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Vincent Vega

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Well, my best friends right now are our three cats, and they fucking love Axl's voice. Seriously, it's only times that I'm playing Axl music on the stereo that they want to be in close proximity to the action. It's funny. They just sit there, close their eyes and enjoy.

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For those who have friends who are casual music or rock fans, does anyone else find that a portion of casual music fans in general, or even casual rock music fans, are turned off of GN'R because of Axl's voice? I'm not just talking about New GN'R, I'm talking about the old too--Both bands. I've met and know several people who'd probably love GN'R's music, but they can't stand Axl's voice and/or his antics and it turns them off totally from GN'R. These same people love bands like Led Zeppelin and whatnot, but they feel Axl's voice is too screechy, that all he does is screech and he could never pull off a ballad with real emotion, etc....Have you met or do you know any people who feel this way about GN'R--That aren't into GN'R strictly because of Axl's voice?

No, the people I know who don´t like GNR don´t like them because they simply don´t like their music. It´s got nothing to do with Axl or with who is or who isn´t in the band.

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I had a story to tell a couple of weeks ago but I don't get a thrill out of making a new topic every 5 minutes so I'll just post it here since it is relevant.

About two weeks ago, the wife and I took a trip out of town to visit my family. I always blast music when I'm driving because I like it loud. Well, considering that I can't play a lot of my normal tunes when she's in the truck because she thinks it is too vulgar, I decided to do the GNR experiment.....

She has never really been a GNR fan or followed any of the drama surrounding them. She's 10 years younger and didn't experience much of the culture when GNR were big. I scanned through the ipod and played some of the older songs. Got no complaints. All was well. When I played some of CD, the responses I got made me laugh.

The first was, "Why the fuck do every single one of these songs start out like a movie soundtrack? I feel like we are about to watch a sad movie or something."

The other most notable response was to the vocals of the songs. "I can't understand most of this shit. I have a voice in the rear, a voice in the left front, a voice over hear saying some weird shit and then like 10 people saying the main lyrics. None of it I can understand."

Another highlight was during This I love. After hearing You Could Be Mine, Back Off Bitch and etc. She laughs and says, "I know why she didn't say goodbye. When you're a dickhead telling the girl to thank her stars that you're home again or degrading her, are you really surprised she walked out on your ass?!"

She pretty much preferred that I play the rock n roll gnr, not the dramaticinematic mess of a million vocals and a musical score more fit for the Schindler's List soundtrack. Songs like This I love.

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Well, my best friends right now are our three cats, and they fucking love Axl's voice. Seriously, it's only times that I'm playing Axl music on the stereo that they want to be in close proximity to the action. It's funny. They just sit there, close their eyes and enjoy.

My best friends are gay. They seem to love Slash. Figure :P

But seriously Axls voice on the live era album became difficult to hear, other than that, im satisfied more than a nerd boy seeing porn for the first time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Well, my best friends right now are our three cats, and they fucking love Axl's voice. Seriously, it's only times that I'm playing Axl music on the stereo that they want to be in close proximity to the action. It's funny. They just sit there, close their eyes and enjoy.

My best friends are gay. They seem to love Slash. Figure :P

The funniest part of this post is that you thought this was an insult to anyone but yourself.

So, your best friendS are gay...... ??? Birds of a feather.......

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She laughs and says, "I know why she didn't say goodbye. When you're a dickhead telling the girl to thank her stars that you're home again or degrading her, are you really surprised she walked out on your ass?!"

:lol: Nice.

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She laughs and says, "I know why she didn't say goodbye. When you're a dickhead telling the girl to thank her stars that you're home again or degrading her, are you really surprised she walked out on your ass?!"

:lol: Nice.

:rofl-lol: OMG that would be a cool sig line.

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Met one girl who said that once. Mostly these days I'm introducing people to CD, who are shocked to hear it in a good way because they either "Didn't know it was out" or "Had heard it wasn't good"

Try this the next time you meet a casual fan, tell them "This is Slash playing" I've usually tried it with TWAT or the Blues. Like a blind taste taste. It's LOL the percentage that go nuts. The ones that know enough to know he's NOT in the band but the line "This song was recorded back in 95." "Man, they never should have broken up, they were sooo good."

Were? Indeed.

I guarantee if this exact same album with no changes had Slash listed on the credits, it would have sold 2x more, and it sold well.


Even if I didn't know Slash wasn't in the band or if it happen to be that he was listed on the credits,I would know that it wasn't his guitar playing.Just like when Slash plays ( or has played) with Joe Perry live,a lot of people say they couldn't distinguish the two sometimes,saying they both sound too much alike.But I could,even listening to it live on a shitty,staticy radio station and later on the cassette that I recorded it on.

You are not a casual fan so it wouldn't apply to you, or most of the people on this forum.

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More trolling of Axl on the internet? You people are getting desperate.

Breaking Through: From Rock to Opera : the Basic Technique of Voice By Gloria Bennett

Perhaps one of my most famous students is Axl Rose, of the band Guns 'n' Roses. Axl has the sweetest tenor voice, which you might never know from his stage act. But in my studio, he plays it straight.

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