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A Guns N' Roses album produced by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross


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Axl has publicly reached out to Trent many times by way of endorsing Nine Inch Nails. Trent has never reciprocated that.

Except when he accepted Axl's invitation to have NIN open for GN'R.
Which Trent has since publicly described as the worst shows of his career.
Yes, but it wasn't because of GN'R. It was because he thought the fans weren't really into his music style

He described the audiences as 'brainless'. Can you not infer anything from that regarding his opinion of Axl's music?

Look the purpose of those NIN site pics are undeniable, to satirize Chinese Democracy. Axl's recruitment of Robin created a resentment and rivalry.

He called them brainless because they were acting like idiots--throwing sausages on the stage. You can't infer anything about his opinion of Axl Rose as an artist from that. In fact he said that he "respected" Axl within the last few years. The GN'R pics on the NIN site doesn't necessarily mean anything. It could be that he was just having fun, goofing on GN'R--but it was not necessarily hostile. Until Trent comes out and says that he really doesn't like Axl or his music, no one can know for sure what he thinks--it's all conjecture.

Edited by RichardNixon
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Axl has publicly reached out to Trent many times by way of endorsing Nine Inch Nails. Trent has never reciprocated that.

Except when he accepted Axl's invitation to have NIN open for GN'R.
Which Trent has since publicly described as the worst shows of his career.
Yes, but it wasn't because of GN'R. It was because he thought the fans weren't really into his music style

He described the audiences as 'brainless'. Can you not infer anything from that regarding his opinion of Axl's music?

Look the purpose of those NIN site pics are undeniable, to satirize Chinese Democracy. Axl's recruitment of Robin created a resentment and rivalry.

He called them brainless because they were acting like idiots--throwing sausages on the stage. You can't infer anything about his opinion of Axl Rose as an artist from that. In fact he said that he "respected" Axl within the last few years. The GN'R pics on the NIN site doesn't necessarily mean anything. It could be that he was just having fun, goofing on GN'R--but it was not necessarily hostile. Until Trent comes out and says that he really doesn't like Axl or his music, no one can no for sure what he thinks--it's all conjecture.

stop! you're making too much sense with this post!

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What Guns N' Roses pictures on the NIN website are you talking about?

Well, I'm pretty sure Trent at least respects Axl as a musician. I think there are good chances he enjoyed Chinese Democracy - certainly more than the previous albums.

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He called them brainless because they were acting like idiots--throwing sausages on the stage. You can't infer anything about his opinion of Axl Rose as an artist from that. In fact he said that he "respected" Axl within the last few years. The GN'R pics on the NIN site doesn't necessarily mean anything.

'most hostile, moronic audiences I've ever experienced'

If you diss someone's fans, it's a diss to the artist themselves.

'Reznor contemplated providing the location of Axl Rose's house and encouraging people to dig in his yard for tickets, "just to see how many people got arrested on his front lawn."'

Why Axl in this particular case? Why would he have wanted to cause Axl the bother of phoning police to remove people from his property?

Trent went on record as 'respecting' Axl Rose in 1999 not as you say, 'in recent years'. That was before Robin Finck would sporadically switch back and forth between the two projects and the infinite prolongment of Chinese Democracy.

Your interpretation of those NIN site pictures is completely false. It was blatant satire.

And for the debate finisher, a quote Madison herself archived on MyGNR:

'Reznor explains that he wants to be a leader for peers through example and believes the most interesting way to do that right now is on-line, not on-stage. Then he laughs at the pretentious sound of this statement. "I'm not an idiot, I swear. I'm not some fucking Axl Rose!" he smiles. Clearly the man who wrote Hurt is feeling pretty good.'

Can you twist the reality of that statement?

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If you diss someone's fans, it's a diss to the artist themselves.

Dissing an audience at a particular show doesn't mean anything and says nothing.

Reznor contemplated providing the location of Axl Rose's house and encouraging people to dig in his yard for tickets, "just to see how many people got arrested on his front lawn.

A joke. Anyone who really believes that Trent Reznor would do that is pretty dense, as he could be held criminally liable for destruction on Axl's property.

Trent went on record as 'respecting' Axl Rose in 1999 not as you say, 'in recent years'. That was before Robin Finck would sporadically switch back and forth between the two projects and the infinite prolongment of Chinese Democracy.

If he said that in 1999, it still holds, as far as anyone knows. The idea that Trent Reznor went from respecting Axl to loathing him because of Robin going back-and-forth is pure speculation.

'Reznor explains that he wants to be a leader for peers through example and believes the most interesting way to do that right now is on-line, not on-stage. Then he laughs at the pretentious sound of this statement. "I'm not an idiot, I swear. I'm not some fucking Axl Rose!" he smiles. Clearly the man who wrote Hurt is feeling pretty good.'

The keyword here is "he smiles." Again, you are reading way too much into a vague statement. He mentioned Axl in jest in passing in one interview.

If I had to guess, and this is just a guess, I think that Trent probably respects Axl on some level as a musician and a peer, but doesn't like the whole perceived indulgent rock-star aspect of him, was possibly annoyed that Robin swapped back-and-forth between NIN and GN'R and thought that the delay in Chinese Democracy was absurd. And again, this is just a guess. That said, that doesn't mean that Trent hates Axl or wouldn't work with him on a project in the future. You and I don't know these two people and we really can't speak for them. And until Trent comes out and says something really concrete, all we can do is speculate.

Edited by RichardNixon
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Dissing an audience at a particular show doesn't mean anything and says nothing.

A joke.

pure speculation.

that doesn't mean that Trent hates Axl

You write, and twist in a similar way to another poster here, Mr. BBA.

It was a series of shows, not one. Trent was able to gauge the nature of a GNR crowd by playing with them a few times.

If this wasn't in any way vindictive, Trent could have used a host of alternative names to articulate his gag. He used Axl because Axl was then considered to be a hermit like character that would resent any such invasion of his property. Do you honestly think Axl would have been endeared by such remarks?

No - you are speculating. I have illustrated changes in Trent's attitudes towards Axl with a variety of quotes whereas you have provided one quote which dates back to 1999 - pre-Finck departures, and at the start of Chinese Democracy. The next decade soured Reznor's opinion.

I have never once tried to substantiate a theory that Trent hates Axl or even thinks about him. I simply put foward the view, with reasonable evidence, that Reznor does not have a shining regard for Axl and is unlikely to engage in any collaboration.

Edited by NGOG
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As an experiment, Reznor gave away a pair of tickets for the tour's dress rehearsal by hiding an envelope under a rock in Burbank. Using a Google Earth link on his Website, Reznor indicated the tickets' location with a question mark. Fans quickly found the envelope. "Well, we couldn't leave that alone," Reznor says. "We hid another 30, in places from Watts Towers to behind a mirror in a strip-club restroom to a Home Depot." One envelope was hidden in a graveyard; the location was announced after it had closed for the day: "We wanted to see if anyone would break in, because I would've. And someone did." Reznor contemplated providing the location of Axl Rose's house and encouraging people to dig in his yard for tickets, "just to see how many people got arrested on his front lawn."


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That would be the most epic thing ever done by humankind or what?

Maybe with a Trent and a GNR of the late nineties.

But both of them have kind of, you know... :(

Trent of the late nineties? Trent recent work with Aticuss Ross for David Fincher is top notch.

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