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Why does Axl's weight bother you?

Guest NGOG

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Because I want to see a man who gives a fuck about his health and future of HIS band, that's all.

That Axl was burned and buried years ago, unfortunately.

OK, then. Back on topic.

This is what I'm not sure about, Nosaj, and why I will continue to be disappointed by his physical condition. I don't think it would be that hard for him to get back in decent shape. If this was just unavoidable aging, I'd give the guy a pass. But he doesn't take care of himself. It's apparent. That's what is so frustrating, for me at least.

He was fat back in late 2009 when he started the tour then lost weight by the middle of 2010. It's not that hard y'know but he doesn't care.

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Axl is very fat. He should lose some weight.

The average weight of Caucasian males in the US between 50 and 60 is 92.3 kg (or something like that). He obviously doesn't weigh that much and he is of average height, so he can't possible be "very fat'" unless you are of the elitist view that most men his age in the US are "very fat".

Edited by SoulMonster
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I think as a community we tend to focus on the superficial qualities of a 'rockstar' and neglect Axl's artistry. Bon Jovi looks great, but his sense of artistry is garbage and arguably, non-existent.

agreed but you axl nutswingers still considered Axl as a great singer.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but he isn't a great singer anymore.

Anybody with a neutral point of view can hear he sings bad now.

I hope this will changed a bit into a positive direction. though

cuz he is ugly being fat

he is one of my fav singers and he is now ugly as fuck

he needs to be pretty? wtf. He looks like he's banging everything that moves, so in that field is not an issue.

On stage as a rockstar he looks like a fuckin rockstar. So the only explanation of this is the sexual obsession.


Just loose some weight

In 2006 he looks great, imo

If he put his shit together he would be easily much fitter than now.

Who really cares about that?

Name me one singer better than Axl live nowdays.

Here are three:

Myles Kennedy

Lzzy Hale

Steven Tyler

I saw Tyler a couple of years ago, he was OK, but not better than for example Axl n even Bono.

The other two... one is a woman and nothing special. And the other one is Lzzy Hale, he's a woman too, but she got more balls than most of frontmen out there, but not in the same league as the legends.

whatever, all three sound way better than axl does live - lzzy and myles sound almost the same as they do in the studio, and tyler can still sing

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Axl is very fat. He should lose some weight.

What purpose would that serve for a fan of GNR? Would it help a future record? Would it make you more inclined to favour such a record? Would it generally improve the satisfaction of the fanbase? The fact is, no. An element of the community will always find something to hang up on. During 2009, it was constant complaining regarding the lack of touring. They tour elaborately, and yet the people conditioned to be negative find something else. They wanted rid of the braids and a return of the bandana, again, zero appreciation.

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Name me one singer better than Axl live nowdays.

Listen to the note he holds starting at the 2:25 mark in this video. This was from Kings of Chaos over the weekend.

The old Axl used to be able to do that, if he tried it now a days we'd have to get him a wheel chair and oxygen mask as he'd be huffing and puffing likes he's on the verge of a heart attack.

Sad part is Axl is only 7 years older than Myles but it looks and sounds like its 20 of late.

That was putrid. I'll take the pathetic shell of Axl that we have now over that any day. But only if I have to take one of them. :shrugs:

you must be tone deaf or sleep with an axl blow up doll, or both

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So, Axl is very fat and he sounds awful, should he lose some weight and start working on his voice, or not? Uhm, uhm.

Err, you seem to be misinformed. Axl is highly rigorous in regards to warm- up and warm-down exercises after every show.

He should lose weight if it bothers him and if he is concerned about his health, he SHOULD not lose weight to please some fans who wants his posters on the wall or can't accept that he isn't a young rock star anymore.

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So, Axl is very fat and he sounds awful, should he lose some weight and start working on his voice, or not? Uhm, uhm.

I'm not sure if Axl is scientifically obese but if he is, why do you think implementing a weight loss regime would enhance his current vocal level? 2002 would suggest that optimum physical condition mighn't necessarily create improvement.

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Singing is affected by quality of breathing.

Weight gain can affect your breathing.

It doesn't take a scientist to understand why people would be concerned about his weight + his bad performances. It may bother you and you may disagree but no one needs you to understand their concerns and criticisms. Get over it.

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So, Axl is very fat and he sounds awful, should he lose some weight and start working on his voice, or not? Uhm, uhm.

I'm not sure if Axl is scientifically obese but if he is, why do you think implementing a weight loss regime would enhance his current vocal level? 2002 would suggest that optimum physical condition mighn't necessarily create improvement.

Nah, I don't think he's obese, just very fat. And I never said that if he lost weight he would sound better. He should work on his voice and lose weight. Not lose weight to sound good.

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Singing is affected by quality of breathing.

Weight gain can affect your breathing.

It doesn't take a scientist to understand why people would be concerned about his weight + his bad performances. It may bother you and you may disagree but no one needs you to understand their concerns and criticisms. Get over it.


