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When did Axl start travelling separately from the band?


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I've noticed that Axl only travels with the band when they all have to charter a plane overseas or something. Otherwise he always flies/drives separately from the rest of the band. He's never on the tour bus with NewGNR.

When did this start and why does he do it?

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from 1987 to 1993 I'm pretty sure that Axl traveled with the band except for Izzy who traveled by himself when he could. I don't know how he does it now my guess is he travels with Beta and her kids. He takes a bit longer to move around and this way the band doesn't have to wait for him?

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On the 1991 tour Izzy travelled by camper van. He had this van with his motorbikes and his dogs and his girlfriend. It was to avoid the drug/booze excesses of Duff and Slash (Izzy was now sober).

Axl sometimes used the GN'R plane as there is a picture of him in Robert John's book playing a guitar on it. Sometimes, in Europe (and I think this happened in N. America also) he would fly out seperately but for the big trans continental flights, they all went on the same plane. In fairness, the others would occasionally travel seperately. Slash might be in another part of the world seeing rare snakes in a zoo, Axl might be hobnobbing with celebs in somewhere like Paris and the others might be in a different country also. So they would all convene from different parts of the world for the gig. It was a very excessive tour.

Edited by DieselDaisy
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I thought Izzy got the camper van because he got in trouble on a flight.

I don't know if use of a private plane is excessive if they're constantly working and have limited time off. Sometimes that 1-2 days of getting the hell out of there recharged their batteries. It might not seem like it, but just imagine all you see 24/7 is a locker room, a hotel room, and an RV for weeks or months at a time, and maybe a few hours of that is actual "work", what they're getting paid to do. It's not as bad as being on a submarine or being in prison, but someone from those worlds could relate.

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If boring means, the band actually turning up on time for the price I have paid on the ticket, and delivering a full setlist devoid of temper tantrums, I take boring.

Ha. No arguments there. Makes for a great topic of conversation though.

Just saying that Guns usually keeps it interesting whereas Metallica is more of a punch in punch out kinda thing.

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i read this interview witch i'm guessing was after appetite and axl traveled in a separate bus.

"Axl is so sensitive and so erratic that even the other members of the band are awed by - and maybe tired of - his "mood swings."

He travels on a separate tour bus, not only because he stays up at night and sleeps during the day but also to reduce friction with the other band members"


Edited by netcat
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