top 200 top grossing North American tours of 2011


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Because america for some reason fell in love with talentless people who sit behind a board and make a sythetic beat and auto tune the shit out of themselves while they try to rhyme

They also realize this isn't really GNR. What I mean is that as a band, they've not been together that long, they've released ZERO music as a cohesive unit (CD is 100% Axl, it's written in every lyric in there) and they don't tour enough. Nine out of 10 people couldn't tell you one other person in this iteration of GNR besides Axl - and that's ALL Axl's fault. Why at 50 years old does he continue to portray the woe is me everyone's out to get me thing? It's old and stale, and music fans have moved past his childish antics. That's why those embarassing attendance figures are what they are.

In places like South America, they crave American things, particularly music, so Axl trotting out with 6 no-names is still 'GNR' to them because the ticket stub says so.

That about sums it up. Sad but true.

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Expect these types of numbers or worse on there next trip through the U.S. unless they release a new album(that sounds like a rock n roll album) or a single that catches on and spreads like wildfire. The U.S. Is a very strange country. We are a country that has a very short attention span,In other words, If It wasn't released yesterday or the day before than It's old, and old to the kids today, means bad(I can vouch for that statement because my kid Is 14 and I have been drilling Guns N Roses In her head from the day she was born and It just aint happening. I even took her to the Wilkes Barre show where she decided she should catch up on her sleep. She thought the hotel stay was the best part of the trip)

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U2, 21 shows = 156 M

Bon Jovi, 27 shows = 57.1 M

GNR, 33 shows = 11.2 M



Total Gross: $293,281,487 Number of Shows: 44

Total Attendance: 2,887,972 Number of Sell-Outs: 44


Total Gross: $192,947,951 Number of Shows: 68

Total Attendance: 1,851,385 Number of Sell-Outs: 68

GNR is the best live band of 2011, no question about it but the band has a reputation for late starts which had caused low/weak ticket sales.

I wouldn't consider it trollin to point out the negative rather than stating the obvious.....

At one time in GnRs history - they used to sell out 100 percent of their shows to

yes, 20 years ago.

I also stood in line for three hours to see great white.....now u can see them at night clubs for ten bucks.

I saw David lee roth at a club in Seattle with about 500 people.......he used to sell out huge arenas. Now he is back in VH.

Are slash's solo tours selling out 25,000 seat arenas every show?

Why are u so obsessed with negativety towards a rock singer? Nobody is forcing u to follow GnR. Almost all of your posts are negative......so why follow a band that you clearly don't like?

Oh and about a week ago there was a bon jovi thread in here and everybody was saying how bad they suck. Apparently they keep their fans happy.

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Because man we're disappointed in what Axl has done to our favorite band.

Fair enough.

Though all the appetite line up played their role in the breakup.

So if you don't like Axl and what he has done to the band HE started and owns.....whoops, I mean to "your" favorite band.......and you don't like the music he is putting out......then why are you here?

Serious question. Are you the guy that holds a grudge that long? Do u go post rude comments on the Facebook page of a girl who cheated on you 15 years ago????

Duff and Izzy have performed on stage with the current band. Think about that. YOU are still pissed, but Duff and Izzy have gotten over it, moved on, and are out enjoying their music careers AND are joining the current band on stage. Duff even opened for Axl. But you can't get past it?

I don't care if you like Axl or not. Music is subjective. But I don't understand why you would cupcake a website of a band you don't like. Why not spend your time on forums of bands you like?

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Because man we're disappointed in what Axl has done to our favorite band.

Fair enough.

Though all the appetite line up played their role in the breakup.

So if you don't like Axl and what he has done to the band HE started and owns.....whoops, I mean to "your" favorite band.......and you don't like the music he is putting out......then why are you here?

Serious question. Are you the guy that holds a grudge that long? Do u go post rude comments on the Facebook page of a girl who cheated on you 15 years ago????

Duff and Izzy have performed on stage with the current band. Think about that. YOU are still pissed, but Duff and Izzy have gotten over it, moved on, and are out enjoying their music careers AND are joining the current band on stage. Duff even opened for Axl. But you can't get past it?

I don't care if you like Axl or not. Music is subjective. But I don't understand why you would cupcake a website of a band you don't like. Why not spend your time on forums of bands you like?

Your analogy is a bit off. Apparently you do not understand the concept of a forum. I think nearly everyone on this and every other GNR forum has a little resentment towards Axl Rose, this is part of the reason we keep coming back.

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Let's look at the big picture (objectıvely) between 2006-2011

Guns N Roses did Huge rock shows all through the world more than 4 million people,between 2006-2011.

GNR can do 7-10K Arena Shows in US, 12-15K Arena Shows in Europe,15-20K Arena Shows in Australia,20-30K Shows in Asia,40-50K Staduim Shows in South America,And also headlining the biggest festivals of the world.