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So, Axl is very fat and he sounds awful, should he lose some weight and start working on his voice, or not? Uhm, uhm.

How would losing weight improve his singing voice?

Learn to read bro. I said "and", never stated that losing weight would improve his voice.

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So, Axl is very fat and he sounds awful, should he lose some weight and start working on his voice, or not? Uhm, uhm.

How would losing weight improve his singing voice?

so he won't be gasping for breath after every verse of every song

so he doesn't have to leave the stage during every solo to go to his oxygen chamber

so the band can play a 3 hour show with out an hours worth of solo's / band jams and covers because Axl can't cut it any more

other than that, he can feel free to gain as much weight as he likes

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I love how they pretend GNR's image hasn't always been a major factor in their appeal. Sure, the music is great, but it was also about how they looked and moved. You know, the ENTIRE, performance.

Within your post you recognize sex appeal was integral to old GNR and the then dwindling late 80s industry. Sex appeal had nothing to do with the band that performed in 2002 nor does it conciously have anything to do with the current line-up. Would Adele or Kanye be strictly in synch with the notion of sex appeal?

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Name me one singer better than Axl live nowdays.

Listen to the note he holds starting at the 2:25 mark in this video. This was from Kings of Chaos over the weekend.

The old Axl used to be able to do that, if he tried it now a days we'd have to get him a wheel chair and oxygen mask as he'd be huffing and puffing likes he's on the verge of a heart attack.

Sad part is Axl is only 7 years older than Myles but it looks and sounds like its 20 of late.

That was putrid. I'll take the pathetic shell of Axl that we have now over that any day. But only if I have to take one of them. :shrugs:

you must be tone deaf or sleep with an axl blow up doll, or both

Leave me out of your sexual fantasies, tard.

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And I never said that if he lost weight he would sound better. He should work on his voice and lose weight. Not lose weight to sound good.

So why should he make a concious effort to lose weight then? If it won't enhance his capacity as a singer, why should you or I care?

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So, Axl is very fat and he sounds awful, should he lose some weight and start working on his voice, or not? Uhm, uhm.

How would losing weight improve his singing voice?

Learn to read bro. I said "and", never stated that losing weight would improve his voice.

So you do agree that losing weight would not improve his voice, correct?

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And I never said that if he lost weight he would sound better. He should work on his voice and lose weight. Not lose weight to sound good.

So why should he make a concious effort to lose weight then? If it won't enhance his capacity as a singer, why should you or I care?

I thought it'd be easy for you to understand why he should lose weight. He's out of breath every 5 seconds. He's struggling to sing some songs even if he keeps singing them with clean (weak) vocals.

Being fat is not healthy, by any means.

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I love how they pretend GNR's image hasn't always been a major factor in their appeal. Sure, the music is great, but it was also about how they looked and moved. You know, the ENTIRE, performance.

Within your post you recognize sex appeal was integral to old GNR and the then dwindling late 80s industry. Sex appeal had nothing to do with the band that performed in 2002 nor does it conciously have anything to do with the current line-up. Would Adele or Kanye be strictly in synch with the notion of sex appeal?

Notice I mentioned "sex" zero times.

I'm done with your baiting.

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So, Axl is very fat and he sounds awful, should he lose some weight and start working on his voice, or not? Uhm, uhm.

How would losing weight improve his singing voice?

Learn to read bro. I said "and", never stated that losing weight would improve his voice.

So you do agree that losing weight would not improve his voice, correct?

Not his voice but his performance, sure.

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So, Axl is very fat and he sounds awful, should he lose some weight and start working on his voice, or not? Uhm, uhm.

I'm not sure if Axl is scientifically obese but if he is, why do you think implementing a weight loss regime would enhance his current vocal level? 2002 would suggest that optimum physical condition mighn't necessarily create improvement.

Nah, I don't think he's obese, just very fat. And I never said that if he lost weight he would sound better. He should work on his voice and lose weight. Not lose weight to sound good.

i love when sane people post on this forum.

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I love how they pretend GNR's image hasn't always been a major factor in their appeal. Sure, the music is great, but it was also about how they looked and moved. You know, the ENTIRE, performance.

Within your post you recognize sex appeal was integral to old GNR and the then dwindling late 80s industry. Sex appeal had nothing to do with the band that performed in 2002 nor does it conciously have anything to do with the current line-up. Would Adele or Kanye be strictly in synch with the notion of sex appeal?

Notice I mentioned "sex" zero times.

I'm done with your baiting.

This isn't some homophobic witch-hunt as you're attempting to insinuate badly. While you didn't explicitly say sex appeal you paraphrased it.

And I never said that if he lost weight he would sound better. He should work on his voice and lose weight. Not lose weight to sound good.

So why should he make a concious effort to lose weight then? If it won't enhance his capacity as a singer, why should you or I care?

I thought it'd be easy for you to understand why he should lose weight. He's struggling to sing some songs even if he keeps singing them with clean (weak) vocals.

Make your mind up. Will it improve his singing or not?

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