They win the 2011 us tour of the year award

They inducted to the rock hall of fame in 2012

Chinese democracy has sold more than 3 million copies wordwide.(in today's music scene this is a major success)

They are still one of the biggest rock bands of the world.(They were the biggest between 1987-1993).

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Because man we're disappointed in what Axl has done to our favorite band.

Fair enough.

Though all the appetite line up played their role in the breakup.

So if you don't like Axl and what he has done to the band HE started and owns.....whoops, I mean to "your" favorite band.......and you don't like the music he is putting out......then why are you here?

Serious question. Are you the guy that holds a grudge that long? Do u go post rude comments on the Facebook page of a girl who cheated on you 15 years ago????

Duff and Izzy have performed on stage with the current band. Think about that. YOU are still pissed, but Duff and Izzy have gotten over it, moved on, and are out enjoying their music careers AND are joining the current band on stage. Duff even opened for Axl. But you can't get past it?

I don't care if you like Axl or not. Music is subjective. But I don't understand why you would cupcake a website of a band you don't like. Why not spend your time on forums of bands you like?

Your analogy is a bit off. Apparently you do not understand the concept of a forum. I think nearly everyone on this and every other GNR forum has a little resentment towards Axl Rose, this is part of the reason we keep coming back.

So, you come on GNR forums to express misplaced resentment concerning an issue that occured in 1996 that you weren't a part of,and are sailing along on second-hand information,and presumption? :crazy:

Fact is GNRs recently ended a successful tour,with interviews,streaming live video and even a few positive reviews.

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You know, Im leaving my regular job. Im a journalist, so I have plenty of job as a freelancers. But anyways, Im leaving the regular job because its been really unfair to me and giving me a hard time. It worked out great for eveyone outside the magazine who read the articles, but was a nightmare for me. And I wouldnt come back to that place just because other people enjoyed it, its my damn life and I need to live it the way its better for me.

So yeah, I just cant understand how selfish people are when they are always begging for a reunion. Or even how they are so quick to blame Axl for "what he did to our favorite band".

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U2, 21 shows = 156 M

Bon Jovi, 27 shows = 57.1 M

GNR, 33 shows = 11.2 M



Total Gross: $293,281,487 Number of Shows: 44

Total Attendance: 2,887,972 Number of Sell-Outs: 44


Total Gross: $192,947,951 Number of Shows: 68

Total Attendance: 1,851,385 Number of Sell-Outs: 68

GNR is the best live band of 2011, no question about it but the band has a reputation for late starts which had caused low/weak ticket sales.

I wouldn't consider it trollin to point out the negative rather than stating the obvious.....

At one time in GnRs history - they used to sell out 100 percent of their shows to

yes, 20 years ago.

I also stood in line for three hours to see great white.....now u can see them at night clubs for ten bucks.

I saw David lee roth at a club in Seattle with about 500 people.......he used to sell out huge arenas. Now he is back in VH.

Are slash's solo tours selling out 25,000 seat arenas every show?

Why are u so obsessed with negativety towards a rock singer? Nobody is forcing u to follow GnR. Almost all of your posts are negative......so why follow a band that you clearly don't like?

Oh and about a week ago there was a bon jovi thread in here and everybody was saying how bad they suck. Apparently they keep their fans happy.

actually, I was just stating a fact - and you mention 20 years ago like U2 and Bon Jovi weren't selling out arena 20 years ago either

just cause the facts I point out may be seen as negative, I didn't make it so dude

sorry I don't look at things thru axl-rose coloered glasses -

and I've never said anything bad about Chinese Democracy - ot any member of the current incarnation of GnR, so get your facts straight :thumbsup:

I can't help the fact thay GnR now plays arena's to 1/3 of the capacity crowd - or a US tour grossed all of 11mil dollars :shrugs:

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Because man we're disappointed in what Axl has done to our favorite band.

Fair enough.

Though all the appetite line up played their role in the breakup.

So if you don't like Axl and what he has done to the band HE started and owns.....whoops, I mean to "your" favorite band.......and you don't like the music he is putting out......then why are you here?

Serious question. Are you the guy that holds a grudge that long? Do u go post rude comments on the Facebook page of a girl who cheated on you 15 years ago????

Duff and Izzy have performed on stage with the current band. Think about that. YOU are still pissed, but Duff and Izzy have gotten over it, moved on, and are out enjoying their music careers AND are joining the current band on stage. Duff even opened for Axl. But you can't get past it?

I don't care if you like Axl or not. Music is subjective. But I don't understand why you would cupcake a website of a band you don't like. Why not spend your time on forums of bands you like?

Your analogy is a bit off. Apparently you do not understand the concept of a forum. I think nearly everyone on this and every other GNR forum has a little resentment towards Axl Rose, this is part of the reason we keep coming back.

So, you come on GNR forums to express misplaced resentment concerning an issue that occured in 1996 that you weren't a part of,and are sailing along on second-hand information,and presumption? :crazy:

Fact is GNRs recently ended a successful tour,with interviews,streaming live video and even a few positive reviews.

You seem to presume an awful lot....

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